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Total Response Time in Reports

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
Question on this parameter
GreetingsWe have been looking for some information on the Help and documentation wothout luck, the question is:
?What does Total Response Time represents? (or how is it caculated).
We thought it shuld be the sum of the Response times for the elements of a page, and in static elements it seem ok (images, js, etc), yet, on system generated pages (jsp, asp, etc.) the value in the Total Response Time is less than the value in Response Time, so it cannot be calculated with the sum of the response time of the page plus the response times of its sub-elements.
Thank you for your assistance.
Daniel Sol
Hi Daniel,
The definitions of the terms used in load tests reports can be found under the help topic "Reviewing and Customizing Load Test Results", subsection "Understanding Report Terms". Here's an excerpt for the documentation:
For an item that has subitems, it is the sum of its own response time plus the response time of all its subitems excluding network time. For example, the Total Response time for an html page with images would be:
Response time of html page + Response time of each image
If the report you got doesn't reflect this, I would recommend sending the project and report to webkingsupport at parasoft dot com for further assistance.0