Shortcut Keys
Is there a list somewhere that lists the shortcut keys as it relates to SOAtest? F5= Run etc
Warning: unable to instrument "ABC.c"
During compilation of some sources with insure++, i get this warning: Warning: unable to instrument "ABC.c" (4), compiling original source code. I have no idea about why i am getting this warning.
WARNING: no debugging flags detected!! Insure++ may not function properly
I am compiling some sources with isure++ and i am getting this warning: WARNING: no debugging flags detected!! Insure++ may not function properly should i add some flags before compile?
Dynamic Response Header in Responder Created Through REST API
Looking for a way to create a message responder that contains a dynamic response header strictly through the REST API /v6/tools/messageResponders. I would like to have a response header that echoes back the value that was sent in the request. As an example, a request comes in with a traceId in the request header. I would…
Data Source Correlation
Looking for details regarding data source correlation. 1 - I understand how to add the xpath needed to match up to a row in the data source. My question is: if I add more than one xpath conditions is it treated as AND or is it treated as OR with respect to the first xpath? 2 - Does Virtualize support custom xpath when…
secondary report generated
The current automated process is configured to provide the analysis reports in html format. Is there a solution available to generate a pdf formatted report in addition to the current html, at analysis-run-time? If NOT, what is the mechanism to access and use (off the standard package) the embedded pdf-converter so that…
Issue: External Script File update not being reflected in method call
We recently updated a groovy script file that is used in a number of our tsts. However, upon this update, we noticed that the Method used, when running the script call, is looking for the old Method rather than the new method in the file, and displayed in the method box. old method name was openSSHTunnel new method name is…
Load test for specific number of hits per call
I would like to run a load test for 200 calls on each test in the tst. I found hits per ? and # of users, but nothing to limit the call count. Is there a way to do this without guessing and adjusting the above to get close to the total cal count?
Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2020.2
The latest version of the Parasoft C/C++test has been released. Our new release increases the productivity of dev teams with new capabilities and enhancements to support modern dynamic workflows. See our press release Here's a quick list: New Scoping Options to Target Modified Code on the Current Branch (Enhanced GIT…
post endpoint to save some data like json, txt, or xml
Hello, Is there any way I can create a POST endpoint to store some data that can be used to do a GET later on?
How to use 'Global HTTP Authentication' in SOAtest's command line interface (soatestcli)
How to use 'Global HTTP Authentication' in SOAtest's command line interface (soatestcli) ? I'm trying to exporting GUI Preferences to a localsettings file, but the export file didn't include the global http authentication setting. When I running my test using soatestcli, I'm encountering authentication fail due to missing…
Data Repository - Accessing and updating from script?
Looking for some guidance please as I am new to Parasoft. I have searched this forum for every search I could think of and googled searches as well. I have a requirement to increment a counter that will be used in a virtual service. Each time I increment I want to save to new counter value back to the data repository,…
Announcing the 2020.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft enterprise functional testing products, version 2020.2 is now available! In this release, there are several enhancements aimed at making API test automation and service virtualization easier and more productive for DevOps teams. In this release we focused on 3 primary themes: * Low-Code…
Announcing the 2020.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft enterprise functional testing products, version 2020.2 is now available! In this release, there are several enhancements aimed at making API test automation and service virtualization easier and more productive for DevOps teams. In this release we focused on 3 primary themes: * Low-Code…
Announcing the 2020.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft enterprise functional testing products, version 2020.2 is now available! In this release, there are several enhancements aimed at making API test automation and service virtualization easier and more productive for DevOps teams. In this release we focused on 3 primary themes: * Low-Code…
Announcing the 2020.2 release of Parasoft SOAtest, Virtualize and Continuous Testing Platform
The latest release of the Parasoft enterprise functional testing products, version 2020.2 is now available! In this release, there are several enhancements aimed at making API test automation and service virtualization easier and more productive for DevOps teams. In this release we focused on 3 primary themes: * Low-Code…
How to add loop in xpath?
In my scenario , I am getting different number of elements which depends upon data I am passing in request and I want specific set of element. I have added "IF" condition for the same and I am getting expected element and now I want to iterate this "IF" condition for this set of elements.
