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Problem finding missing WAI-ARIA attributes using Webking 6.0.5 Servic

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
I am trying to find out all JSP pages that require "role, aria-*, ..etc" related attributes in my project.
EX: (The following code should have aria-checked missing error..etc)
<input id="form1:table1:4:table2:0:radio2" type="checkbox" name="form1:table1:4:table2:0:radio2"
class="selectBooleanCheckbox" onclick="setHiddenSelectedSourcePartyId(this, event); return suspectList_checkbox2_onclick(this, event);" />
Testing Environment:
-JSPs are written in HTML 4.0.1
-WAS 7.0 Global Security On
-Webking 6.0.5 Service Pack 9.1
My testing procedaures:
1)creat an Ajax Functional test project
2)go through JSPs
3)run a Static analysis for functional test with STEP 4a: Check Web Accessibility (WCAG 2.0)
Please point out what might have caused this issue and how to solve it.
I am trying to find out all JSP pages that require "role, aria-*, ..etc" related attributes in my project.
EX: (The following code should have aria-checked missing error..etc)
<input id="form1:table1:4:table2:0:radio2" type="checkbox" name="form1:table1:4:table2:0:radio2"
class="selectBooleanCheckbox" onclick="setHiddenSelectedSourcePartyId(this, event); return suspectList_checkbox2_onclick(this, event);" />
Testing Environment:
-JSPs are written in HTML 4.0.1
-WAS 7.0 Global Security On
-Webking 6.0.5 Service Pack 9.1
My testing procedaures:
1)creat an Ajax Functional test project
2)go through JSPs
3)run a Static analysis for functional test with STEP 4a: Check Web Accessibility (WCAG 2.0)
Please point out what might have caused this issue and how to solve it.
Hi Jimchou,
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