How to halt flow using an Extension Tool
I am doing some custom processing in a Message Responder using an Extension Tool. I need to be able to interrupt the current flow and return HTTP 500 so that the Message Proxy will move to the secondary connection. What's the best way to do this? Should I be using a different type of tool? Thanks JT
com.parasoft.xtest.test.product could not be found
I run soatestcli on windows and it bumps into this message and shuts down !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.app 0 0 2020-07-13 11:07:12.701 !MESSAGE Product com.parasoft.xtest.test.product could not be found. any suggestions ?
Support for unit tests using Green Hills development tools for a PPC target?
I need to run unit tests on my target system (custom, using a PPC core.) We are using the Green Hills dev tools to build our production code, and I need to integrate the C/C++ Code into that build system. I'm down to two unresolved externals: cpptestTestCaseSlave() stubCallInfo() These are directly referenced by my unit…
Rewrite Request Body
What's the best way to intercept a request and change a value in the body ? For example, the JSON payload of my request is { "id": "abc" } and I want to modify it as such: { "id": "xyz" } and then continue processing the request.
How to take values from xml or json data banks into groovy scripts.
Im trying to take the values from data bank into script but getting error can anyone help me out.
Unitary test dedicated Team?
Hello, whaht is the advantages/desadvantage of dedicated unitary Test Team? what is the better that developers do the unitary test or dedicated team to do it? best regards Atef
Highlight "Not covered conditions" not working.
Having both covered and not covered selected shows no highlight at all. Having only not covered selected shows no highlight as well. Having only covered selected shows highlight. What is going on???
Specific test if fails should not produce a failure in report
This is a bit tricky to explain in only one sentence in the title. I want to create a test block that I want to re-use throughout my regression tests. This block will be the login scenario (for start) So my actions are: 1. Check if logged in 2. If not do login 3. Check if logged in I have done this using the Test flow…
Select text from inner element
I want to check text from an element that is inside another element. So I want to verify that text form div class="alert" is the correct one. But selecting this div from the validation tool does not work. My first though was to extract the text using javascript. So * Element locator = Use script * Language = Javascript…
Loadtest with one master and multiple slaves is failing at higher rates than expected
Here is my situation. I have a load test with a scenario. its runs ok on the master machine with acceptable error rate of say under 1% and acceptable limits for through put. Now when I add another slave machine and run the same test and scenario, my error rate jumps to say 35%. Has anyone experienced this? What could be…
SOATest : Execute Test from another Test
I have a tst file with 2 different Test Suites where I have 2 different web services. I have 10 test cases for one webservice "A" and another 10 cases for another webservice "B" Each test case is dependent on another test case. I have created a TextDataBank to extract parts of XML for each test case(based on scenario few…
Disable assertions in Loadtests that are reference testsuites
Is there a way to disable assertions and schema checks during load test? I need them for functional testing and cannot afford to disable or create another tst for Perfomance testing.
Dynamic Data Element
Hi Everyone, We're building a new service and one of the requirement for this is to have a dynamic Data Element request looks like this: response should look like this: The bolded items per payload are always changing. pretty much that's the primary key being passed from the request. is there a way to do this in Parasoft…
Undefined Reference to CPP Test Functions
Hi, Im running into an issue with CPP Test, it seems that whatever i try when running unit testing i get 'Undefined Reference to cpptestTestSuiteBegin and an array of others, ive checked all the settings against the install guide and it seems to be correct. Im running Parasoft C/C++test Professional - Version:…
Assert element is not visible in front-end (but hidden and exists in DOM)
I have an element that is either hidden or visible in front-end. How do I verify when this is hidden from the user? I tried Browser Contents -> Browser validation tool but it's options for expected value only reflect the DOM. The options do not check if the element is hidden or not. Is there another way? Thanks in advance
Limiting scope of test reports to subset of files
We have a project that requires unit testing of only a subset of files in the source tree. I know how to pass a specific list of resources to cpptestcli using the -resource parameter. There is also a method to filter files in the test configuration. What I'd like to do is keep track of coverage results of only the files…
Using Burp suite extension in Parasoft SOA tool
