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Succesfull test in SOATest fails with SOATestcli.exe
I am implementing an automated parasoft test solution using soatestcli.exe. Our test suite uses sql query to validate test result. I currently have a probleme where SOATest and SOATestcli.exe gives different results.
SOATest : all test passes
SOATestcli : I get this error
<Position XPath="/SQLException"> <Subtree Operation="insert" Child="1"> <SQLException>java.sql.SQLException: Unable to instantiate class "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver". Please check the DB driver classname and the jar file locations in Parasoft > Preferences > JDBC Drivers.</SQLException> </Subtree> </Position>
The JDBC Drivers preference seems ok in parasoft:
What am I not getting? Where does SOATestcli get its JDBC Drivers preference?
I am using parasoft 9.10 64bit on Windows 2008 r2.
Thank you.
It looks like you posted a duplicate (or two). See my reply in the original thread.