Announcing Parasoft Jtest 2020.2
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The latest version of Parasoft Jtest has been released. We've extended Jtest's static analysis capabilities with new features to help you focus on the most expedient tasks.
New Scoping Options to Target Modified Code on the Current Branch
We've added new options to create file filters that restrict the scope of analysis to files modified on your current working branch. This allows you to focus on identifying and fixing bugs introduced by your recent code changes before the code is merged with the main development stream.
In addition, you can narrow down the scope to locally modified files so that you can analyze the code you updated before checking it into source control.
New Report Reference Options for Defining the Code Analysis Baseline
You can now specify a path or URL to a reference report file that will be used as a baseline when performing analysis with Jtest. This allows you to exclude previously reported findings from the current report in order to focus on the most recently detected code defects.
New Suppression Format
You can now create suppressions for static analysis findings in parasoft.suppress files, which can be stored in source control along with your source files. You can create in-file suppressions in the Jtest GUI or manually add information about findings you want to suppress to suppression files. See Suppressing Findings in the GUI and Suppressing the Reporting of Findings.
The previous XML-style format used to create suppressions in the GUI is deprecated. You can convert deprecated suppressions to the new in-file format at you IDE startup.
Default Optimization of JUnit 4 and 5 Test Execution
The default test execution configuration has been optimized for JUnit 4 and JUnit 5, reducing the time required to report test results and calculate coverage.
The results for JUnit 3 tests are not collected by default. See Running Unit Tests for information how to configure your project to obtain results for JUnit 3 tests.
If you execute tests for Tycho builds, you need to fine-tune your configuration to enable JUnit test execution.
Enabled Executing Test Suites
Jtest can now collect results for nested test suites and report test execution results in the context of the test suite where a test is run. As a consequence, historical results for test suite execution are no longer available on DTP.
Integrating with Lombok
You can now integrate Jtest with the Lombok library to speed up the development process by automatically generating boilerplate code in your project.
Extended Security Compliance Pack
We've added support for the newly updated Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). In addition, we've extended the CERT for Java and UL 2900 test configurations with new rules to help you achieve better compliance with the security standards. See the New and Updated Test Configurations section below.
In addition, we've extended the CERT for Java and UL 2900 test configurations with new rules to help you achieve better compliance with the CERT and UL 2900 standards.
Support for IDEs
We've added support for the following IDEs:
• IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1
• IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2
• Eclipse 2020-06 (4.16)
Additional Updates
For more information see the release notes