How to run SOAtest 6.2/9.X from Ant script

Does the configurations done for 5.5 hold goods here, which is mentioned in the below below.
Thanks & Regards,
Good morning Ash,
I'd be happy to try and provide an answer for your questions.
According to the SOAtest 9.0 documentation, Parasoft SOAtest’s command line mode allows you to perform tests from Windows or UNIX command line shells and to run SOAtest from automated build utilities such as Ant, Maven, and CruiseControl using "soatestcli". Please note that a command-line license is required to use soatestcli. This license is provided with Parasoft SOAtest Server Edition.
For ant, there is an "exec" task ( that can be used to instantiate soatestcli. Here's an example build file, template.xml:
<project name="project_name" default="runSOAtest">
<target name="target_name">
<exec executable="path_to_soatestcli.exe\soatestcli.exe">
<arg value="-data"/>
<arg value="path_to_eclipse_workspace_loaction"/>
<arg value="-config"/>
<arg value="path_to_test_configuration"/>
<arg value="-resource"/>
<arg value="path_to_test_file\test.tst"/>
<arg value="-report"/>
<arg value="path_to_report_file_destination"/>
Then, you could execute this from the command line (in the Ant\bin directory) with the command:
ant -f path_to_template.xml\template.xml target_name
you can customize how SOAtest runs and reports by exploiting the SOAtest command line interface. To add additional arguments to the command line in the script, simply place additional <arg value=""/> tags into the <exec> tag. For more on the available commands for the SOAtest CLI, feel free to consult the help documentation at:
for Parasoft SOAtest 9.0 - Help > Parasoft SOAtest User's Guide > Running Tests and Analysis > Testing from the Command Line Interface (soatestcli)
for Parasoft SOAtest 6.2 - Help > SOAtest User's Guide > Test and Analysis Basics > Running Tests and Analysis > Testing from the Command Line Interface (soatestcli)
Please let me know if this helps answer your questions regarding using Ant scripts to run SOAtest test files.
Thank you and regards
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Good morning Ash,
I'd be happy to try and provide an answer for your questions.
According to the SOAtest 9.0 documentation, Parasoft SOAtest’s command line mode allows you to perform tests from Windows or UNIX command line shells and to run SOAtest from automated build utilities such as Ant, Maven, and CruiseControl using "soatestcli". Please note that a command-line license is required to use soatestcli. This license is provided with Parasoft SOAtest Server Edition.
For ant, there is an "exec" task ( that can be used to instantiate soatestcli. Here's an example build file, template.xml:
<project name="project_name" default="runSOAtest">
<target name="target_name">
<exec executable="path_to_soatestcli.exe\soatestcli.exe">
<arg value="-data"/>
<arg value="path_to_eclipse_workspace_loaction"/>
<arg value="-config"/>
<arg value="path_to_test_configuration"/>
<arg value="-resource"/>
<arg value="path_to_test_file\test.tst"/>
<arg value="-report"/>
<arg value="path_to_report_file_destination"/>
Then, you could execute this from the command line (in the Ant\bin directory) with the command:
ant -f path_to_template.xml\template.xml target_name
you can customize how SOAtest runs and reports by exploiting the SOAtest command line interface. To add additional arguments to the command line in the script, simply place additional <arg value=""/> tags into the <exec> tag. For more on the available commands for the SOAtest CLI, feel free to consult the help documentation at:
for Parasoft SOAtest 9.0 - Help > Parasoft SOAtest User's Guide > Running Tests and Analysis > Testing from the Command Line Interface (soatestcli)
for Parasoft SOAtest 6.2 - Help > SOAtest User's Guide > Test and Analysis Basics > Running Tests and Analysis > Testing from the Command Line Interface (soatestcli)
Please let me know if this helps answer your questions regarding using Ant scripts to run SOAtest test files.
Thank you and regards
Hi dlawry,
Thanks for your help on this. This has answered my question.