What applications servers are supported?
The BPEL Maestro runtime engine is designed to execute in any J2EE-compliant servlet container, whether that container resides inside an application server or is a standalone servlet container, such as Apache Tomcat.
intellij plugin for Jtest
anyone know of a plugin for intellij that will make use of jtest? otherwise loading up the eclipse + jtest bundle just for the purposes of using jtest is a bit of a dog...one gig of ram and using 600 meg of swapspace (ouch!) jboss and squrrielSQL don't help matters. other option I guess I have is to get really comfortable…
keyword driven testing
keyword driven testingDoes webking/soaptest support keyword driven testing?
Dynamic URL in Scripts
We have a question regarding using dynamic URLS with WebKing. We have URLS which have unique identifiers on them which change with every run of each test. (i.e. http://www.foobar.com/strategy?id=554) Is there a way to capture the id when it?s generated and then use it to compose the URL for subsequent use in the test…
Automated Accessibility testing of Java files
Since Webking currently only tests PHP, JSP and HTML files for accessibility, I was wondering if accessibility testing of .java files ,compiled java code, or even install shields developed in Java for that matter, will be possible in the next release of Webking ? If not, is anyone aware of a tool that automates…
Using Insure++ with CGI programs
There are three issues to consider when using Insure++ with CGI programs: * Shared libraries * The .psrc file (and license information) * Output and banners ===Shared Libraries=== Where does the exe find shared libraries? If you are running the program on the same machine it was compiled on, there are no problems. If you…
Check unused code in comment lines
Hello All, I have some problems about configing JTest's rules. Could you guys tell me the ways to resolve it. 1. How can I check the old code ( not unused code ) in comment lines. 2. If JTest have rules to test it, pls. tell me the way to config. 3. If JTest have no rule, How can I create rule by rule wizard for check this…
Table accessibility/WebKing
Identifying Data or Layout tableHi, I have a html that has a table with 3 columns - the first two columns containing the images/links and the third column with data. For the user, this looks like a data table with a header row and many data rows. But WebKing treats this as a layout table (it does not consider the images in…
Accessibility with Webking?
What files can Webking check ?Hi there, I was wondering what files can webking test for accessbility apart from jsp's and html's ? Can it check C source code or Java source code ? Thanks.
How do I automatically decode Base 64 encoded
attachments in SOAPtest?To automatically decode Base 64 encoded MIME attachments received by the SOAP Client tool, you will need to use the Attachment Handler Tool. To chain an Attachment Handler Tool to one of your SOAP Client tests and use the automatic Base 64 decoding support you can perform the following steps: 1.…
How do I download and use the Unlimited Strength JCE
Java Cryptography ExtensionSOAtest uses a new key store provider, which supports more key stores. However, in many cases it requires the JCE unlimited strength Jurisdiction Policy Files to be installed. We cannot bundle it with SOAtest because US export laws restrict exporting cryptography technology to certain countries…
Debugging an ISAPI dll
How to Debug an ISAPI dll with Insure++Other than the standard way to debug NT services (which is described in the Insure++ manual in the "Usage Options" section), IIS provides special hooks for debugging ISAPI extension dlls. Because the process is a little complex, I'm only posting links to relevant articles for now. a…
Eclipse Project Refresh
Prevent Jtest from refreshing projectHi there, Due to a problem with Eclipse I have a project that takes about 5 minutes to refresh (the project contains filed named like Test::Unit::Assert). This seems to be unavoidable without getting Eclipse fixed so I just live with it. However, whenever I try to run a Jtest…
CodeWizard Forum
Where to post CodeWizard topics?I am using (with problems <_< ) CodeWizard 4.2<br />The live tech support [1] is not working so I would like to try this Forum to post my problems...but where? There is no CodeWizard Forum... Any directions is welcome Bye [1]
testingThis is a test. test test...
Extracting a particular row from DataSource
Hi, Is there a way i can specify/extract a particular ROW/s from Excel sheet or Table that was specified as a data source (Not all the rows in a specific column as it consideres by default) and assign it to a particular Test? This will help me in maintaining most of my seed data for different tests in a particular data…
Dreamweaver arguments
Is it possible to launch Dreamweaver with both the %F and %l arguments? %F works fine by itself, but I can't pass the line number as well... Any thoughts?
