Help with Response validation using DataSource
Regression controls not picking the latest values...Using Response Validation Wizard I created 'Regression Controls' for specific elements within the SOAP response. Set up the Datasource (Table) with Column names matching the Response elements and expected data values. Is the data statically bound to the regression control…
How to start Unit Testing?
i'm developer in S.KOREA. we make a small size of window application. we did no unit testing yet. we just did coding standards analysis with c++Test tools. i want start unit testing on our development cycle with c++Test tools. How can we start it? what is need to know to build new testing process standard? do you have any…
Timeout is normal
I have a piece of code that should wait on a semaphore for forever if everything is working OK. /*Setup threads and wait*/ sem_wait(&semaphore); //Wait for forever unless program termination is required. /*Case for exit conditions*/ and should only fail if one of the child threads releases the semaphore, meaning some…
External tool does not exit - External tool should not require user input
I want to run an executable (.exe) that needs to an Enter key when it completes so it can exit. How can I do this using the External Tool? When running the External Tool and invoking the .exe, it nevers stops because the .exe needs the Enter key to exit. Does anyone know how to work this out?
Writable data source modes
What do they each mean?What do the different modes in the Writable data source mean? There is Setup mode: append and Standard mode: Overwrite or Append. Say I want to keep a bunch of data from one test suite. Later in a second test suite, I want to iterate through all that data, act on it, and then delete it. It seems like…
IE Error in Webking 6.0
I am getting an IE Error in Webking 6.0Hi, I am using Parasoft Webking 6.0 trial version and trying to Create Functional tests scripts for our Non-Ajax supported site. In start URL i gave our site address and selected ?Create Functionality Tests? option and clicked on Finish button. Then automatically IE browser (I am…
LNK 2001 and LNK 2019 errors
link time error at test case compilationHi everyone, I would like to introduce you my brand new link time problem. And here it is. LNK 2001 and LNK 2019 errors. Here, you can find my ProjectConfigurations/LinkerOptions tab settings; At User Libraries combobox; LINKER OPTIONS /INCREMENTAL /NOLOGO /LIBPATH:"C:\Qt\4.2.1\lib"…
Script migration from Silk Test to Webking
Script migration from Silk Test to WebkiCan we migrate test scripts created in Silk Test in to Webking and run them successfully.
WebKing and two-way SSL
WebKing does support two-way SSL. The solution to this is provided in the attached python script. The script itself has detailed instructions commented at the top.
Load Testing result description
Definition of terms used.Hi, I am just trying to confirm my understanding of the terms used in the SOATest Load Test Report. 1. Response Receive Time : is the time taken between sending a request to a destination and the reception of a response from that destination. 2. Server Time : is the time taken by SOATest to prepare…
Importing JTest Rules
Alternate way of importing rule configIs there a way to put the rules in a shared folder, rather than having each user add them to their workspace?
Deprecated options from Insure++ 7.1.X
The following options have been deprecated beginning with Insure++ version 7.1: Insure++.compiler_c Insure++.compiler_cpp Insure++.compiler_default These options have caused much confusion. Instead, the recommended way of invoking Insure++ instrumentation is to simply prepend "insure", to the front of your command line.…
Getting corrupted tca.log when files are merging
Is possible to merge tca.log files ?Hello, We are running many unit tests, each of them is a separated executable. They are run by a script one by one. Insure is merging tca.log files after each run, however, after some random spot we get report that tca.log file is corrupted and the merge fails. If we configure Insure to…
Browser Testing Timeout Options
There are a number of timeout options available for configuration in WebKing. Below is a description of the options and what they control. There are two timeout options configurable from the Preferences Panel: 1) Startup Timeout - This option controls how long WebKing will wait for the browser to tell WebKing that it is…
JavaScript in a file
How do i use a javascript in a file ?I have a javascript that will generate GUID's and would like to reuse the script without having to copy and paste the content into a textbox every time i want to use it. Any hints on how to do this ? Regards, Mads
Javascript Error when using java-api
"Javascript not enabled"When I use the WebKing api (6.0), javascript does not run on the pages. When I do this via the GUI, all is well. Previously, I got around this by putting Thread.sleep's but I can't do this anymore because the javascript on our UI has changed. Additional Information: 1. Our web pages have javascript…
Webking Vs ***
Webking Vs ***Hi, We are looking into WebKing for our Automation testing (Regression as well as Load). I know Webking gives us a extra feature of Load testing in the tool, but taking into Consideration of Regression Testing, how is WebKing better than ****** ?? What are the advantages and Disadvantages.
