How to merge report file
How to merge report fileHello, I'm using Jtest 6.0 on a linux server. When I run jtest with the command line from ANT, it happens that JTest jams. I followed a Jtest training and the teacher told me to separate jtest operations: coding check, generation and execution. The 3 separated operations work fine but the html…
webking 50 ---- wk.exe
wekking command line executeHow would I run webking from the command line. I have a project with regression tests that I would like to run from the comman line Create a report, save the report and email it. Is this possible ?
Download codewizard
Where can I download Codewizard? On the Parasoft download area I cannot find codewizard. Does that mean that it is not any longer supported?
How to manage testing
Among multiple developers using WebKingHere are some practices to ease testing with a number of developers using WebKing: 1) Make use of comments, notes and names: Many elements in WebKing allow you to add comments, notes and set their names. For example, make sure to comment paths to show what they do in the web…
Validating Web-based .nsf files locally
I am currently using WebKing with IBM build to validate Lotus Domino files (.nsf) in order to see if it meets GWA standards. I can't figure out how to integrate it to a project and start performing tests to it locally. help?
IIS and Integrated Security
I'm trying to test a web site that is running on IIS 6.0 and using Integrated Windows Authentication. The web site works fine with IE 4.x or better. I create a new project pointing to the home page. Webking asks for the Connection user and password. I enter the correct username and password and get - {Username: "colin" / }…
Regression test exceptions
How to skip certain parts of codeHi, I have no previous experience with WebKind and perhaps my question is not an issue to a savvy user. I noticed that when WK is run it picks such things like dynamically selected dates in drop-down menues and such. Since I know for sure that this is not an error or even a code…
Can I perform security testing with WebKing?
Yes, security testing is now available in WebKing 5.0. It requires WebKing Security edition as well as an optional security license. Using WebKing's security testing functionality, you can automate security static analysis and penetration testing to determine whether your Web application is vulnerable to the most common…
Hi All, please can any one let me know how to test Struts in Jtest, also i wanted to know is there any builtin rules in jtest for testing Struts. I am using Jtest6.0 version.
Using rpath on executable link with Insure++
use of rpath in executablesrpath on .so and executables Insure++ Version 7.0.1 (build 2004-10-30) Linux 2.4.20-8, RH9 gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5) I am trying to build an application which uses .so and includes an rpath in the link. The flags in question are -Wl,-rpath . -Wl,-rpath ../lib . When insure…
RuleWizard question
static variable detection in RuleWizardHi... Is there a way to detect a static variable in RuleWizard? I want a different naming convention for global variables which are static & non-static... Thanks, Ori.
How do I use Jtest Configurations with jtestcli?
Typically, jtestcli invocations follow this pattern:* Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% * UNIX: jtestcli -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test | property_file -config %CONFIG_URL% -report %REPORT_FILE% [/list] -config…
How does Jtest work across a team?
Jtest is a fully team-oriented Java development solution. The optimal Jtest team configuration is to have one Jtest Server Edition on the team build machine, a Professional Edition of Jtest on every developer workstation, one Jtest Architect Edition on the architect's machine, and one installation of Team Configuration…
What coding standard rules does Jtest check?
Jtest has a total of 700+ development rules developed by Java gurus such as Sun Microsystems, Scott Ambler, and Joshua Bloch, plus rules from popular open source coding standards tools (CheckStyle, PMD, FindBugs, etc.). To help users determine which rules to comply with, rules are categorized by topic (for instance,…
Does Jtest generate standard JUnit test cases?
Yes, Jtest automatically generates standard JUnit test cases and allows you to extend/modify these test cases in the standard JUnit manner, with real Java code. Additionally, it gives you the option of adding more test cases graphically (using a graphical object editor and a graphical test case editor with data source and…
Does Jtest work with Ant?