Webking can't test pages after adding path
I'm trying to test an online application that requires users to login. Typically users who try to access the pages are redirected to a new page (in a different domain) where their login/password gets authenticated and then get redirected to the actual pages I'm testing. I am using the "Path Creation Wizard" in Webking to…
why JTest can not generate negative int for me
My class has a addBalance(int money) method, why test cases generated by JTest always generate positive param for this method, why not generate negative param calss constructor seen below: public BankAccountSimple(String customer, int deposit) { if (!validCustomer(customer)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad…
Multiple DataSources
Is it possible to use multiple datasources in a SOAP Client test? I want to use a Database Data Source for one value in a test and a Generated Data Source for a second value in the test. However, the dropdown in the upper right for Data Source only allows one. Is there anyway around this restriction? Perry Hoekstra
Using regular expressions in jython methods
I would like to use python/jython regular expressions in a method. However, when I try to import re I get an errror ImportError: no module named re Here's a toy example: [CODE] import re def parseXMLElement(input): pre = re.search("<*?>", input) print pre Am I mistaken about the module to import? All the online examples of…
Section 508- 1194.22- Invalid errors detected ?
Please see message belowHi, In a JSP, When I define a Label outside an if construct, then I use that label within a TD tag inside the if construct, like the following format : CODE<LABEL NAME> = "VALUE" <LABEL NAME> TAG = "VALUE" " . . if-else construct { <TD ... ?class = .... ><%= LABEL NAME %>...</ TD> "<input…
Section 508- 1194.22- Invalid errors detected ?
Please see message belowPlease see other thread.
rounding in Python
rounding a returned value in PythonHi SoapTest, I have the nice little script written that will return a value that I will be using to compare to one of my results. I am having a problem, however, with length of the value. I need it to be only two digits after the decimal point. I can't seem to find a way to truncate in…
Profiles used in Scenarios
Is there any way to specify which profiles are used by a particular load test scenario? I am running a load test where I need to measure the performance of three message types (small, medium, and large). A test has been created for each message type and I am trying to establish a baseline. Currently, I select a single test…
ANT task for codewizard
Hi, I would like to integrate codewizard in my ANT task other than with the "exec". Does anybody know an existing script doing that? THX in advance for your help.
rules applied by default by code wizard
Hi all, I am currently integrating Codewizard in my company mmiddleware and I could not find the configuration file where the rules applied are defined except the file .psrc where all the users rules are defined. I am more precisely looking for the rules Effective C++ Items, More Effective C++ Items, Meyers-Klaus Items and…
Path persistence for Import Test By Reference
I've been using import tests by reference. None of the tests I import are in the same directory as the test I am working on (or a subdirectory). I would prefer not to have to make hard links (or soft links) to these tests but here's what happens: 1. Take an existing test (#1) 2. Remove some set of tests and recreate them…
Python api documentation
Is there any documentation for the python libraries soaptest.api and com.parasoft.api?
CodeWizard Installation problem
CodeWizard Installation failedHi all, I have downloaded and installed CodeWizard, but it failed to start it. Do I need to set up some files before run the srcipt? I am running HP-UX 11.00 (PA). The following is the error message displayed:…
Clarification on Pre, Post nodes - Unit Testing
How to use themHi, I am unable to completely understand the Pre, Post and the OutCome Conditions in .TEST -Unit Testing I have a method which does not take any parameters nor return any parameters. The method when called , uses a public variable and performs some manipulations to the variable so that the value of the…
Possible Violations ?
Hi, I noticed that most of the errors that Webking generates of the severity type "Possible Violations" or "Possible Severe Violations" are just warnings. Further, they all seem to be warnings of JSP or HTML errors(like a missing header in a table for example), rather than accessibility errors. Any clarification on this…
Static Analysis with *.jar and *.zip files ?
Hi, Is there a way of performing static analysis with jar and zip files that contain jsp files ?
