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Testing Web Pages in a specific Order

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
I am testing a web site that has a Public and a Customer pesonality. It changes menus, pages available etc depending on if the user has run the logon page. If they haven't then it assumes they are a Public user.
To do the Customer personality I need Webking to Run the Logon page at the start of Static Analysis, Funtionality and load Tests. Is this possible?
To do the Customer personality I need Webking to Run the Logon page at the start of Static Analysis, Funtionality and load Tests. Is this possible?
Hello ColinPBriggs,
You have a number of options available to you:
Static Analysis:
You can record a path of you logging in, then create a Functional Test in a test suite that runs that path. You could then add any number of tests (Accessibility Testing, Link Checking, etc) after that test suite. The effect would be that first your user would log in, and then your remaining tests would run.
If you logged in during your initial scan, you can also achieve the above effect by restricting the logout page (find the page in the Project Tree, right-click and choose "Mark Restricted"), and then running your Static tests via the Static Analysis tool with the "Refresh" option checked on. (To make sure the Refresh option is checked on, go to the Tools menu, select "Customize...," select the Static Analysis tool, and verify that the Refresh option is checked. The effect would be that first the login form will be submitted and then your other pages will be tested.
Functional Analysis:
Here you can use Functional Test in a test suite like the above example.
You may also just want to create some paths that involve logging in and some paths that do not, as the changes the website undergoes as a result of logging in may make certain paths meaningless without a login (or with). In this cause, you would just record some of your paths using the "Record Using Browser" functionality with your user logging in, and record others without your user logging in.
Load Testing:
For load testing the best approach is probably recording paths without logging in and recording paths while logging in as in the example above. You can run your load test on the paths that you've recorded, which will allow you to test your site both for non-login and login users.
Let me know if you have any other questions by either asking on these forums or by contacting us at webking-support-at-parasoft.com (with the -at- replaced with an @).0