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Unable to open TCM Files

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Unable to open TCM Files
I am running WebKing version 5.5 (Build date July 07, 2006).I have two problems currently. The first is I uploaded a rules file to our TCM server.
Now I can not find any place in the tool to select the rules file. The online help states:
Users of TCM can open WebKing projects, rules, and rules sets stored on the server. Simply open the corresponding file chooser, select the Team Configuration Manager File radio button that displays.
I do not see this option when using the tool. Online help does not describe how to get to this file selection screen and I can not seem to find it.
Also I uploaded some preferences in maybe using this. However when I go to the Groupware tab and select the TCM preferences, I get a message "Cannot change parent: Unathorized".
Not sure why I am getting this. But tried to delete prefernces and it appears to work from TCM tab but I launch and view the preferences still on the server.
Regarding your first question, once TCM is configured correctly, webking will display the TCM option when you go to Tools --> Customize --> Select the Coding Standards tool you would like to customize --> click the Add Rules button.
As for the second question, please email webkingsupport at parasoft dot com for better assistance.0 -
The issue is not with customizing the rule. The issue is the following. I select and deselect the rules we want to use. I want to then post those selections/deselections to the TCM server. Then other engineers in the group can then use the settings we have determined we will run. I can post the rules with no problem to the TCM server. When I browse the TCM server I see Team Configuration Manager Files > File Groups > Complete Rulessets > OurRule. Now how can I get developers to use this rule on there desktop running WebKing. This way when we change the rules the developers can just pickup the changes.0
Just note after I turn on TCM the Add Rules button does not work anymore. I click and click and it does not work. Before I enabled TCM the button would present a file selector for the local file system.0