How do I import modules for Extension Tool in Jython
Hello, I'm trying to import a module in Jython but I'm getting some errors. I first go to Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Jython Interpreters and add the jython.jar found in the installation URL: C:\Program Files\Parasoft\Test\9.10 for SOAtest &…
Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2020.2
The latest version of Parasoft Jtest has been released. We've extended Jtest's static analysis capabilities with new features to help you focus on the most expedient tasks. New Scoping Options to Target Modified Code on the Current Branch We've added new options to create file filters that restrict the scope of analysis to…
Announcing Parasoft dotTEST 2020.2
The latest version of Parasoft dotTest has been released. We've extended dotTEST's static analysis capabilities with new features to help you focus on the most expedient tasks. New Scoping Options to Target Modified Code on the Current Branch We've added new options to create file filters that restrict the scope of…
Announcing Parasoft DTP 2020.2
The latest version of Parasoft DTP has been released. It adds new improvements for reporting on advanced metadata for Machine Learning, violation "Hotspots" and coverage analysis providing better predictions and insights into the continuous quality of your software. Advanced Metadata for Machine Learning The machine…
Professional plugin @Eclipse: project environment variable(s) made visible to Parasoft plugin
I have defined a project environment variable (USER: CONFIG type, via [ Project > Properties > C/C++ Build > Environment ] ) that is supposed to be dereferenced inside the "Build data file:" configuration, as follows: PATH_TO_BDF = BuildOutputs/parasoft ${project_loc}/${PATH_TO_BDF}/cpptestpscan.bdf It seems that "Parasoft…
MQ Virtuialize Asset Configuration to Proxy
Hi All, I have created MQ virtual asset using traffic file. I want to use virtual asset instead of real. Please help me with the configuration. Thanks, Krupa
Mismatching SQL result and written data in writable table
I have the SQL result (left) from DB test tool, and it's shown correctly when I check the Traffic viewer. However, if I check the writable datasource I passed the values from SQL result to, I see the values are stored incorrectly - It seems when a value does not exist for a row, its value doesn't get refreshed/reset with…
Import Test Configuration from Rule Names
Is there a means to import a file that has a list of the rule names, i.e. BD-API-NEGPARAM, to create a test configuration?
Responder Refresh
I am trying a simple literal responder json response. when I start everything it works from soatest. If I make a change (add a element to the literal response) and restart everything I keep getting the initial response without the change. I have to delete and recreate the responder with new change. How do I get it to…
How to bypass the default validation on value type
I'm testing an API passing a string value(e.g. "ABC") to a numeric field. The input value is sent from an excel file. If I run the test, the transaction does not happen, and I get error message that says something like "ABC" is not a numeric value. My test node is using Input Mode: Form JSON, but it doesn't need to be this…
Fetch values through ExtensionToolContext
I want to fetch the tst file name, test suite names , URLs and request body through the extension tool context , let me know how this can be retrieved.
Integration Parasoft soatest with Mongodb
I am unable to find mongodbquerytool.jar file to download.Could you please share me the path to download necessary jar files.I have tried by downloading mongo-java-driver but unable to connect to Mongodb in Soatest
C++ test Report: Could not build Analysis data
I have a C++ project that is built in Eclipse with GCC/G++ compiler. The project can be compiled successfully and run without problems, but when I try to perform static analysis via cpptestcli, the report generated show the following error: ........./ConfigMgr/Common/ConfigParser.cppBugDetective checker: could not build…
Browser Validation
I am trying to validate an application webpage in SOATest. This test needs to validate that a particular column in a table to empty. Unfortunately, SOATest will either pass the test when there is a value in the column or complain that the XPath locator in wrong. In an earlier test I validated that there was a value in the…
[HELP] Multiple Responses Responder Message ${ } Syntax Not working
Hi, I'm trying to use the multiple responses responder to send values from Data repo's and databanks using ${} syntax. Currently I just get ${variableName} in the response. See Screenshots below. Note: I've tried accessing multiple ways shown in the example…
How to pass file location through 'Create Soap client' REST API call?
