Virtualize: Multiple Responder stub: Configure failover
Hi, Currently I am involved in creating a static stub using Multiple Responders in Parasoft Virtualize. I wonder how I can configure a failover mechanism for sending a dedicated response message when the correlation settings do not match (e.g. a 404 fault). It is just like sending the default message in SOAPUI, when search…
CTP : Mapping Javascript methods to xml field in CTP
I have tst file loaded to CTP. All the test scripts have a field which is linked to a javascript file to get unique value. However, when i ran the tst in CTP, scripts are failing because javascript file is missing. I have added javascript file to CTP, but now am not sure how do I call / map the methods to test scripts in…
Mass updates to test steps and suites - possible?
Is it possible to apply mass updates to a tst in SoaTest? We are moving from http 1.0 to http 1.1, and adding additional info in our request headers along with removing basic auth. Due to the large number of tests (1 to 19) and test suites (0 to 12) in our tst files, it would be nice to update a grouping within a tst, all…
Limiting and Rolling Virtualize Logs
This forum post will go over the process for creating, limiting, and rolling logs for the Virtualize WAR installation. The purpose of these changes is to avoid the issue of running out of HDD space. Sections: 1. Configuring a Virtualize logging configuration file with file output 2. Configuring a Virtualize logging…
ISSUE: header values translating variables in part.
I recently have run into the following issue where I set a variable in a pre-req (previous) call and then use the value in the header of subsequent calls. Lately, it appears as though 1 value is translated in a header, but the second value is not. initial header with variables: Cookie: authcookie=authorized;…
How to debug Extension tool and check the logs
I have a simple goovy method in Extension tool that I want to debug and see the output. When I click on Evaluate button I do not see anything happening. When I run this test it simply fails with following message in Console. Test 2: Extension Tool - failure Test failed I tried to put println statements but nothing gets…
Number of TestCases in a TestSuite dynamically
Is there a Parasoft API that can retrieve or obtain the number of Testcases, dynamically, given the tst file.
Testsuitename dynamically
Hello All Is there a way, one could retrieve the testSuiteName, thru a variable, dynamically, which can be leveraged in all the scripts for logging purpose. Anon
How can we generate two different extent report while doing cross browser parallel execution
How can we generate two different extent report while doing cross browser parallel execution
Parasoft virtualize groovy scripting example to read the json element
I am using multiple responses in JSON responder where the response is mapped one to one. Now I am in need of dynamic value in response like timestamp, value based on the random number and etc. It is should be based on input values. I tried varies example to get input string values in Groovy scripts without much success Ex:…
Parasoft plugin 10.4.3 for visual studio skips all files
I was using 10.4.1 previously and had no issue with running static analysis. However, once I updated to 10.4.3, all the tests skips all the files, checking 0/0 files. Is there some incompatibility between the 2 versions or is there some necessary steps to be taken for updating from 10.4.1 to 10.4.3?
Building a dynamic JSON Request body with n objects in an array
Hello, I have a use case that I'm trying to implement in SOATest and am running into a wall. I have a Service1 that returns n number of Account objects. There are a varying amount of accounts that could be returned for a given request as that user may have more or less accounts than another. I have a second service,…
Getting tsts to execute on a mac
Hey Parasoft, I had to reinstall eclipse (from 09-2019 to 03-2020) on my mac. But when I try to execute a tst, it failing right away with no text to explain why. What can I do to fix this? Thanks, Bryan Cox
DataRepositoryServer for Mac
Hey Parasoft, I have a mac what do I need to run that is equivalant to the server.bat that is in the DataRepositoryServer file? Thanks in advance, Bryan
Python script error
I am trying to add new column header in data and in assertion i am using that column header in code Error Message: DataSource: Positive (row 5): Error during script execution. View Details for more information. java.lang.AssertionError ~~~~
Multiple Responses
Hi All, I am New to Parasoft, and trying to stub and virtulize few Operations. I have created 3 response and based on my Incoming request it has to pick the right response. for Eg. 1. If my incoming request is of Reffer it has to pick the Reffer Response. 2.If my incoming request is of Approve it has to pick the Approve…
MISRAC2012-RULE_1_1 Compliance Pack settings for C99
Hi, There are two sets of rules for this Rule: two for C90 and two for C99. I am developing my program using C99 standard. Shall I unmark the two C90 rules and leave only C99 rules? (both 4 are marked by default) Thanks, Ritchie
Trouble executing with stubs
I've made a couple of stubs using the "Lesson 15: Configuring Stub Behavior in Source Code" chapter in "C++test Host-Based Unit Testing" guide. After running "Collect Stub Information" I created User Stubs for the functions I needed to stub. Trying to execute my test case give the error: function…
Memory test cases using Parasot C++test
I am looking for creating unit test cases for memory testing especially checkered box or galpat test. I did research in parasoft documentation however there is no such example. Did anyone got to create any tests using parasoft?
