Handling IN OUT parameters in DB Tool Stored Procedure calls
I have a Oracle DB Stored Procedure with the following signature SCHEMA.PACKAGE.PROCEDURE(IN VARCHAR, IN VARCHAR, IN VARCHAR, IN OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT VARCHAR, OUT INTEGER, OUT VARCHAR). As you can see, there is one parameter that is both an input AND output parameter. I have tried…
How to call Custom JAR method with arguments
I am using JAR inside the JSON Message Responder "Response" tab to return the response. One of the method in the JAR expects the method arguments. 1. How can I send the arguments to method inside the JAR, from the JSON Message Responder? 2. In local machine, I can set the Custom JAR file path in the System Properties. In…
Announcing Parasoft Selenic 2020.2
The latest version of Parasoft Selenic was released today. It adds additional support for enterprise application software (e.g. Salesforce and Guidewire) as well as making it easier than ever to create pure Java Selenium tests in your favorite frameworks. Enterprise Application Support (EAS): Salesforce, Guidewire, etc. *…
Troubleshooting Failures in Load Test
Is there a way to see reasons for failures in load tests? We have a load test scenario that works local on a users machine, but when its uploaded to our load test server all calls fail. We are trying to understand if its a connection issue or some other issue. The reports do not have detail as to what the failures are and…
Custom XPath for Data Source Correlation
Is there any way to set up custom correlation for the data source? Specifically, what I was interested in doing is checking to see if value in the "Data Source Column Name" field "contained" the value extracted from the request object. Something like: request: Cars data source column name value: Trucks|Cars|Bikes|Skates…
How do I convert XML data into an excel.
I want to fetch data from XML and put it into an excel. My XML data is like: ABC 123 I want to convert these data in Excel in table format
increase font size test case explorer
Hi I'm fairly new to SOAtest. I needed to increase the font size in the app for many things. I've managed to find the settings for many of the items except 1. I can't find where the setting is to increase the font size in the Test Case Explorer. I'm using Parasoft SOAtest & Virtualize version 2020.1 on a Mac. Any help is…
How to install C++ Test Professional on multiple IDEs
We have C/C++ Professional. It is currently installed on TI Code Composer Studio IDE. I would also like to have it installed on NXP S32 Design Studio. How can this be done?
2 response for same request one web service and one MQ in same responder
Hi wanted to check can we have one responder giving 2 responses webservice call synch response from webservices and aysch MQ response for same request in Virtualize.
Asynchronous responder
how to create Asynchronous xml message responder in Parasoft Virtualize
Need to send Multiple responses for a single request at certain interval of time
The request would be triggered only once and not again and again. When a request is triggered it would send 3 responses at certain interval of time,I am unable to configure the same. Please help.
how to send different response wrt request for same service
Hi, I have a situation where i need to send different response for different request body but the service is same. for example: below service triggered on search page, after clicking add to cart, on product details page. https://imservices-qa1-usch01.corporate.ingrammicro.com:9043/ESProductSearchCA_v4_0 authentication…
Setup error
hi, I am using c++ test 10.4.2 in VxWorks 7. in my project I am using atomic operations (using the #include <"atomic">, if I remove the atomic there is no issue) the project compiles in the VxWorks but once running the c++ test on the project I am receiving the following setup error:
Details of an error in script execution
When I have an error in one of my extension tool scripts I see the following on the Details tab of the Event Details perspective: Test Name: 1. /some/test/name Source: name of the extension tool Message: Error during script execution. View Details for more information. java.lang.NullPointerException Are there more details…
Virtualize Extension Tool: Can I log to the console?
What is the syntax (Groovy) for an extension tool to write information to the console or some other visible output in Virtualize? Thanks
Validate the element name in JSON
I have a scenario to validate that the response JSON has retrieved only the required elements based on the request API. I don't need to validate the values of the elements. Elements : Certificate Expiration date License Name Org
Dealing With Large Payloads in SOAtest and Virtualize
Hello, See the attached best practices document for dealing with unusually large payloads in SOAtest or Virtualize. When your message payloads start exceeding 10MB, consider these best practices to improve your experience working with SOAtest or Virtualize.