I am trying to create a scenario to create a soap client through below REST API call, https://localhost:port/soavirt/api/v6/tools/soapClients Ideally we can pass request payload in soap client through text, file in Request tab through Parasoft UI (view: literal xml) When i try to do the same through above API call, I…
BDD with SOA
Had any one successfully implemented BDD with SOA, if yes an advice would be helpful
[Help] Access Data Repository Data Source from A Message Responder Script
Hi, I'm trying to access values inside of a data repository on a Message Responder script. I have "use data source" checkbox checked. Code Below: import com.parasoft.api.*;def messageResponderResponse(context) { String dataRepoVal = context.getValue("root Data 2","AccountNumber"); Application.showMessage("DEBUG VALUE: " +…
[HELP] Script not accessing data currently stored in Data Repo
Hi, I’m trying to get the existing value in my Data Repository in column soloAccountNumber to be displayed to the console. Instead of showing the value that’s already there, it always say the value is null. The goal is to check if the data repo has a value, if its null, return the the value generated from Data Generator…
Reference environments not showing in CTP
When using reference environments in a tst, those environments do not appear to be available in CTP. Is this by design or a bug? Is there a work around that will allow us to us reference environments? in tst: in CTP:
Get all headers and add them to a message client request
Can you share an example of getting all headers from a request into a variable and adding them to a message client request? Thanks. JT
Autosar C++14 Compliance widget
Is there a way to filter the "compliance by category" widget by Autosar C++14, or maybe custom rulesets?
Insure++ 7.4.6 & Win10
Is this "old" version supported by Windows 10 ? Thanks in advance
did not find Publish Parasoft analysis results in build section jenkins
Hi Team, I have installed the Parasoft findings plugin in Jenkins to view the report format. but somehow i did not find the "publish Parasoft analysis results" in Configure> Post-build Actions> Add post-build action section. can you please help me with this. second question: What is the correct format of the relative XML…
Can we send choice parms from Jenkins into SOAtest Rest Request
I am updating Jira with a rest api - I would like for parms to be sent into the JSON of a put / post from Jenkins when running the build - is that possible ?
Web Scenario UI Test with Blazor
I have a .Net Core Blazor (server side) application that I am trying to create UI tests for using the Web Record web scenario test suite. Blazor utilizes siginalR to make the application work and to update the http of the page. When I run the tests through SoaTest signalR immediately loses connection making the application…
We have created virtual assets where we have capture xml action in data bank and forwarded it to endpoint based on action. When someone else is trying to use our virtual asset endpoint for testing , response that is captured in payload is com.parasoft.stub.ResponseObject@5ecba2b0 not sure what does this means
SOATest Writable Datasource : Comparing more than 2 columns from different Writable Datasources
I have 2 XML responses where i need to compare both the responses. Responses will have list of array elements hence i had to extract the elements and saved to the writable data source. Now i have 10 columns for each data source (there are 2 writable DS) . I have written a java script to compare 2 columns one from…
gitlab C/C++ static code analysis integration
I saw that gitlab integration is supported, but I cant find any documentation about it. Could you provide me information how it is done? I would really like to use this tool, because it has a full support of CERT C rules.
API test job execution is not working
Hi Team, I created a test job in CTP and when trying to execute, it shows waiting status and did not execute. Can you please help me with this. Please let me know if any more details needed. Attached screenshot. Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
Authentication Overhaul - Convert All Existing Tests
My organization is overhauling how customer sign in is performed. * Currently a customer authenticates, then initiates a session which generates unique cookies that follow the customer as they navigate the website. * * In the near future we will have two NEW endpoints to sign in, which will generate a token which will be…
Obtain the REST URL to execute a Job from Test Scenarios
The API Testing Module in CTP allows users to execute automated tests as a Job. From the Docs: Automated provisioning during testing: You can configure a test job that you want to execute one or more times, then associate an environment context with that test scenario so that the appropriate environment is always…
How to execute a test job continuously from outside or automate it
Hi Team, I have a situation where I need to execute a test continuously for a long time. for this, I have already created a test job and execute it by using rest API (/v2/jobs/{jobid}/histories). But here I need to run it manually every time. I need a way where i can execute this rest API from the scheduler or by…