Checking accessibility of colour in CSS
Is it possible to check the colour combination for font and background when the style is controlled by CSS. I need to scan a page and check if the colour difference and brightness meet the accessibility standards. like the report that can be produced by Jucie Studio…
Importing defeatsHi Are there more Test Director columns that can be specified for the defect element other than what was documented in the concerto admin guide? There are many other columns available howevr it appears that BTS settings file has specific element names and wondering if there are more. Is there a schema for…
JMS subscribtion only
Is there a way to consume (not sending) from JMS topic only?Hello, I have use case in my testing where I wish to subscribe to the JMS topic and consume messages. From the options avaliable I can find only possibility to send request with JMSReplayTo header and consume from the choosen topic. Is there a way to consume only…
Stop LoadTest when reaching max hit count
Hi, I need to run a load test that will run until the hit count reaches 50,000. I need to analyze how long it took to reach that count and the average response time during the duration. I tried looking everywhere in SOAtest, any clues? Also, is there a way to view transaction/hit count real time during testing? Maybe some…
Links to test file locations
Following the paragraph "Executing Existing CppUnit Test Cases" from the C++_userguide I added test files into tests subdirectory of my project. The "Test suite file search patterns" is set to "${project_loc}/tests/*". The problem is that files in the tests directory which are linked to somewhere else are not executed.…
Running test executable on target device
Hello All, I have created a simple c application and test cases for that. Now i want to build test executable for that and run it on another machine through TCP/IP communication. Can anyone help me out with that as I am not able to generate test executable. Thanks
Information on project_loc variable
I am running VS 2008 with the integrated C++Test. Sometime when I run C++Test everything is fine, but other times, I have to remove the ${project_loc} and replace it with a hardcoded path. How and where is project_loc defined within C++Test? Not sure why it is getting overwritten or why C++Test can not recognize the…
Check Links use image title or longdesc instead src
Strange behavior from check links tools. On following URL : http://www.schneider-electric.com.mx/mexic.../centro_qox.xml Check links tools find 6 broken links (404 error). Let see one of them : <img title="QOX-3" alt="QOX-3" src="/images/pictures/newsletter/12dic09/1209_05_QOX-3.jpg" border="0" longdesc="QOX-3" /> The…
Webking reports from command line don't use UTF8
Hi, I have to scan some chinese or russian sites. To report pages' title, I've created my own rule with the following Javascript code : function ReportTitle(node, context) { var RuleContext = Packages.com.parasoft.api.RuleContext ; RuleContext = context ; RuleContext.report(node.toString()) ; return 1 ; } Then, when I…
Web application testing (RIA, AJAX, ...) now in SOAtest and Load Test
Parasoft's web application testing capabilities are now available with Parasoft SOAtest and Parasoft Load Test. To learn about our current web testing capabilities, see the web application testing (RIA, AJAX, ...) page and the Functional and Load Test Solution page.
Code Coverage other than Line Coverage
Is there an option in the parameter file that will allow for the running the code coverage to be something other than "Line Coverage", for example "Modified Condition/Decision Coverage"? If so what is the option? When running the unit tests can you have one pass of the unit tests report on all the types of coverage or do…
SOAP Message size it greater than allowed limit
Where is this error coming from?I'm trying to help a colleague run SOATest on a WCF web service operation, and for "big" responses, we are seeing this error in the SOATest client: SOAP Message size it greater than allowed limit [SECURITY.MSGSIZE v 1.0] This is perplexing, as the tool is actually able to get a response from…
Browser Data Bank -> Output
View and save extracted valuesI'm running a Web test and at the end of it I extract a value to a Browser Data Bank (Browser Content->Browser Data Bank). How can I: 1) Inspect the data bank. i.e. view the extracted values 2) Write the extracted values to a file. Thanks, Amela
How to run LoadTest from an Ant Script
It is very similar to running Load Test from the command line. 1) Open Load Test and go to Help > Documentation > Load Test Command Line Interface (cli) -- Follow the directions to create a script that calls the .lt file and provides specific parameters for a scenario similar to this one: CODE# # Load Test Script Commands…
How to Initiate LoadTest Using an ANT Script
I read the forum topic "How to run SOAtest from an Ant script" and in the similar way I tried initiating the loadtest using Ant Script. But it is not working. This is how I tried : **************** <project> <target name="TARGET_NAME"> <exec executable="c:\Progra~1\Parasoft\Load Test\6.1\lt.exe"> <arg value="-cmd"/> <arg…
Requirements Tracking?
