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edgtk.useEdgPreprocessor false

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
When the edgtk.useEdgPreprocessor false option is set is it specific to a project or does it apply to the C++Test installation. Testing would dictate that it is not a global setting but local to the project. If the project is checked out in a different location the option is lost. How can it be applied globally?
Yes, the project properties/Other settings, where this option is entered, is project specific. These settings are stored in the .parasoft file found in the project directory. You will need to checkin/checkout the .parasoft file with your other project files to maintain these settings.When the edgtk.useEdgPreprocessor false option is set is it specific to a project or does it apply to the C++Test installation. Testing would dictate that it is not a global setting but local to the project. If the project is checked out in a different location the option is lost. How can it be applied globally?
Category: Question
Closed - Question answered above.0