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I've tired to parameterize (for instance player_names) using the table form under "add new data source" by adding in different names. However when I tired running the path, apparantly only the first name was created in the website. Will be glad if anyone can clarify me on this. Thanks !
I've tired to parameterize (for instance player_names) using the table form under "add new data source" by adding in different names. However when I tired running the path, apparantly only the first name was created in the website. Will be glad if anyone can clarify me on this. Thanks !
When you run 'Test path' in the path tab, the path is only executed once with the first value from the data source. To have WebKing execute a path with all the available values from the data source, a test suite is needed. Inside a test suite, WebKing will execute the chosen path one time for every available combination of the data source's rows. For details on how to create and configure a test suite, please reference the WebKing manual, topic "Using Test Suites for Advanced Functional Testing". Briefly, the steps to create and configure a test suite to do the above are as following:
- Project --> Create Tests. This creates and opens up the Tests tab.
- Right click on the Test suite node --> Add Test --> Standard Test --> Existing Tool --> Test Functionality. This creates a Test node under the Test suite node. Notice the configuration for the test on the right panel.
- Select the Input radio button on the right panel --> click on Browse --> select Paths to from the Look In drop-down menu --> right click in the empty space and select Expand All to view the complete path --> select the lowest node of the path that you would like WebKing to traverse down.
- Click on Open.
- Right click on the Test node and select run to execute the test.0