Virtual Asset issue The schema of messages includes recursive type definition resulting in a cycle
Hi, While trying to create virtual asset from recording file, I am getting the following error: This happens because the response has some child element same as parent element. For example: { "items": [ { "id": "123", "items": [] } ]} Due to this, I am getting truncated response which does not match the actual recorded…
VS2017 help
Hi I am using VS2017 Professional and I have installed Parasoft C++ test v10.4.2 for visual studio, but after the installation the Parasoft still doesn't appear in the menu. what can be the reason for this? Thanks Sharon
Stored Procedure not executing in soatest - giving error message
Hello,I’m having a problem with the DB Tool, where a stored procedure is not working as expected. The same exact stored procedure is working on Toad for Oracle, and I’m able to get the query result I expect. Using the DB Tool in SOAtest, I get the following error:“Error Message:ORA-00922: missing or invalid option42000…
Parasoft Standalone License Server
Are we going to support Open JDK and Tomcat 9.x in the upcoming version of Parasoft Standalone License Server i,e 2020.2 ?. Because I can see in the documentation it's mentioned we do have support for the below * Java 8 * Tomcat 8.5 Link for document:-…
Test execution issue
Under test relationship, tests are individually runnable option is disabled. How to enable it?
Virtualize for performance testing of simulators
Can Parasoft Virtualize handle high volume of requests for performance testing Can Parasoft Virtualize right from long term maintenance perspective where we are thinking of hundreds of simulators for performance testing env
Multiple Data Sources in Scripting
Trying to use this example from the scripting PDF: from java.util import * def addDataSources(context): ds = ArrayList() ds.add("DS1") ds.add("DS2") return ds But, when I try to use one of the data sources it says that the data source does not exist. Can you post a valid method that uses one of these ? Thanks JT
Report Generation Parasoft GUI
I wish to store reports from Static Analysis, Test Case Execution etc. automatically in seperate locations using properties file. Is it possible to do this in Parasoft Eclipse Plugin? Does report.location parameter apply for GUI as well? Greetings, Tejashree
Fetching the base URL from the browser opened from Browser Playback option
Hi Team, As a part of our testing, we need to fetch an Dynamic ID which is a part of the URL. However, we reached to a point where we navigate to that URL from Browser Playback option. We need to fetch the URL from the browser Issue that we are facing: 1. REST URL Data bank : Getting a blank in all the parameters 2. Chrome…
Avoid blank values in excel while validating
Hi Team, How to avoid blank values in data sheet while validating or during assertion. example : Attached an excel. I need to skip the blank cells in excel while testing. Note : I cannot edit the datasheet.
How to send same response for multiple request.
Hi team, i have a situation where my request parameter in a req body might be different. it's like someone can send 2 parameter or more. so i need a way to send a valid response each time for every request. is there any way for this. Please let me know if you need more details. Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
Cookies issue
When I run a POST call in SOATest, I get "connection reset" error. Same request is working in SOAPUI. **I observed that in the request header , cookies of response are getting appended. **If I restart the workspace and then check it's working fine and later I see the same issue. Why are response cookies appended in request…
Upload file based on relative path
I want to upload a file in my e2e tests and I did manage it by using /home/john/Documents/doc.txt but when I share my automation tests the path of the other tester is /home/george/Documents/doc.txt I tried to put as relative path ~/Documents/doc.txt but this didn't work. Any suggestions?
Do SOATest call API's internally? Like selenium internally call API for UI automation
Wanted to know that does SOATest internally call APIs to perform particular action SOATestUI. If yes is there is any way to automate it
Supported Eclipse versions
Parasoft does not ship current versions of Eclipse. The current version is 4.6.1 (2016-2017). I have an engineer that wants to update to a newer version. Is there anything for me to be concerned regarding the current and foreseeable future SOAtest releases?
Parasoft BUG - requestBody correlation for x-www-form-urlencoded POST requests
I came across a problem while trying to correlate or return the requestBody of a POST request x-www-form-urlencoded. Parasoft sees/returns an empty requestBody. It would work for all request types (GET/PUT/DELETE) but not for POST, is this a bug? Can confirm that it works for other requestBody types, raw/json/etc.