Hi, I am currently exploring Burp Suit extension tool with Parasoft SOA test for Apis Security Testing. I have parasoft 9.10 version installed and I have a Burp suite professional licnse v2020.5. Whenever I am adding “burpsuiteextender.jar” in Burp suite professional”. I am getting following errors…
Condition data fetch in databank using regular expression
Hi Team, I have a situation to fetch the data based on another data value. In this below example, i have to fetch the name which id matches with 555 { "customerName" : "Che", "AccountType" : "Savings", "Country" : "Argentina", "id" : "222" } , { "customerName" : "Nepolean", "AccountType" : "Savings", "Country" : "France",…
Condition data fetch in databank using regular expression
Hi, how can I make custom xpath if need to fetch based on a key string present. For example if saving is present in AccountType then only fetch. Occurrence of this is not fixed. { "customerName" : "Hitler", "AccountType" : "XYZ_Savings_XYZ", "Country" : "Germany", "id" : "555" }, { "customerName" : "Nepolean",…
Service virtualization
I just started with parasoft service virtualization and created my first virtual asset and proxy in server and linked asset with proxy, when i hit that proxy URL on browser i get my reponse but when i use it in Node project i get CORS error because response from parasoft proxy does not have response header values like…
Verify PDF Document is Created
I have an application that can created a PDF report of the data displayed on the screen. Is there some way for SOATest to verify that the report is created when the button is clicked? I only need to make sure that the PDF document is created. I don't need to examine the contents of the document. Would the Extension Tool…
Missing "proceed" button at the bottom of the test panel. Why?
Hi, After "successfully" building a test application, running it, then loading the tlog and clog files using test configurations, the bottom of the test panel shows no "proceed" or "configure..." buttons and I can't get the report to appear. Why is that?
Oracle Db Connection Issue
I have to connect to oracle sql developer through parasoft soatest tool using service name instead of sid value after port number. I am getting SQL Exception - java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor…
Is it possible to set a condition base on CSV data in a testscript?
Hi all, currently i have 2 test-script, checklocation and acceptlocation. is it possible to only run acceptlocation if the location column in the checklocation's CSV is not empty?
simulator for file transfer, flat files Parasoft Virtualize
can we simulate file transfer , flat files in Parasoft Virtualize . need info regarding same
Access data source table in Groovy script
I am trying to access a table defined as a data source in a Groovy script as part of a web scenario test. This script just needs to get a substring of one of the columns in the table. The error I am getting says 'com.parasoft.data.DataSourceException: No Data Source column named BookingNbr'. My data source is defined as…
Java Script extension tool
Hi, i am new to parasoft scripting, when i am trying to create java script using extension tool using below command <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.net?id=01&product=something"></script></head> i am getting evaluate error like this :2:0 Expected an operand but found <, , ^ in at line number 2…
Using Atomic Variables to Better Handle Updating During Concurrency
The following forum post goes into detail on creating scripts to better handle changing values during performance tests with multiple hits in parallel. We will do this with the use of Atomic variables and in the case of this forum post example, specifically AtomicLong. AtomicLongs and the other Atomic variables are part of…
ArrayList and LinkedList in Java
Hello Everyone, I am confused to understand why does ArrayList takes more time to insert elements at the beginning than LinkedList in Java? Can anyone know the exact comparison between ArrayList and LinkedList?
How to stub fscanf?
I am trying to stub fscanf using stub callback but I can't get access to the variadic arguments within the callback function. Anyone knows a way to stub fscanf?
Record enter key in web browser testing
Here are the instructions to capture ENTER key in web browser testing First, add the ability to play back pressing the ENTER key. (1) Close SOAtest if it's open (2) There are two copies of UserCustomizableOptions.js files - one for IE and one for Firefox - located under <SOAtest Installation…
Working Functionality in Local is not working in CTP - VIRTUALIZE
Hi Team The below framework works in local deployment. But when I deploy the same into CTP its not working Application sent request to STUB (Working) --> STUB stores the Request using Write file in CTP (working) --> STUB forward that request to live endpoint to get actual response using incoming request-SOAP client/Forward…
How to access private function from a stub callback?
I have a private function that needs to be called normally or needs to be stubbed depending on the test case. So, I either need to be able to apply the stub of the private function only to specific test case or be able to call the original private function from within the stub callback. Anyone knows how to do either?
