Announcing Parasoft C/C++test 2020.2

The latest version of the Parasoft C/C++test has been released. Our new release increases the productivity of dev teams with new capabilities and enhancements to support modern dynamic workflows.
See our press release
Here's a quick list:
New Scoping Options to Target Modified Code on the Current Branch (Enhanced GIT integration)
We've added new options to create file filters that automatically restrict the scope of analysis to files modified on your current working branch. This allows you to identify and fix bugs introduced by your recent code changes before the code is merged with the main development stream. You can also narrow down the scope to locally modified files so that you can analyze the code you updated before checking it into source control.
Read more for C/C++test Professional
Read more for C/C++test Standard
New Report Reference Options for Defining the Code Analysis Baseline
You can now specify a path or URL to a reference report file used as a baseline when performing analysis with C/C++test. This allows you to exclude previously reported findings from the current report to focus on the most recently detected code defects.
Read more for C/C++test Professional
Read more for C/C++test Standard
New Suppression Format
You can now create suppressions for static analysis findings in parasoft.suppress files, which can be stored in source control along with your source files. You can create in-file suppressions in the C/C++test GUI or manually add information about findings you want to suppress to suppression files. The previous XML-style format used to create suppressions in the GUI is deprecated. You can convert deprecated suppressions to the new in-file format via the option in the Suppressions View. Migration for Team Server suppressions will be added in the next release.
Read more for C/C++test Professional
Read more for C/C++test Standard
VS Code extension integration with Parasoft DTP
We have enhanced the Visual Studio Code extension by integrating it with Parasoft DTP. You can now easily download results from CI/CD scans without running analysis locally. With the new "Download results from the DTP" command in the VS Code extension, users can obtain static analysis results from sessions executed on remote servers, no longer needing to wait long hours in conducting local static analysis sessions. Users can then quickly get productive in reviewing problems, fixing code, or suppressing violations.
Enhanced performance of the static analysis engine and rules accuracy
In this release, we have upgraded the C/C++test’ parser to adopt some of the novelties from C++20 and included complete support for C++17. Users will also find enhanced accuracy for a collection of static analysis checkers used for AUTOSAR C++14 compliance. Additionally, this release boosted the static analysis engine's performance to shorten the analysis duration for modern C++ and reduced the size of cache data stored for the incremental analysis results, simplifying workspace management activities, especially for cloud base deployments where cached data has to be persisted between runs.
Enhanced support for code coverage monitoring
With C/C++test 2020.2 and DTP 2020.2, users can now add two new widgets to their dashboards:
* C/C++test Coverage Overview - Percent
* C/C++test Coverage Overview - Trend
New widgets enable monitoring the total % number of the code coverage for all metrics supported by the C/C++test, including those required by safety standards such as statement, branch, and MC/DC. This high-level overview helps make educated decisions about resource allocation and shows when compliance requirements are not met and where more focused attention is needed.
Requirements View usability enhancements
We have enhanced the Requirements View in the C/C++test Professional for Eclipse. Users can now import requirements information not by just using reqif files but by also using a preconfigured DTP connection. This eliminates the need to share ReqIF files with team members. Also, "Requirements View" is now synchronized with the Test Case Explorer. Requirements View updates whenever user correlates requirements or RMS test definition with a unit test case. Tested requirements are automatically decorated with a suitable icon. They can be automatically hidden from view, allowing developers to focus only on the remaining work and improve productivity by eliminating unnecessary distractions.
Simplified installers (Preview)
Our new installers have a simple form of archived packages which can be unpacked to any location suitable for the user. This is approach is much easier for automatic deployments. Distro can be unpacked, scanned for security; if needed, patches can be installed. A modified installation can be zipped back and automatically deployed to developers' machines or included in docker images for cloud deployments. With 2020.2, new installers are available for C/C++test Professional Standalone and Eclipse plugin as a preview.
Users can access them and familiarize themselves with the new installation approach. For our future C/C++test 2021.1 release, we anticipate that users will switch to only use our new installers.
New Support for Compilers
New compiler configuration for IAR ARM 8.50 (Windows)
New compiler configuration for Clang 10 (Linux)
New compiler configuration for GCC 10 (Linux)
New compiler configuration for ARM Clang 6.14 (Linux)
Metaware ARC compiler 19.03 (Windows)
For more information see the release notes:
C/C++test Standard
C/C++test Professional for Eclipse
C/C++test Professional for Visual Studio