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Getting SOATest Report thru Email

Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭
edited August 2017 in SOAtest

Hi Team

There is situation i need to send the HTML Report of the Test result.

Planning to add a last test as Messaging Client and use SMTP option to send email. But would like to know where the HTML test result would be saved in the system.

Note: If possible would like to send as that HTML as richtext mail.



  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,309 ✭✭✭

    The HTML report location is configurable when using soatestcli (-report argument) or from the UI in the dialog you see when clicking the Create Report button. SOAtest can also be configured to email reports automatically. For detail, please look under "Help > Help Contents > Parasoft Test User's Guide > Configuration > Configuring Email Settings".

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭

    Thread says, SOAtest can be configured to email reports automatically. But there is no explanation how?

    Also i am expecting that to be added as test client to generate at the last. Problem here is linux scripting which triggers to run the test is having some constrains. To achieve we are expecting as a test at the end of the test suite or new test.

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 813 admin

    In SOAtest you do not create a test in your test suite to send reports. Instead, you enable the preferences option to email results once the tests are finished running. See the help topic "Testing from the Command Line Interface (soatestcli)" and look for "Reports> Email Notifications". If you enable the option "Send reports by e-mail", and you configure the Parasoft > E-mail preferences, SOAtest will automatically email the report to you when it is done running your test scenarios.

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭

    Thanks for the information, In my case we are using Environment Manager.

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭
    edited August 2017

    EM is generating the reports in this below path, how to get this numbers or path??


  • rahul157
    rahul157 Posts: 30

    Hi Parasofttoudaya,

    Use SOAtest REST API to generate reports headlessly.

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭

    is there any help document, how to use API to get the reports?

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 813 admin

    You actually don't need to use the REST API. It sounds like you want any SOAtest jobs that get executed by Environment Manager to email the reports for those jobs - correct? If so, then you need to specify the E-mail and E-mail Notifications preferences in the localsettings file that you use to start SOAtest server. Please see the help topic "Automation/Iteration (Nightly Process)" under "Using a localsettings File" for an example of what properties you would use (see the report.mail properties). Once you set this on the SOAtest server, then any job that gets executed in SOAtest will email the reports for that job.

  • Parasofttoudaya
    Parasofttoudaya Posts: 232 ✭✭

    Thanks Jakubiak. This is what i am looking for.
    I also heard that using API i can pull the above mentioned path and send that as a email. I am looking into it, will update the post once i get that information.