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Regression test exceptions

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
How to skip certain parts of code
Hi, I have no previous experience with WebKind and perhaps my question is not an issue to a savvy user. I noticed that when WK is run it picks such things like dynamically selected dates in drop-down menues and such. Since I know for sure that this is not an error or even a code modification, can I set WK in such way that it'll allow me skipping similar instances?
It is possible to train WebKing to ignore certain dynamic arguments. Please refer to the manual for more details on regression control.
Before creating the path tree, you could avoid getting these errors by selecting the "Create and Auto-configure Functionality Tests" option in the Path Creation Wizard. This will cause WebKing to record the path, visit it again, and verify the pages' content while ignoring the differences due to dynamic variables or dates in the page.
If you already create the path and get regression control errors, right click on the error, go to "Regression results...", and check the "Ignore difference" checkbox.
Hope this helps.0