Does Jtest support J2ME for mobile applications?
Does Jtest support J2ME for mobile applications?
Forum should include Insure++ workarounds.
As a user of Insure++ I appreciate the support I get when I make a phone call. However, I would like a place(forum) I can talk to other actual users of Insure++ for possible ideas on things enherent in the design: How to debug real time programs? How to determine where the bug is if insure++ does not show it? What deep…
EJB Testing
How does Jtest deal with EJBs?========================================== J2EE - The How's and What's ========================================== The most popular question Jtest end-users ask is "Can I test my Ejbs?". The answer is, yes. The second most popular question end-users ask is, "How?" "Enterprise web applications,…
Skipping classes or resources.
How do you skip classes for testing?How do you skip class that you do not want to test in Jtest? 1. Right Click on the Project select Properties 2. From the "Properties for <project_name>" click on Parasoft. 4. Click on Scope Settings. 6. You will see "Resources to skip: " Click on "Add" button. 5. Choose the files you do…
I am pointing WebKing to my server log file, but
it is not parsing the entire file.Configure Server Log settings: 1. Click ?Tools | Customize Tools? from the menu bar 2. Select the ?Analyze Server Log? tool 3. Clear the ?Maximum entries? setting 4. If needed, clear the ?Maximum paths? setting
I access my web application via my company?s proxy
serverEnable Proxy: 1. Click on the ?Customize Preferences? icon on the icon toolbar 2. Select the ?Proxy? tab 3. Uncheck ?Use system proxy configuration? and check ?Enable proxy? 4. Enter the specific proxy information
How do I send my WebKing results to GRS?
Enable GRS logging: 1. Click on the ?Customize Preferences? icon on the icon toolbar 2. Select the ?GRS? tab 3. Check ?Enable GRS logging? in the SSL section of the pane 4. Enter the GRS server and port information 5. (Optional) Add any name/value attributes to the project
WebKing reports regression errors on my session ID
variable which I use in my dynamic app.Tell WebKing to ignore the session ID variable: 1. Select the root node in the project window pane 2. Select the ?Misc? tab 3. Add or select the variables that you want WebKing to ignore
Why is WebKing taking a long time to load certain
web sites?Why does it take WebKing a long time to load certain websites? Change the project?s HTTP Configuration: 1. Select the root node in the project window pane: 2. Click on the ?HTTP? button to the right of the ?Web Server? field 3. For the ?Default Pages? field, type ?*?, click ok
How do I use scripts to send random numeric values
as part of the SOAP request? Select the SOAP Client node you would like to configure. In the Parameters section of the right GUI panel, select Method from the Value drop-down menu. Click the User Method Properties button. The User Method Properties dialog box displays. Enter the following script in the Text box. # Creates…
How can I use a parameter from the SOAP response
as a parameter in a SOAP request? For example, Test 1 logs in to a service with a UserId and receives a sessionId. You can configure Test 2 to use the sessionId to perform transactions. To configure these tests: Clear the Deserialize Response checkbox in the SOAP Client panel of Test 1. Right-click the Test 1 node from the…
How do I perform basic authentication
in a SOAP Client? Select the SOAP Client node you would like to authenticate. Click the Transport Properties button in the SOAP Client panel. The Edit HTTP Properties dialog box displays. Click the Perform Authentication check box and make sure the Authentication Type is set to Basic. Enter the Username and Password and…
Can I still parameterize the Diff tool after I
create multiple regression controls?Yes, you can still parameterize the Diff tool. Just click on the Diff node and select Form XML from the Mode drop-down menu.
How do I diff an incoming SOAP response?
Ensure that the Deserialize Response check box is not selected in the SOAP Client. Right-click the SOAP Client node and select Add Output> Response> SOAP Envelope> New Output> Diff from the shortcut menu. An XML Response> Diff node displays in the test suite tree. Select the Response SOAP Envelope> Diff node in the test…
What if I have more than one Excel File?
I would like to use in a SOAP Client? Add the extra Excel files into SOAPtest as data sources. Add an Aggregate data source by completing the following: * Right-click the root Project tree node. * Choose Add New Data Source from the shortcut menu. * (Optional) Change the data source label in the Name field of the Data…
How do I use a data source in a SOAP Client?
Select the desired SOAP Client node from the test suite tree. Choose the appropriate data source from the Data Source drop-down menu in the right GUI panel. Note: The Data Source combo box will not display unless a data source was previously added to the test suite. If there is only one data source available, the SOAP…
How do I use an Excel Spreadsheet as a data source
Right-click the root Project tree node. Choose Add Data Source from the shortcut menu. (Optional) Change the data source label in the Name field of the Data Source panel. Choose Excel Spreadsheet from the Type box. (Optional) Use the Rows controls to indicate the range of rows you want to use and whether the rows can be…
How to import classes into a current or new proj?
Importing a class to a current project. 1. Right click on a Project that you will like to import a class. 2. select Import 3. From the Import window select File System click on Next 4. Browse to the directory which contains the class that you would like to import. 5. You will see the directory on the left frame and on the…
How do I clear all the Jtest errors from the views
Press the red 'X' on the Jtest Errors Found View. This will clear all the errors.
Different workspace during launch of Jtest
How to specify it.Jtest can be configured to use a different workspace by passing the -data tag to the Jtest executable. For example, • Windows: jtestcli.exe -data %WORKSPACE_DIR% -resource resource_to_test -config "team://Team Configuration" -publish -localsettings acme_policy.settings • UNIX: jtestcli -data…