XSLT Version
Does soatest 9.10.8 support XSLT version 2.0?
HTTP Response Code
Can someone share an example of how to capture the HTTP response code from a request to a virtual asset message responder? Ideally I would like to get that value and then insert it into a database using a DB Tool. I have successfully added a DB Tool to the Incoming Request and captured static data, however I am not sure…
Test cases are not executed
Hello everybody, I have a problem when i want to execute unit test cases on a folder of resources. I generated the test cases and tried to execute them, parasoft tells me there are 32 files in scope of the tests, which is correct, but it does not execute any testcase. I copied the generate unit tests and run unit tests…
Maven install errors
while installing plugin https://docs.parasoft.com/display/FINDS/Parasoft+Findings+for+Jenkins i got 2 errors. i'm not able to understand how to resolve it? [FATAL] Non-resolvable parent POM for com.parasoft:parasoft-findings:10.4.5-SNAPSHOT: Could not transfer artifact org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin:pom:3.49 from/to…
Error running soatestcli from Windows Task Scheduler
Hello, I'm trying to schedule the execution of tests on a Windows server 2016 with the Windows Task Scheduler using a CMD file that calls soatestcli. If I run this CMD file with a logged account, then the tests runs correctly, the output file shows all the execution and the reports are created. But if I run the Scheduled…
How can we parameterize a dynamic URL parameter (not q Parameter)
Here is the path: /eosservices/SOHServices/api/v1/group/SOH/customers/id (dynamic value)/locations?q=customerNumberTypeCode==CDF;statementofHealthReportingLocationID==86A&limit=2 I want to parameterize the "ID" parameter which is going to be dynamic and unique.. i should be able to read the dynamic value from the incoming…
unable to update generated variable via script.
I am trying to create a variable that is the abbreviated day of the week (MON, TUE, WED, ...) which I do either via the data generator tool or script. However, I am then trying to convert the variable to uppercase, but this conversion is not working, as expected. import com.parasoft.api.*;import groovy.util.*;import…
Is it possible to validate the current selected option with Parasoft (xpath)
In the code I cannot see which is currently selected and I know that what is selected is send to the server. But I am hoping that there still is a way.
I am using SQL development for my test case. Can i use same sql development output to validate my te
I am using SQL development for my test case. Can i use same sql development output to validate my test output?
Kerberos with SOAVirt Server editions
Can we do Kerberose authenication using server version of SOAVirt? This would be using REST calls instead of CLI. I am thinking yes, because the kereros authenication is contained within the .tst?
How to use a runtime parameter in groovy
I am using a groovy script in which I want a to enter a parameter in the method at the runtime. For e.g. : def userId(String input) { //my method } How can I derive the input variable while I try to run the API test case
Docker image of Parasoft
Hi wanted to know the steps how to create docker image of Parasoft .
Trying to Iterate Through a Table Data Source
I have a data source table containing a number of rows with a single string column of values. I want my test to navigate to a URL, type into an input field the value of a data source row, and click on a button on the web page. The problem is that the first row value from the data source is always typed into the input…
Need some help where dynamic values in request parameter
Hi Team, I need some help on below REST service. end point: imservices-qa1-usch01.corporate.ingrammicro.com:9043/ESProductSearchCA_vs2 Body:…
how to create CSV files (editable in Microsoft Excel) from Data extracted from tests
Often you will want to extract values that are returning from a test and write them into an excel file. This could be useful when building data sources dynamically from previous tests. SOAtest does not have a native interface to create Microsoft Excel files, however we can easily create CSV files that can be read by our…
Cannot instantiate class: com.ibm.mq.jms.context.WMQInitialContextFactory
We are trying to use JNDI connections in queue browser by specifying connectionFactory= com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory in parasoft Virtualise queue browser but I am getting error as below for I am using com.ibm.mq.allclient- as well as fscontext-4.2.jar Cannot instantiate class:…
cpptestcli does not fail if a test suite has a compilation error
When using cpptestcli from the Processional version of C/C++test, I've noticed that if a test suite has a compilation error, no failures are generated by cpptestcli and the other test suites are executed. The only way to determine that a test suite didn't run is by looking at the number of tests executed. When ruining unit…