I want to iterate rows from table with rows from writable in following manner
Suppose my table has T1 , T2, T3 rows and my writable has W1 , W2, W3 rows so now I want to pass T1 = W1 in first iteration , T2 = W2 in second iteration and T3 = W3 in third iteration. But currently it is passing first row of table to all rows of writable which is not valid scenario bfor my functionality. So anyone tell…
How to parse and validate a file through XSD
I have multiple type of file format and we have define all this rule in XSD and our oracle SOA suite is using this XSD in parsing any kind of files. i.e I have pipe, comma, fixed length and special character separated file data. Now I don't want to write the big code again for the parasoft to parse and validate the file…
User Action Click on Defined or Undefined Link
I have a web app that I am creating a SOATest test for. In a table there is a link that may or may not be present. If it is there, I want to click on it. If it is not there, I want to have the test go to a different URL instead of the one that the test would have gone to if the link were present. I have tried a few things…
Announcing the 2020.1 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The first release of the Parasoft enterprise functional testing products in 2020 is now available! In this release, there are several enhancements aimed at making API test automation and service virtualization easier and more productive for DevOps teams. Additionally, we have created a brand-new service virtualization mode…
Read message on IBM MQ
Hi All, I am looking for help regarding, how to read a JMS message header/body from IBM MQ by SOATest. I am exploring the options but no luck so far. Actually as soon as message is pushed by a REST API to MQ, I have to validate some custom properties in JMS message on queue. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.…
LOG Validation
Hi All, I wanted to capture and validate the downstream calls(logs) when i hit an api request. Can you please tell me how we can track and view all these downstream calls and if possible also how we can track and validate them
Parasoft License
Hi wanted to know if we get Parasoft floating server license can 100 different users do development in SOATest using same license or they need individual license on their mahcines
No Nodes Found - XML Data Bank
Hi, On XML Data Bank step.. when i extract an element, and click on "Evaluate Path" - i see "No nodes found" result. How do i get value? i need this values to perform string comparison assertion. I also tried setting "Extract empty element as: [null]" - this did not work either.
Pattern check in request header field
I need to test the pattern of value present against field x-et-user-id, it should follow the pattern - AS000xxx How to acheive this ? Below is sample request header for reference. POST /asasa/zxzzx/zxzxz?asa_wewe_rtrt=024bddd0-5739-11ea-82b4-0242ac1300 HTTP/1.0 Host: abc.com:8443 Content-Type: application/json…
Xpath: How to search in all child elements with certain text (browser validation tool)
I have a number of p elements in a div and I want to find a certain text within all of them. For some reason I can't get it to work, it finds only the first p element. Does any one know what to use differently? Element property: I've tried both text and value here (with and without [1] ) Xpath:…
need a way to generate ASCII non printable characters in notepad or any other documents
need a way to generate ASCII non printable characters in notepad or any other documents
How can I test that a response header equals a certain value?
I have a rest command that returns a Content-Type of application/octet-stream and a Content-Disposition with a filename. What is the best way to validate that the values returned in the headers are what I am expecting?
IBM websphere mq - Message selector
I have configured the IBM websphere mq in my virtual asset. But now my requirement is that listener will fetch the request from the queue if certain condition is matched. There is an field named as Message selector where we can define conditions.but I want to know the exact format / syntax to put my conditon in that field.…
Return statements in anonymous functions causing unreachable code warnings?