Validating Variable Length Lists In API Responses
Problem: You are data driving an API with your SOAtest test and you have data validation requirements on an array of data the API returns. This can be problematic because depending on the request parameters, which you've externalized into a data source, you will receive varying length arrays coming back in the API…
How to use Swagger in Parasoft soa test
Hi Team, I want to use Open API / Swagger in my soa test. When I want to automate any test case which has query parameter, how can I pass my query parameter in the query tab? I am getting the message the specified operation has no configuration path parameter. To change the path, select a different operation. How will I…
Support for sub environments - possible enhancement
While the environment structure is great, it would be beneficial if there was an ability to next these such that everything for a dev environment is set in a parent env, but divisions or such could be children to that parent, or viceversa. ie Dev Environment baseurl - http://dev.org urlpathA - /endpointA urlpathB -…
Variable'ize entire header for use in all calls
Since we typically use 2 common header formats in out calls (GET Versus POST/PUT/DELETE), I was wondering if it was possible to create a multi-line variables that could be used calls. This would help facilitate normalization between calls and allow a single place for updates and variable assignments, such as auth tokens,…
remove() may lead to race conditions
Hello, I'd use the function remove() in order to delete a file in my project. I tried also with unlink() but I have the same violation: Usage of functions prone to race is not allowed (SECURITY-19-2) This file removal is in the main thread, so I can suppress that rule, but it will be nicer if I will found an alternative.…
Tasking - running UT on simulator
In the "Run Altium TASKING CTC Tests" configuration there are couple of steps that I don't really understand: Here is what we see in customer's console log: ...done. Copying file... "C:\work\unit_test\megartos\MConfig" -> "C:\Users\bhopkins\parasoft\workspace.cpptest\vdm_x2_proj\unit-data\current_tubf179707\MConfig" Source…
How to get the full URL of the current request in Virtualize Extension Tool
Can you tell me how to get the full URL of the current request in Virtualize Extension Tool using Jython? Thanks. JT
Display code coverage for CppUTests
My Goal: My project consists of three C++ libraries and a set of existing CppUTest tests that unit test the classes in those libraries. My goal is to see the code coverage, in the libraries that is caused by running the CppUTest tests. The libraries and test are built by CMake. This is in a CentOS-7.2 Linux environment.…
Multiple response for same request which contain only the session id as dynamic value
Hi Team, I'm facing issue in differentiating the responses for same request.There are 4 different responses for the same request and except session id every other values are null in the request.In real time based on the addresses in the previous request the response differs in this request ,but i'm not getting how to…
Trying to use a file on CTP server
I am trying to use a CSV file for the CSV data source. I have uploaded the file to a folder on the server via the CTP, but I am unable to retrieve the file in the File Path: location / space within the CSV data source window. What is the format used to point to a specific file on the server? I am connected to the server,…
Rules Suppression Question, Source of a warning from a #define MACRO.
Question: Can we place the suppression in the MACRO and will the Parasoft tool recognize it, and suppress the warning in consuming .c files? We are struggling to get this construct to work. We want to be able to suppress the warnings from where the Macro is defined in the header file, instead of having to modify 1000's of…
How to activate a Community Edition License.
Description: How to activate a Community Edition License. Solution: 1) Navigate to your Preferences or Click here to edit license preferences 2a) If you Navigated to Parasoft-> Preferences you need to navigate to the license page 2b) If you Click on Activate License you should see the following window pop up 3) Once you…
Missing CWEs from security compliance pack
I'm trying to configure custom tests for C/C++ static analysis. I'm using Mitre CWE's library and some are in the CWE Top 25 + On the Cusp 2019. I do have the Security Compliance pack installed. However, some CWE which are listed on the Top 25 + On the Cusp 2019 are not shown in the rule tree in test configuration. For…
Collect Stub Information Fails To Find Identifier
Hello, I am using Parasofts C/C++ Test in an embedded environment; * IDE: Code Composer Studio v8.2.0.00007 * Device: TMS320f28075 * Compiler: ti-cgt-c2000_18.1.3.LTS * Product: Parasoft C/C++ Test Professional 10.4.2 Whilst trying to run the built in "Collect Stub Information" operation Parasoft cannot find certain…
Browser playback not startingup chrome browser
I have a requirement * Navigate to webpage and generate a token. I tried using the browser playback option, but I getting the below error * I tried updating the drivers but no luck.
Set Active Environment Using a Tool
is it possible to set the active environment using something like an extension tool? I'd like to have multiple environments to set the value of endpoints and I would like to set the active environment based on a value from a Data Source. Can this be done, and if so is it thread safe.... meaning would the active environment…
Features Request
The following features would be very useful IMO: Message Proxy component: * make the columns sortable * allow the connections to be moved up or down * allow a copy/paste feature to create new connections Datasource Table component: - make the columns sortable - allow rows to be moved up or down JT