Json Assertor Throwing an error in Bamboo execution
I have some value assertions in json assertor tool and the test works on my local, but fails in Bamboo with below error. Can someone please help me understand what is missing? An error occurred while processing an assertion: net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Cannot convert XPath value to Java object: required class is…
Adding more header files to be analysed by extension (.gen).
We are working with C/C++test Standard. A prospect was able to analyse header files (.h) by providing -module switch. (Feedback - not very intuitive to find this option in docs AND understand WHY "-module" would control the inclusions of headers into the analysis - but that is a separate discussion) . So - they have some…
Soa is crashing while run the Exension File
I am using a extension tool where I am running java script .This script contains winium driver and sikuli apis ,when ever I am running this script.My soa crashed and showing the Error ,as you can see in the attached screenshot .I tried every possibility like add the eclipse ini file add both -vm and mention the javaw.exe…
Execute Selenium tests with Selenic and API tests with SOAtest at the same time
Selenium tests execute from the command line or the IDE. SOAtest tests also execute from the command line or from SOAtest. So you could execute them both from the commandline together. There are many ways to do this, like from Jenkins. Here is an example script: AGENT_DIR=<PATH TO SELENIC JARS>WEBDRIVER_DIR=<PATH TO…
Code composer studio unit tests fail to re-run
Hello, I have run into a problem using the embedded unit testing with c++ test. The sequence of events is; * Write some unit tests * Run TI CCS v4+ tests [C/C++ test console output] Target running... Interrupt to abort . . . * ~50 seconds after starting [C/C++ test console output] SUCCESS: Halted at correct location * All…
Traversing through json elements using JsonOutput
Requirement: I need to read a json from a file, traverse through the JSON elements and modify multiple values. I am using JsonSlurper to parse the text and traverse through the elements and able to modify the values. My request json contains multiple json arrays and json objects and elements. Issue: I have 2 unique…
Writing console output to a file
I am using the command virtualizecli -startServer >virtualizelogs.txt to write the logs to a file. But after executing the call to the server/virtual asset, I don't see that file is getting updated with the Application.showMessage statements.
How to import my tests in another tests
I am trying to create a common function library, created a test .tst file added an extension tool and written some methods in it. How can use this methods in other test .tst - extension tool. Is there a way to do this. Appreciate your help.
Use of Aggregate Data Sources in SOAtest: MAX nr of fields combined?
Hi, Currently I am building a project in SOAtest ( in which I would like to combine some internal table data sources into an aggregate DS for use in XML Assertors to validate the contents of several DB tables. I have a project with several tst's underneath. I declare the DS on project level (not as Global DS!)…
Error during parsing file (C++ static analysis)
Hello, this is my scenario: * Windows 7 platform * Parasoft C/C++ 9.6 Eclipse IDE * g++ inside Cygwin installation * Static analysis on C++ code (this code is compiled and executed on Linux platform) After run a CRules static analysis I got the following errors: size_t undefined, nullptr undefined, __int28 undefined and so…
Static analysis with preprocessor directives
I am running static analysis tool on C code and getting a MISRA2012 Rule 5.5b violation: The names of macros that exist prior to preprocessing should be distinct from the identifiers that exist after preprocessing (c99) [MISRAC2012-RULE_5_5-b]. It appears the cpptestcli is processing both the #ifdef clause and the #else…
Gmock integration
Have anyone tried to integrate Parasoft with GMock or other Mocking framework?
Is there a way to import JSONObject in Groovy
I need to convert string to json object using Groovy. But when I try to add the statement import org.json.simple.JSONObject I get the compiler error saying unable to resolve the class. Please provide some guidance.
Is there a log file to find the Hit Count ?
