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Runtime exception in the test case generated!

LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
edited December 2016 in C/C++test
Exceptions in QString in the test cases generated...
Consider the following code Snippet!! - Its a Qt based application... In one of the generated test case, we have:


const ::QChar * _arg1_0 = 0 ;
/* Initializing constructor argument 2 (unknown) */
int _arg2_0 = cpptestLimitsGetMaxInt();
::QString _text (_arg1_0, _arg2_0); // QString ( const QChar * unicode, int size )

As per the details of the constructor, which reads this -> "Constructs a string initialized with the first size characters of the QChar array unicode. "

Since we are passing 'cpptestLimitsGetMaxInt()' to the size argument, the constructor, throws an assertion, which is thrown back to the test case -> which I think is the bug!!
So, the test cases generated in this case (in my case - most % of assertions are of this kind !! ) are faulty... Is there any workarounds for this problem?

Any help would be of great use to me..



  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
    edited September 2007
    Hi Muthu,

    This isn't a bug at all. It's simply what happens when QString constructor is called with incorrect arguments. C++Test created this test-case because it has *no* way of knowing that the QString constructor doesn't "like" these arguments. Simply verify this test-case, which tells C++Test that this is normal, expected behavior.

    C++Test deliberately tries to find "corner cases" which cause functions to fail in odd ways. In this case it's simulating a condition which may happen with an un- or improperly initialized argument.

    Alternatively, change the test-case, (it's just source code), to use arguments which you know to be correct, which allows C++Test to verify correct, as well as incorrect behavior.

  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
    I may not be right on this, but I thought if a test case was throwing an exception, you needed to modify the way C++Test calls the test case to let C++Test know that expect this function to throw an exception.


    To verify test cases, use the following assertions in the generated test class file:
    // Asserts that given expression throws an exception of specified type
    CPPTEST_ASSERT_THROW(expression, ExceptionType)
    // Asserts that given expression throws an exception of specified type
    CPPTEST_ASSERT_THROW_MESSAGE(message, expression, ExceptionType)
  • LegacyForum
    LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭

    I may not be right on this, but I thought if a test case was throwing an exception, you needed to modify the way C++Test calls the test case to let C++Test know that expect this function to throw an exception.

    Yes, that's one way of dealing with this -- you can select this test result in the C++Test view, right click and select "Verify" to accomplish the same thing automatically, by the way.

    Basically there's two ways of dealing with this:

    1/ Validate/verify the test result -- IOW: Tell C++Test that this is exactly what you are expecting; or
    2/ Change the test such that it doesn't fail -- basically making C++Test "more intelligent".