What is Requirements Tracking for?Does anyone know that the Requirements Tracking panel is for in SOATest 6.1 Test Suites? Can you give some examples how and why to use it? Thanks, gozer
Record tab key in web browser testing
Here are the instructions to capture TAB key in web browser testing 1) Close SOAtest if it's open 2) There are two copies of UserCustomizableOptions.js files - one for IE and one for Firefox - located under <SOAtest Installation Directory>/plugins/com.parasoft.xtest.libs.web_VERSION#/root/browsers/ie <SOAtest Installation…
Record double click action in SOAtest [Pre- 9.7]
Here are the instructions to capture double quick action in SOAtest 1) Close SOAtest if it's open 2) There are two copies of UserCusomizableOptions.js files (One for IE and one for Firefox) located under <SOAtest Installation Directory>/plugins/com.parasoft.xtest.libs.web_VERSION#/root/browsers/ie <SOAtest Installation…
How to solve errors when running the VAPI-XP test script
in HP Quality Center.The following errors may happen when running the VAPI-XP test script in HP Quality Center. 1.) "Automation server can't create object" Make sure you have installed the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit SDK as explained in the SOAtest User's Guide. The installer can be found on the Quality Center install disk. The…
Linux: How to run SOAtest with a different JRE/JDK
If using SOAtest 6.x/9.x (linux,solaris,windows) you can do this by passing a "-Zjava_home" {path_to_jdk} command line argument (however SOAtest 6.2 does already ship with Java 6, SOATest 9.x ships with Java 7, and SOAtest 9.10 ships with Java 8 [edited]) *** For SOAtest 5.5.3 and earlier 1.To setup and start SOAtest,…
Custom report that display individual tests
Has anyone written a custom report for SOATest 6.1 that displays the individual tests within a test suite rather than just the summary info (Num tests, percent pass, Success, Failure) that the default report in SOATest produces? Thanks - Hugh
Executing Rest Test Cases
WebservicesHi Can someone guide me on how to Execute a Rest Webservice via SOATest. All i am trying to test the current webservices return a json reponse based on the site requested Many Thanks in Advance. Regards Kadaparthi
Keep alive connection/Close Connection
Hello, during our test with SOAtest 5.5.3 the SOAP-Client throws following error message from time to time (not predictable nor repeatable): "Software caused connection abort: socket write error". Our test-scenario consists of the following test: Test 1 -> Python-Method for creating a unique message-id Test 2 -> SOAP…
Subversive Add-in for SOAtest/Eclipse
Hi, I am trying to get the Subversive add-in running in our environment (SOAtest 6.1) and I am having trouble adding a repository. I installed the checked item (Subversive SVN Team Provider) in the image below and I am not sure if I need to install anything additional. I used the Eclipse Software Updates and Add-ons…
How to access a window or frame's document
when chaining an extension tool to a browser testing toolThese examples are intended for use when chaining an Extension tool to a Browser Testing Tool, used in a Web Functional Test. getDocument is overloaded as follows: CODEgetDocument(); // gets the document for the main window getDocument(String windowName); // gets the…
Web Service API - Execute specific tests
Hi, I am looking into using the Web Service API to execute tests from Quality Center. I know that you can set the additionalArgs value so that it only executes specific tests within the suite but this is only available when useWebService is false. Is there a way to do this when using the web service? // Passes additional…
Add the active environment to my test
I would like to know how to tell to my navigate step to get the active environment. Since I have 3 environments were I like to run the same test. Like www.certifiactionserver.com www.productionserver.com www.stagingserver.com the main idea is run the same test over these 3 environments, since my test was recorder from a…
Validate the results from SOAtest automatically?
is there any way to read the responses and validate the fields?Hi, I have a bunch of tests created in the SOATest, I was kind of wondering if there any way to read the values in the responses and validate them automatically. In other words can I automate the whole process of the following testing example: -> Already…
Quality Center VAPI-XP Test Execution
Hi, I am trying to execute a test from QC using the VAPI script provided in the examples folder and am getting the following output/errors: Output: startTestExecution: <ns2:startTestExecutionResponse xmlns:ns2="http://www.parasoft.com/ns/schema/soatest.xsd"><pid>22037933</pid></ns2:startTestExecutionResponse> pid: 22037933…
Verify Response against Database
Hi, Is there a way to take an element from a request and validate it against a database? Example: Input has Archive_id = 099999 I would like to take this value from the request and query the results from the response against the values in the database. I am not sure how to go about this. I have read some threads about DB…
Saving output from JavaScript
I found some JavaScript that will give me the IP Address of the local machine where I am running tests and this code works quite nicely. CODE function GetIPAddress(input, context) { var ip = java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(); var ipStr = new java.lang.String(ip.getHostAddress()); return (ipStr); } The problem is that I…
Can Quality Center display multiple responses?
