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.Test and source control integration

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.Test and source control integration
Hi,I need to integrate .Test in file check-in process , i.e to verify that the file
are OK after check-out/check-in.
The problem is that
.Test works at .Test project level or at assembly level ( while nUnit works at file level, i.e nUnit test is written per single *.cs file)
How i can integrate .Test in file check-in process?
.TEST is working on assembly level (tested assemblies are combined into projects) so it does not directly support working on source level.
It is possible in some cases to use .TEST right before checking in sources, but it requires some manual work and it will most likely involve some scripting. The idea is as follows:
- create a script that will be given a source file,
- the script would make an assembly out of the file (some additional source files may be required),
- .TEST would be run in command line mode on the assembly (static analysis, dynamic analysis, both depending on your preferences),
- generated messages should be filtered to find out if any messages were generated for the source file in question,
- if no messages were generated, for the file, invoke source control program to check in the file.
I hope this helps.