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Error preprocessing file while static analysis

chans Posts: 2

Hi, I`m new to the cpptest tool.
My object is to handle static analysis in our project.
cpptest is implemented on our linux machine.
But when I execute it with cpptestcli with specific properties, error is occurred:

[C++test] [xpusch_denc0_cmn.c] Error preprocessing file "/home/chanseok.kang/svn/sw/chip0/dsp/dsp0/phy/xpusch_denc/src/xpusch_denc0_cmn.c":
[C++test] [xpusch_denc0_cmn.c] Process exited with code: 1
[C++test] [xpusch_denc0_cmn.c] Error during parsing file: /home/chanseok.kang/svn/sw/chip0/dsp/dsp0/phy/xpusch_denc/src/xpusch_denc0_cmn.c
[C++test] [xpusch_denc0_cmn.c] ...failed.

I don`t know why this is happened. Strangely, in other environment, it works fine. It can generate correct report, no error is occurred.

Do anybody know what the cause is?

Thanks in advance.


  • Jromero
    Jromero Posts: 28


  • Jromero
    Jromero Posts: 28

    Hi @chans environment can be the cause/reason why you are able to run Static Analysis in one Computer but not in yours. Could you please provide me details about the 2 computers at environment and project level? Ex. Which OS? In which computer the project was created and so on?

  • chans
    chans Posts: 2

    Thanks for comment, Actually, I mis-configured the compiler path. Both machine has linux environment, and we worked on TI CCS project. For the Static Analysis, we used cpptest 9.5. the problem is that compiler path is not shown on the user-level side. So after I set the right path for TI compiler, it works.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0

    Hi @chans - problems like this are going to be specific to your environment - if you run into the problem again the future, please feel free to contact support via support@parasoft.com or open a support ticket in the customer portal (https://parasoft.force.com/customerportal/MyCases)