Assertion for Array of constant values.

Hi Team,
I have to assert a array of fields where response value is always constant.
For Example:
color: "red",
value: "#f00",
Available : "yes"
color: "green",
value: "#0f0",
Available : "yes"
color: "blue",
value: "#00f",
Available : "yes"
color: "cyan",
value: "#0ff",
Available : "yes"
color: "magenta",
value: "#f0f",
Available : "yes"
color: "yellow",
value: "#ff0",
Available : "yes"
color: "black",
value: "#000",
Available : "yes"
In the above response i wanted to assert the field Available. is there any way ??
Hello Udaya,
Select the "Apply to All.." option to assert that all "Available" values in the payload are "yes".