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How to pass file location through 'Create Soap client' REST API call?

27farzana Posts: 2

I am trying to create a scenario to create a soap client through below REST API call,
Ideally we can pass request payload in soap client through text, file in Request tab through Parasoft UI (view: literal xml)
When i try to do the same through above API call, I couldnt see part in that API post payload to select and pass an xml request through file. I tried adding below part in payload,
"request" : {
"inputMode": "literal",
"location" : {
"id": "Request.txt",
"external": "Request.txt"
"type" : "file"
After executing, soap client gets created but The file location is not populating in that input file field.. could anyone please help in this?


  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭


    Are you trying to configure the request message to be read from a file using the REST API? The REST API currently doesn't support configuring the request message to be read from a file. The REST API unfortunately does not cover all the options available in the UI so if this is a feature you need please contact support and let them know about your use case.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    According to the schema type definitions in the API docs, "file" does not appear to be available at all. You are showing it as a child of "literal" but that contradicts the schema. So, you can set "type" to "file" but can not specify a file location. This appears to be something unimplemented/unsupported as confirmed by the previous comment.