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Remote execution for SOAtest Server script

benken_parasoft Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭

The Parasoft Marketplace now has a bash script for running tests on a remote SOAtest server. Visit the marketplace then look for Remote execution for SOAtest Server script for download link and details.

You can invoke this script directly from a bash prompt or from another bash script. This script can also be invoked from your CI system as a build step to run your functional and integration tests on a SOAtest Server. Use this script in combination with Parasoft Findings to publish the test results into your CI system (Bamboo, Jenkins, TeamCity, VSTS).

The server URL, credentials, and test scope are passed to the script as command line arguments. Test execution progress is printed, indicating whether the job is queued or the percent completed. When the test execution has finished, a test summary is printed and the SOAtest XML/HTML reports are downloaded.