Yes. The Jtest command line interface (jtestcli) works with Ant to help Jtest users further standardize and streamline the testing process. By extending Ant using sample or custom Jtest build files, you can integrate Jtest testing into an automated compilation/build process. Because Ant is so extensible, it can assimilate…
test coverageNeed a way to know what my test coverage is with WebKing
My path has links whose text is changing
How can I click it?One solution to this problem is to create a Javascript node in your path at the point where the link appears: 1) Right-click the node in the path that loads the page with the link you want to click and choose "Add javascript test" 2) In the window that pops up, click "New" 3) Make sure sure your target…
Testing Web Pages in a specific Order
I am testing a web site that has a Public and a Customer pesonality. It changes menus, pages available etc depending on if the user has run the logon page. If they haven't then it assumes they are a Public user. To do the Customer personality I need Webking to Run the Logon page at the start of Static Analysis,…
How do I get rid of the error
Error occured during initial. of VMThis VM failure sometimes happens on machines with large amounts of memory, usually over 3 gigs. To fix this, we will need to pass an argument to SOAPtest to change the amount of memory allocated to the JVM in which SOAPtest runs. You will need to find out how much memory is available on…
Testing .java and .class files
How can we test .java/.class filesDear all, Is their a way to test a J2EE based appication (.class/.java) file with the help of BPELMaestro or Is their a way to integrate JTest with BPELMaestro? A quick responce will be highly appreciated. Regards,
wegking latest release (mar)
Penetration testingnotice when adding new paths, a new listing, "Penetration testing" click on it and created a bunch of test cases --- is this doc somewhere that I can read able these tests
Virtual Termial Forms changes/updates
Webking regressionMy VirtualTermialForm has change --- durning regression testing I am getting an error Invalid path:Cannot find matching form>Number of of form elements has changed. How do I update my VirtualTermialForms elements --- found something in the doc about TAB- Event were there might be a update icon/button ,…
Regressions after adding new functionality
I have a regression tests set up in WebKing and, in particular lines on a page, I must use ignores (because they are randomly generated). Now, in a new version of my app I've added a couple of new lines to increase functionality. Now I want to include those lines into WebKing's regression paths so it won't generate…
Code Wizard Problem
Unable to run code wizard for SymbianHi All, I have been using codewizard V4.3 with quite a few problems. I have tried analyzing the Symbian EKA2 C++ code, using code wizard on Microsoft Visual C++. But it gives some errors in the system header files that are not apart of the code I am trying to run. I would like to know…
Querstion on Insure++ suppression
Problem: When testing his application I get lots of errors reported from libXt.so library (one of X Window System graphical libraries, I'm on Linux). There are so many of these messages that I have hard time sifting through them to find the errors reported in my code. Question: Is there a way to suppress violations/errors…
webking regression testing
I have path regression tests with data input from an excel spreadsheet with 39 rows of input data. I see the data being inputed in the form durning load testing. How do I run a regression test with all the data being used? tab "Paths" Tools>Test Functionality only inputs the first row for the regression test
What do I do about "error LNK2011"?
The short answer: turn pch off. The warning: Some projects fail to build when you turn pch off. The longer answer: One can not mix the use of instrumented and uninstrumented precompiled headers in the compilations of object files destined to become part of a single executable. If instrumented and uninstrumented precompiled…
My project doesn't build when I turn pch off
Sometimes a project that uses precompiled headers fails to compile or link under Insure++. For such projects, it is sometimes necessary to turn pch off when instrumenting your code with Insure++. However, some projects will only build if PCH is turned on. Such projects are broken. They are usually just poorly configured…
Turning off suppressed messages
I want nothing suppressed I have tried removing every reference to suppressed in all .psrc files but things are still suppressed How do I see everything? thanks josh siegel
Bad PCH usage detected
Pre-compiled headersWARNING: Bad PCH usage detected, .\MyFile.cpp will not be instrumented. This error is caused by the use of pre-compiled headers in a Microsoft VS build. The use of PCH interferes with Insure++'s ability to properly instrument your code so this warning message is shown. To solve it you simply need to…
How do I debug a COM object with Insure++?