I have some .NET C# code being analyzed with parasoft and it's flagging some fairly annoying warnings. The code has an anonymous function that contains a return statement that continues on to some other code, but I'm getting "unreachable code" error CS.PB.USC.UC-1. Response _response = await…
How to add to traffic file into one and use that to create virtual asset
Hi team, Can anyone help me to merge two traffic files into one. traffic files are attached. thanks Nihar Arisal
Getting error while trying to add data repository server using localhost
Hi Team, i am getting an issue while trying to add data repository server using local host. version: SOAtest 9.10 can anyone help on this please Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
We have just released C/C++test 2020.1
We have just released the C/C++test 2020.1! The release introduces a collection of exciting functionalities. In between many other things, I’m very proud to announce: Static analysis extension (plugin) for Visual Studio Code editor Visual Studio Code extension enables static analysis capabilities of the Parasoft C/C++test…
Not able to send Environment Variables in External Tool arguments
I am setting up an external tool to execute some batch files, but rather than hardcoding a path, everyone has an environment variable setup to the desired location. However, when I use the %variableName% structure which the external tool understands, Parasoft disables the tool for some reason. Is there a setting to allow…
Scripting Issue: Trying to get value in adjacent cell in Table Data Source
I have a script which is using a table data source within Virtualize. In that table there are two columns, num and ID. The value of num is extracted from the request via XML databank and is stored as a variable in the responder suite, titled key. Key = num I have another variable that stored the ID value in a variable…
rabbit mq listener in parasoft Virtualise
Hi i am new to parasoft Virtualise , wanted to understand how to configure rabbit mq listener do we need to configure any external jar and write java code for listener in parasoft Virtualise for getting queue details
How to validate Date format in request field
I have to validate that a field in request of a Rest API is having YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format. Any help is most welcome. TIA
How to validate date format in request attribute
I have to validate that a field in request of a Rest API is having YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ format. Any help is most welcome. TIA
Want to also use Microsoft Edge, Firefox for Browser Playback in SOATest 9.10
I have been trying to set up my tests to run playback in the browsers Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, and Chrome. Internet Explorer runs out of the box (although rather slowly), and I copied the webdriver for Chrome to the folder…
Xml json request type in Virtualize
Hi i am new to Virtualise , how to handle request type as either xml or json using one message responder in Parasoft Virtualise . what should i set so that message responder can recognise request type as xml or json both kind of request types in single responder
how to configure json response in Virtulaise for x-www-form-urlencoded request from SOAtest
Hi i have x-www-form-urlencoded request setup in parasoft soatest , wanted to understand how to develop json response in parasoft virtualise since expected response type for the request is json.This will be a unique integration as request and response types are different in the same call. The request is…
Connecting to Mysql DB in GCP
Hello, I'm working with SOAtest 9.10.4. I'm having hard time to connect to our MySQL DB that is located in GCP. I'm looked though the forum and couldnt find anything that could help me out. the error messing that I'm getting is: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds…
how can i run unit test on xillinx SDk ?
hi , i want to generate and run unit test on a target based on Zynq 7000 chip(Zybo) with xillinx SDk tools. I know that this platform is not supported by parasoft c++ test by default, but i want to know how i can do it.please hep me. thanks a lot.
in response (or anywhere) - see values that were asserted
Hi, is there any way to see, what values are being checked in "XML Assertor". My Scenario: In my testcase i have put a XML Assertor where i am comparing values that I am gettign FROM DB and other service. I am not seeing anywhere which values were compared/checked in XML assertion. Thanks
Custom compiler with cpptestcli
Is there a way to specify the custom compilers path when using cpptestcli from version 10.4.2 of the professional edition? I've tried setting the value in the Parasoft/Configurations screen and then exporting the localsettings with Configurations selected, but no values are exported. We would prefer to not have to manually…
SOATest -After posting message through MQ , body of the content alone displayed as Encryptedvalue
After Posting the XML Message through MQ in one Queue. Message body alone displayed as Encrypted value. Need to know is there any option to update the configuration to get the same message in Destination also.
How do I create a custom static analysis rule to check that a variable is of a certain data type?
More specifically, how do I check that the variable in an if condition is of a pointer type, when the variable is a pointer dereference? I have tried "left hand side:variable" > "filter:pointer", "left hand side:variable" > "type:pointer" and "left hand side:pointer", and none of them works. This rule wizard is proving to…
How to add java project to classpath
Hi, I'm new to Parasoft and while exploring it i encountered the below line in [Extensibility and Scripting basics] : If your Java class is from a Java project in your Eclipse workspace, add the Java project to the classpath. Can anyone tell me how to add java project to classpath. And also when i select 'Scripted' option…
Groovy Scritping not allowed in Community Edition ?
Hello, While creating a response for a request in virtualiser , I saw an scripting and when clicked bydefault groovy language was selected and an editor appeared on my screen.But I couldn't type anything there ,is this feature only for paid license?If not then any tutorial on the correct approach to use it.