Updating a Webking Project from the command line
Hi, How can one remove/add files to a project from the command line ? Thanks
Custom Link Check
I am having trouble running link checker on some documentation. The problem is the software that is providing the documentation has it's own version of a 404 error. Instead of actually throwing a 404 error it just displays it's own "broken link" page with some text on it. The page is not an actual url however. It is just a…
Converting time stamp recived to different format
converting time stampsHi Parasoft, I have a method that when called returns date/time stamps as follows: 2004-06-26T12:21:11.0000000-04:00 I would like to use that date/time in an XML Databank but the format is not allowed by my system. Do you guys have a way that I can convert it to the following format:…
How do I add additional CLASSPATH's to SOAtest?
If you would like to use custom Java classes with SOAtest the following method. 1) Click the Customize Preferences button in the SOAtest toolbar (Alt+F2). Click the "System Properties" tab and add any required class folders or Jar files.
fatal: librt.so.1: version `SUNW_1.2' not found?
How do I fix this?When I try to run Jtest on Solaris 8 I get this message: CODEError: tgsutil not loaded java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /devel/home/parasoft/jtest5/plugins/com.parasoft ..eclipse.api.solaris_5.1.51/jtest/lib/libtgsutil.so: ld.so.1:…
Postconditions that depend on method arguments?
How to validate method outcome.Question: How can I write DbC that validates a method outcome based on method parameters. For example: For a method named 'add': if (a == 10) and (b == 20) the return value must be 30 otherwise it's a postcondition violation.
Webking Load testing
cant find the default scenariosHi, By default webking 4.1 provides 4 virtual user scenarios rite: the bell, the buffer test, the steady load and the linear increase? But when I do a load tests I can only find 1 default scenario the steady load. How do I find the other scenarios?
Can I run WebKing from the command line?
Currently, We have an automated build process and like to integrate it with WebKing (from the command line) to check its web accessibility. So, I have the following questions: 1. Can I run WebKing from the command line? And how can I do it? 2. Can I run WebKing on Installshield? And how can I do it? It would be nice if you…
Regression Control Removal
removing regression control from a PathHi if i have regression controls in the entire path tree and if i need to remove do i have to manually right click each node to remove it? Or is thr some way to remove it for the entire path like how we create the them for the entire path?
Webking tests in WSAD
Is functional testing possible in WSADI have integrated webking4.1 and WSAD5.1. In the webking option is the toolbar the tests available are only the static tests. So for functional testing or using the other tools do I have to transfer the to Webking and perform the tests? Is thr any other way? Thanks!
JavaScript Rules
Is there a good document on how JavaScript rules work? What I am trying to do to understand how it works is to write a rule that takes an node, checks several attributes, and sometimes need to walk up the DOM tree to check for another element. I think its easier to do this in JavaScript than doing the rule building, but…
Adding new Metrics
Where should I add new metricsHi, I do not quite understand how the mark up should be developed to add a new metric. Where should I save the implemented class? Could some one tell me how I should go about adding a new metric? Thank you
Changing/Checking severity level of rules
unable tochange/find the severity levelsHi 1. I have to change the severity level of certain exisiting rules(eg. PB.SBC,OOP.AHSM, CODSTA.VDT etc). But when i right click the the rule i can not see the rule wizard option. How do I change the severity of these rules? 2. After i run the jtest, how can find out the severity…
.Test and source control integration
.Test and source control integrationHi, I need to integrate .Test in file check-in process , i.e to verify that the file are OK after check-out/check-in. The problem is that .Test works at .Test project level or at assembly level ( while nUnit works at file level, i.e nUnit test is written per single *.cs file) How i can…
Instrumentation taking a long a time to execute.
I have a very large application, that normally takes about 3 minutes to perform all its memory allocations. It never seems to finish even the allocation phase with insure. I let it run all night, in the morning it was still allocating. One of my co-workers said that insure enters an infinite loop whenever it encounters a…
SSL Handshake
I had a new issue with the Soap test now. I am trying to execute the soap seervice which is internally protected by a SSL Certificate. That SSL certificate is not public, When I try to access this service through soapTest I am getting SSLHandShakeException. Please let me know are there any workaround to uncheck this…
CSS Rule Question - matching an unknown property
I am trying to match the non-standard behavior: property. I tried a Unknown Property and a simple text output,but it never gets hit for a .css file with this css: * {behavior:foo} Any ideas?