Transient Test Suite Variables
Creating, Using, and SavingHi Everyone, A lot of this information can also be found in the Scripting API accessible via the Help Menu. The examples here involve variables that will be reset to the initial value of your choosing after each test run. These are available as far back as 4.5.1 SP2.0, although the GUI has…
WebKing System Requirements
Below are the recommended amounts of system resources required to run WebKing Hard Drive Space: Full Install (including JRE): 185 MB - Unix versions will always take up this much space Install excluding JRE: 130 MB Memory Requirements: 512 MB (Professional Edition) 2048 MB (2GB) (Enterprise Edition - load testing) By…
read, modify, use and save number
I need to be able to read a number from a file, increment that number, use the incremented number in other data sources, and save that incremented number to the same file. In other words, I need an incrementor that is stored between test runs. Any ideas?
How do I change the JRE WebKing uses?
To view the JRE currently used by WebKing: Click on Help > About from the WebKing menu bar. To change WebKing to use the recommended JRE: Start WebKing from the command line by navigating to the directory where you installed it (usually the <install directory> is C:\Program Files\Parasoft\WebKing\<version_number>). Type:…
Functional test
Test runs ok, but data is not commitedIm using webKing 5.5. I perform a functional test based on a successfull test case. The test preforms an insert to 5 tables into a DB. Performing this test manually test runs ok. When using webking test runs also ok but data isnt recorded into the DB. Any ideas?
How to export/import customized tools?
get customized tools into another WKHello! I've a test project and a bunch of tools that I customized for testing it (e.g. by defining what tools should be run during a Statical Analysis). Now I need to be able to run exactly the same test on another machine with another installation of Webking. So I need to get the…
How to initialized QApplication object.
Qt auto generated test case do not playThe ability to unit test with QT headers and libraries is unique. Because without a correctly constructed QApplication object. The automatic test cases generated by C++Test may not run during test case execution, thereby showing no execution results. In order to properly test a QT…
Including junit user defined tests.
How to include my junit tests with JtestMy question is how do I import unit test cases that already exist and are defined with Junit into my Jtest?
Parameterization in DB tool
Parameterization in DB toolHow to get the SQL Query in DB tool parameterized by a nested element of XML Data bank. I used the following query but got SQL error Select * from where = $[long] where long is the nested element of OrderId which is the element in XML Data bank
How to examine data that was sent standard out
Data sent to standard out from a file1. Create a simple function that will accept two arguments, a filename and mode File: try.c -------------cut---------------------- /* try.c */ #include <stdio.h> /* the foo function will accept the name of the file and the mode as arguments*/ /* and pass the values to fopen, then prints…
Parameterize URL Args For Fixed Paths Load Testing
Using the following script example, you can parameterize URL arguments during load testing on fixed paths: 1) In the ?Paths? view, add the following Python script as a Pre-Traversal method tool to the top most node in your path (which could also be one of the nodes that your are parameterizing): CODEdef…
One to Many Data with XML Data Bank and Writable Data Source
How do we create a one to many data sourIs there a way to setup an aggregate data source in a test suite that uses values from a single row of one data source (like a global) with multiple rows from another? For example, create a global data source that contains login information and use the same values for each row from…
Missing Class Def in parasoft.jar
Using HttpUnit Test CasesRunning Webking 5.5 and trying to run an API class generated by Webking HttpUnit Test Case but keep getting this error when running the class. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/parasoft/reporting/AttributeHandler at webking.api.app.WebKing.setupMessageCollector(Unknown Source) at…
Radio Button Labels
WebKing error for labelled radio btnsI'm using WebKing 5.5 and getting the following error: WCAG 2.0: Success Criteria 1.3.1, 4.2.1: Form controls and their labelsshould be explicitly associated with the LABLE Element WCAG 2.0: Do not use the LABEL element implicitly. I am using JSF to perform the labelling and the…
Suppressing errors on dynamic url
I have an errors I want to suppress on a url that has a constantly changing value e.g. ...examplePage.do?id=20456 In the above example id is incrementing everytime therefore Webking thinks it's a different page everytime. So when I supress the error it only supress's for the page with id=20456, so the next time I run the…
Generating a unique number
For writing to an XML Data BankTo generate a unique number so that you may write that number to an XML Data Bank for use within another test you can use the following script. Within a method tool make sure python is the selected language and then enter this script. You can then chain an XML Data Bank to the method tool,…
XML Data Bank to Write File
XML Data Bank to Write FileIs there a way to use the write file tool to create a file based on a parameter that is saved by the XML Databank? For example, I have a response which I've saved one of the values in the XPath and the data source column name is called "getPreparedDataReturn". Can I create a file with this…
Jtest supports end to end functioanl testing
Is it possible to do end to end functional testing with Jtest?
