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Why can I only have 1000 Virtual Users?

LegacyForum Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
When the amount of users rises over a certain limit, the performance of the computer, and all the runs, begins to dimish greatly. WebKing gets around this problem by distributing the load over several computers on the network. WebKing can be run as a Load Test Server on several machines. With these Load Test Servers, WebKing can have 1000 Virtual Users for any machine with the Load Test Server running.
  • 1. Install WebKing on the computers you wish to assist the Load Testing
  • 2. Run Load Test Server command or run webking -cmd -loadtestserver [port]
    • On Windows, the Load Test Server can also be installed as a service.
  • 3. Right-click the Machines folder in the Load Testing Window and select New Machine
  • 4. Under the New Machine window replace the Host name with the address to the Load Test Server installed on the network and change the port to the specified.
    • If no port was specified when the Load Test Server was launched, then the default one is 8189.
  • 5. Continue adding new Machines for all servers.
  • 6. Select the Virtual User Scenario that is wanted and move the User bar to the Number of Users wanted. All machines will run the selected number of users.
    • If you want different machines to run different number of users you unselect the checkbox Machine Independent on the right side. Now the number of users can be specified for each machine.