COM objects are always run in some process. Often, you will know if a COM object is "in process" or "out of process". Either way, the COM object is in some process, and that process must be debugged with InsureSpy.exe, inject.exe, or Visual Studio through clicking on the "Insure++ Debug" button. You cannot attach to a…
Log does not include detailed information frome execution
hello i am new to insure++. i read through the manual and i believe i compiled my source correctly. but the log files are not showing the informations that i am looking for. following contents are from the log files: MEMORY LEAK SUMMARY =================== 53 outstanding memory references for 1260 bytes (1K). Leaks…
partnerlinktype, porttype and targetnamespace
i wish to build a project in maestro. of which i have attached a sequence diagram. i have deployed these services in axis. of which i have got wsdl files.…
Testing Abstract and Interface classes
Does Jtest test Abstract and Interfaces?YES. Coding standards is performed on Abstract and Interface classes. And Unit Testing is performed as following: Abstract classes are tested by making an anonymous class that extends it and implements the abstract methods Interfaces are tested by just loading the class so static…
LoadTest Metrics
Load Test MetricsAfter doing a load test on Web Service , we are getting various parameters like time, request size , response size as metrics (result statistics) I want to understand what does the time metrics refer to ? Is time = request time + response time? Is there a way were i can collect the min, max and avg request…
Debugging child process from inject
Debug child process from inject?Hello, I've been using the "Debug child processes" flag in insra (in File > Run dialog) to debug a console application on Windows. I would like to do something similar with inject on the command line. I looked through the docs and couldn't find any inject option to do this. Thanks in…
Accessibility Check for Java files/classes ?
Hello, Just wondering if it was possible to use Webking to check Java files/classes for accessibility ?
Webking and Usability Test
Hello, I'm trying to automate my UI test ( Usability test) for JSP and HTML files. I was looking into how to do that using Webking. I looked under CodeWizard Check Web Standards and the rules are too general for my UI standards. Just to give you an example of what kind of rules we use , we want to make sure that there is…
Memory/ImageList.cc:206 assertion failed
Possible Insure crashI have an application that dynamically loads shared libraries and resolves an init function table. When I run it with insure it crashes with the error "Memory/ImageList.cc:206 assetion failed". Is this an insure problem or something wrong with my application? I have stripped the application down and…
BOGUS_LEAK explained
unexplained errorsWhen running my application, I get a couple messages of the form "BOGUS_LEAK" and a couple references to where in the code some memory is being allocated and where Insure++ thinks it might be getting deleted (I think). The manual has no entry on the message BOGUS_LEAK. Can someone fill me in on that?
custom tag is not recognized in JSP
When I run "Check Industry Web standards" against jsp files which contain custom tag, the result shows unknown tag. What can be done to make webking recognize custom tag from tag library in JSP file?
Application Hangs
There are times when running an executable that was built with Insure++ that it appears to "hang". Let us first characterize what "hanging" could be. i.e. Is it consuming CPU time? Is it consuming all available RAM and swapping to disk? Does it appear to be stuck in some kind of endless loop? Does it appear to be…
Update the LicenseServer for WebKing 5.0
In order to use the LicenseServer with WebKing 5.0, you will need to update the tool definitions in the LicenseServer. To do this: 1. Open the LicenseServer Administrator application (WWWLSAdministrator) 2. Click "LicenseServer Administration" 3. Scroll down and click "Supported Tools" 4. Click the "Refresh tool database"…
How to validate non-HTML file linked from my site?
This can include .pdf, .doc, .txt, or any kind of files which can be accessed from your website by clicking on a link. First you create the path to whatever file you want to verify. If Record Using Browser does not add the file that you want to verify to that path (although it should), you can add it manually by…
How do I access the unparsed HTML of a page?
Getting the unparsed HTML of the page is not an exposed API, although it can be done easily. Our example will show how to do this from the paths tree. Highlight the primary path node at which you want to get the HTML. On the right, choose the Actions tab, then click the Tools button. Click the New button at the bottom. You…
Compilation is too slow
I try to compile my CORBA c++ servers with Insure. But compilation is too slow - already 2 or 3 days. Is it possible to configure Insure to become more fast?
Encode entity in attribute - error
Encode entity in attribute - errorI am using WebKing to scan a page which has a mailto in anchor tags in it. For all of the lines where I have the mailto WebKing is returning the error "Encode entity in attribute". I have been looking around, but haven't been able to find out any information on what it is talking about.…
Can BPEL Maestro recover in case of a disaster?
Yes. Persistent state in BPEL Maestro consists of deployment information, which is stored on a local file system, and process instance state, stored in a relational database such as Oracle or MySql. The deployment information is backed-up to recover from a system crash when a process is being deployed. The recovery of the…
Does BPEL Maestro run in a clustered environment?
A single instance of the BPEL Maestro toolkit can manage multiple remote instances of the runtime engines concurrently. Clustering capabilities are currently limited in that distributed runtime engines must be partitioned by process description. Future versions will support distributed runtime engines with finer-grained…