Hi, I am running a Test Suite where I have a parametrized data set running 153 test cases but only 1 Test Case setup in SOA Test. So although I am technically running 153 test cases, the results only show 1 result in Quality Center. I was wondering if there is a way to have QC show the results for each parametrized test…
Piecing together SOAP requests
We need to piece together some SOAP messages using the SOAP Client and I'm looking for suggestions on how to approach it in SOATest 6.1. Assumptions: - The SOAP Header comes from an Excel Data Source for each request. - For some tests, the SOAP Body may be completely stored in a cell in the XLS file. This seems to work ok…
Form Input XML and Literal XML
I seem to be having an issue switching between request input types using the SOAPClient in SOATest 6.1. I pasted some XML into the Literal XML window. When I switch to Form XML view, it asks if I want to override values in Form XML view with values from Literal XML. That is good. However, it does not do this when switching…
Assert Value against database
Hi, I would like to know using SOATEST 5.5 how can I assert that the value returend in a SOAP/XML response from my webservice is the same as in the DB. Thanks in advance
Callback tool needs to ignore failure
Hi, I'm trying to use the callback tool to dequeue messages from a JMS queue in a loop (using a test suite as the looping mechanism). Once the queue is empty, the callback tool reports a failure. Is there a way to mask the failure so that the step continues to report success?
Rule wizard
Hi. What does the Rules feature do? I was trying to rules with the rule wizard, but I don't know how it is used for SOATest. Are there examples for nonGUI tests (e.g. SOAP tests) that I can run? THanks.
Validate self terminating tag
Hi, I am using Soatest 5.5. How do I assert a self terminating tag , these are seen when no results are returned. See example below. I want ot verify that the tag bold and italics is present as shown here. ==================================================== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <s:Envelope…
Using Test Results from within the a test Suite
Hello, I have 5.5.2 Service pack 10 I have a test suite with 10 individual tests, i would like to have access to the different test results so i can do an SQL insert with that information. Is this information available as a variable? How might you suggest performing this action - I saves me from post-processing the XML -…
How to close browser
I am using WebTest in SOAtest 6.1. I am running multiple test suites at one time and every time one suite is finished, I like to close the IE or Firefox browser completely before the next suite starts. How can I do that? Do I need to write a script to complete this task? Thanks.
How to make test report message as differenlt language
Hello, Currently, I have a problem with message report, which I need to send this English report to some French knowing group, So how can I translate these English message to Frencch and where can I find these message files? Here is an instance, the results message shows:" V <IMG>: Height and width should be defined with…
Can Method Tool return custom XML structure
Normally, when I want to return an XML structure in a Method tool to be chained with a Data Bank I use the command: return SOAPUtil.getXMLFromString(["myStringList"] The format is always a simple list: <root> <z0>myString1</z0> <z1>myString2</z1> ... </root> Is there a way (either in Java or Jython) that I can create my…
How to best run all tests in batch (nightly process)
Looking to 'automatically' find all tests in a folder structur(SOAtest V6.1) We want to test a large number of Web Services as part of an SOA implementation and we'd like each service's tests to be in it's own .TST file. The developer responsible for each service is responsible for maintaining the tests for that service…
Modify data bank in Method Tool
Is there a way to directly modify a data bank (actually many of them) in the method tool (using Jython)? I know I can add a databank as an output tool, but this seems very indirect. I'm looking for something similar to MethodToolContext.getVariable(), which only returns test suite variables. Thanks.
LoadTest Request depending on Hits/Minute
Hi, I am working on Performance Test. Please help me creating below scenario in SOA test, 1) I would like to send 1 request from soa test for evey 37 seconds i.e. 1.6 request/minute 2) When I choose "Hits per minute" in vertical scale still values of the scale are remain unchanged & still showing values of "number of…
Need to add values to validation sum is 100
Hi, I would like to write a method to summarize these values. Note that XML Data Bank list the percentage value as Percentage, percentage 1, percentage2, etc. There was an example in the forums, but after several attempts, I was not able to get the python script to work. I would like to be able to run the script and verify…
Add a listener to the stop-button
Hello, I have a test scenario at which I start a SOAP request and check the response via the Call Back Tool. Afterwards I start a Java method with the help of the method tool. This Java class checks another message queue for a correct further processing of my SOAP request. This is done by a repeated lookup at the queue at…
Command Line -> Not founding Test Configuration - full path suggestion
Hello everybody, I'm having a trouble trying to execute SOAtest from commandline, specifically, the test is not able to find the Configuration File: ERROR: Error: Non-existent configuration examp.properties in workspace: C:\Rodrigo\SOATest\SEO workspace This is the command i'm launching: soatestcli runtest…
Need to dynamically target multiple Hosts via CLI
What can I use besides the -router option?(SOAtest V6.1) I know that the -router option is deprecated for the 6.1 CLI but . . . I have a requirement that this feature and no other seems to solve. We have a very large number of services, each service with its own .TST file. We need to run a subset of tests from each file…
Query Alternate Message Queue
Hi, we are trying to test an Websphere MQ Server with SOAtest 6. We are sending a message without synchronous response. However after succesfull processing of the message the backend system is putting a message on a different Channel/Queue which we are trying to read for our verification. Is it possible to query a message…