Using PST as a License Server standalone on linux
PST contains three products which are GRS, TCM, and License Server. To only use the License Server as a standalone installation on linux, follow these steps: 1) Download the PST file. The file name should be similar to PST_(version).sh 2) Run chmod on the file to make it executable. For instance, chmod u+x PST_(version).sh…
How to give expected result for a test
Can any one tell me how can I give Expected results for a test. For ex: I'm using calculaotr service, i want to give expected result for add test.
User Defined Load Testing Stop Actions
Sample ScriptsAs of SOAPtest version 3.0.1 (Build date: November 22, 2004), user defined scripted Load Tester stop actions have been introduced. These stop actions allow you to stop the load tester from executing if a particular condition or state is reached. Some sample scripts that can be used are shown below: CODEfrom…
Support for env vars in WK script
I'm using WK 5.5 for Windows, invoking WebKing scripts from a batch file, and am wondering if there is syntax for specifying folder paths via an environment variable for commands that take a filename parameter, such as 'open' and 'savereport'? Something like open %VAR%\project.wkj open $VAR\project.wkj The examples in the…
How to use the "Scripted XML" option
to generate XML within a SOAP ClientThe following example shows how to use the "Scripted XML" option within a SOAP Client to dynamically generate XML. To use this example: 1. Create a SOAP Client 2. Enter "http://soaptest.parasoft.com/calculator.wsdl" for the WSDL URI 3. Change the SOAP Envelope combo box to "Scripted XML"…
Updating regression controls from a WebKing script
how to?Hi, There doesn't appear to be an WebKing script command for updating regression controls. Does this mean it is necessary to open the project in the GUI and run Update Regression Controls after running a test from the command-line? I'm using WK 5.5 on Windows. Thanks...Greg
Unix debugger
Is it possible to change the default debugger from gdb to ddd?
Building shared libraries with Insure++ under AIX
Building shared libraries with Insure++Building shared libraries with Insure++ under AIX: The Makefile below has been modified to build a shared library with Insure++. The foo.c and Foo.C source files are first compiled into an object (using insure), then linked into a shared object , and finally archived into the shared…
Extending a path using record in browser
how to?Hi, After initially creating a path using Record in Browser, is it possible to subsequently add to that path using Record in Browser? For instance if I forget to include a certain click path the first time, or if I want to record initial paths as high-level "entry points" and return later to add more detail, can I…
Scripting - Print to the Message window
how to?Hello, is it possible to print to the SOATest Message window using the Method tool? or other? Thanks!
Calling methods that take arguments
I have a bunch of forms that not only change based on a users settings but also are being enhanced with new options every code cycle (little less than 6 weeks) I'm trying to get around webking updating the form itself since it sometimes fails and I have to manually go in and add a new form to replace the old. (I'm dealing…
Multiple Regression Controls for use with Mulitple Rows in an input data source
How do I ingore arrays of elements?I have a test that runs 4 iterations of a test and returns arrays of data. In one case I expect to verify 5 different arrays of data and in another test I only need to verify three arrays of data. How can I configure the test to verify upto 5 arrays and ignore arrays that are not…
Automatic Regression testing - data source iteration
Automatic Regression testingHello All, I am trying to execute the same test twice with a different endpoint value for each execution. This also must be done automaticly via the command line. How can I do this? Thank for you're help
Script to generate and return UUID
The script below invokes the SOAPUtil.generateUUID() method to return a string containing a univserally unique ID (UUID) CODE### Name: generateUUID ### Author: Mark Carlson ### Date: 09/15/2006 ### ### Description: Uses Parasoft API to generate universally unique ID (UUID) ### ### Usage: Returns string containing uuid ###…
How do I check if code changes caused problems?
Parasoft Jtest automatically executes your code and creates a snapshot of its behavior. Whenever the changes are made to the code, Jtest will compare the existing snapshot with the new results of the run and report unexpected results found in relation to the changed code. This process creates very effective regression test…