How to create a Custom Response using Scripting option in Parasoft?
Hi , I am new to Parasoft. I want knowledge on how to create a "Custome Response" using Scripting. I see the tool is having an option "Scripted" in the Response Tab--> Input Mode to generate a Response by writing code using Java or a Groovy or some other language mentioned. If someone can provide me a small example or a…
Any video related to how to use java code to read incoming request
Hello, Is there any video related to how to use a java code to read incoming request and produce a response according to it?
Different Protocol's in the same TestSuite
Hello All Tried, Http Protocol & WebSphere MQ(Posting a messaging to a Queue), in the same TestSuite and it does not work.
How to store array to writable data source using Extension tool
I know if I have to retrieve a column from datasource I can do like this ArrayList list = context.getValues("data","C"); but what to do if I want to store array into the writable datasource from extension tool script
Is there any option to use both the https and MQ Transport in Same Test suite with the SSL
Kindly let us know if there is any possibility to use both the https and MQ Transport test cases in same test suite
Running SOATest Web Scenarios on Windows Server 2012 R2.
I have a small web application that I created a number of SOATest web scenarios to do some regression testing. We are using SOATest as part of our automated build process for our IBM Message Broker systems and are looking to at expanding SOATest to our web applications. The issue I am having is that the web scenarios don't…
Select a link in a search results table based on a formatted value in the row.
I have a web app that will display a list of records after a search. I need the test to look at the first column of each row in the returned results. The rows of data are coming from two places and so the first column of each row will have slightly different formats based on the source of the data. If the cell in a row…
How do I create a custom static analysis rule to count the number of pre-compilation directives?
Hi, how do I create a custom rule to count the total number of pre-compilation directives in my entire software using the Rule Wizard? I had spent an entire day attempting only to fail.
Conditionally extract json response using Extension tool
I want to extract content for all titles having Red color from given Json response so I can send it in next Request. eg. response:- { "titles":[ { "name": "T1", "color": "Red" }, { "name": "T2", "color": "Green" }, { "name": "T2", "color": "Red" } ], "content":[ "T1": "Some description 1", "T2": "Some description 2", "T3":…
Detail list of SOA Test Steps and possibly assertors
Is the a script or export method that can show the individual test steps (tree list or such) along with assertors? We are looking to be able to pass our API test info to our manual or front end automation testers, so they are not duplicating our work, but also to be able for them to see what possible gaps we may have from…
Dynamic Scripted URL from datasource
In SOAtest9.9 How do I script the URL/endpoint to create REST endpoint dynamically by concatenating values from writable datasource columns. The test should be able to run post request for each data row.
Binding error
Receiving "Make sure the binding is configured with the same version as the expected messages.The envelope version of the incoming message does not match that of the encoder" error when I point the service to virtual asset. Is there any configuration setting that needs to be done ?
Need to use the multi dimensional array in SOATest
In excel Data Source we have a Column X it is having the values 1~2~3~4 like this. IF we want to pass these 4 values in same node with multiple times in same iteration how we can do the parameterization using parasoft. Kindly let me know if we have any option for this one.
Extract values from SOA Test to a spreadsheet
How do I extract the results/values from SOA Test to an excel spreadsheet AUTOMATICALLY
Bitfield not compliance with MISRA 2012
Hello, I try to wrote this struct : struct toto { _Bool TEST : 1; }; But Cpptest tell me that TEST should be a int signed or not following Rule 6.1. But Misra tell us that it is allowed to use _Bool. So what's wrong ? Thx.
Announcing Parasoft Selenic 2020.1
Key capabilities introduced in Selenic 2020.1: Parasoft Selenic expands support of industry-standard Java-based UI testing technology including JUnit 5, IntelliJ, and Applitools. Additionally, it now includes support for requirements traceability and performance benchmarking. Support for JUnit 5 * Selenic offers full…
Virtualize: Multiple Responder stub: Configure failover
Hi, Currently I am involved in creating a static stub using Multiple Responders in Parasoft Virtualize. I wonder how I can configure a failover mechanism for sending a dedicated response message when the correlation settings do not match (e.g. a 404 fault). It is just like sending the default message in SOAPUI, when search…