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App Config Settings

hilow Posts: 1


I have a set of unit test created using microsoft visual studio unit test project. This set of tests are all able to pass successfully when i run it using the test explorer that comes with visual studio.

I realised that all these test cases are also loaded automatically into parasoft's Test Case Explorer as well. However, when i tried to run them via the Test Case Explorer, the test cases fail. I encountered the exception "unable to determine the provider name for provider factory of type "System.data.SQLite,,,". This error is due to the App.config file not being set correctly.

Fo your information, i already have a App.config in the unit test project which comes with the correct settings (which is why the test cases are able to pass successfully in visual studio test explorer).

May i know what is the cause of this problem? Does parasoft's Test Case Explorer also loads in the App.config residing in the unit test project? If not, how do i set the App.config for the test case to be run via Test Case Explorer?

Please advise.

THanks alot!


  • Tobiasz
    Tobiasz Posts: 33 ✭✭


    To the best of my knowledge, dotTEST version 9.x does not load any *.config files and the feature you are writing about is not supported.

    However, I think that there is a possible workaround for this issue. dotTEST 9.x uses a custom tests runner that executes both NUnit and MSTest tests. You can provide this custom runner with a *.config file that contains your settings. In order to do so, perform following steps:

    1. Open dotTEST 9.x installation directory - usually it is C:\Program Files (x86)\Parasoft\dotTEST unless you specified another custom location while installing dotTEST.
    2. Open the folder named as your dotTEST version, e.g. "9.6". Please double check that this is the version integrated with your Visual Studio.
    3. Go to plugins\com.parasoft.xtest.libs.vstudio.dotnet\engine subfolder.
    4. Place your .config file in that subfolder and rename it to Parasoft.Dottest.TestsRunner.config.
    5. Run your tests from Test Case Explorer to see if this fixed the problem.

    You need to remove the settings file after tests are done, to make sure it will not impact any other tests you will run in the future.

    Please let me know if that solves your issue. Regards!