Hi Team, I need to prepare a desk, to show the Hit Count happened over the period for the given services, Currently I can find them under Monitoring tab, which shows the per day Hit Count. Is there a log file where I can get the previous Hit Count details ? Thanks Senthil. M
Correlation / Extract Element Regardless of Order in the Request
Is it possible to do a responder correlation based on a particular element and its value, regardless of its position in the Request body? The case I am working with is where the user sends a request with the same elements, however the order randomizes each time. For example, if I am checking for the value of "Status" which…
Validate IDs and throw error if invalid ID.
Hi, I have a requirement where i need to validate IDs and throw error if invalid. I have created data source and added available IDs. I have created one request and assigned data source to it. I am passing two parameters in my responder. I tried to execute but i am not successful in throwing error. ex:- Created Data Source…
Running SA & UT to cover conditionally compiled code
I am trying to figure out the best solution for running static analysis and unit tests on all of our C++ code. There are 3 different pieces of hardware that our code runs on. We have sections of our code that are compiled out depending on name we pass in to the compiler, IE: “-DHW1”. This is the primary way our main…
Export results to Junit or Nunit - possible?
After executing a test in SOATest, is it possible to export the results to a Junit or Nunit report.xml? I see that xunit is supported, but when exporting, I only get an empty xml report as attached. Is there a setting I am missing, possibly?
Jtest code in eclipse
Hi, I have generated test class using jtest IDE. I want to run this code in my normal eclipse editor How to do that? How to use this sonarqube?
Define Multiple Stub Callback Functions in a Single File?
Hello, I'm trying to use stubs with Dynamics Stubs Configuration enabled. All the stubs are created using "Create User Stub" option, and each are in Cpptest_Stub_(functionName).cpp files. The user manual stated that I should put Stub Callback functions in test suite files and define the stub logic there. However, instead…
Flexible selection of Active DS in DG
Hi, Currently it is sadly only possible to set an Active DS within a Data Group through using the dropdown selection or a static Environement variable. However during iteration of my test, I want to dynamically set the Active DS e.g. through a runtime variable, e.g. triggered from an overall DS. Will this be made possible…
Load test with token at specific interval
I have a scenario where we need to use token in the API load test and this security token is valid for only 15-20 min. We need to hit token only once in every 15- 20 min. Is there a way i can use this logic in the load test.
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver cannot be found by com.parasoft.xtest.libs.base_9.7.7.20180207
Hi Parasoft team, am getting below error when i try to connect to ora DB, I have included ojdbc6.jar in JDBC driver, DB tool is not surving my purpose so we have to handle this via scripting, can someone help on this please Additional Details: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver cannot be found by…
parasoft virtualize server - start/stop
I'm new to parasoft virtualize but I follow the mechanical steps to create the virual asset. After closing the parasoft IDE and opening again, double clicking the URL of the virutal asset does not open the full window of the GET request in the Editor view. The i noticed server was not started. I started virualize server.…
Returning only 500 Internal Service Error instead of 200 with response
Is there a way to set up my mock to only return a 500 error if we enter in a unique value correlated to this? For example right now we have our mock set up to look for "JORDANS_CATEGORY" and this would return a valid response (200) that is set up in our traffic file. Is there a way to return only a HTTP status code instead…
Capturing loop count during loop until Fail/Succeed
I currently use a loop until succeeds loop for some calls to account for backend delays in data propagation, but I am now being asked to capture how many loops it takes (to determine total delay) until the data is propagated. Is there an internal variable that can be used to capture the current loop count, which I can add…
Excel datasource defined in parent suite, values are not getting through in reference suite
Hi We have several reference suites that use a data-driven approach with an Excel datasource defined in the parent test suite. I had to change one of the reference suites (add a new SQL query somewhere), but now the values of the datasource (of the parent suite) are not detected anymore (errors in the ), but only in the DB…
Can we throw custom http status code and message using groovy?
Hi, I am looking to see if i can use groovy code to handle custom error messages like below? There is a logic in my groovy code where it throws invalid date range if If my date is greater then 90 days. I don't have logic where it also change custom status code/message. I want to see if i can throw status code = 405 and…
Groovy script unable to establish Oracle DB Connection
Hi Team, When tested the Virtual Service in local host with the below Script in the Response tab ---> Input Mode: Scripted---> Language: Groovy getting below error in the when monitored the logs. Error Message: com.parasoft.api.UserMethodException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Please…
Unable to connect to SQLServer through Jython
Hi, I am trying to connect SQLServer using extension tool (Jython). I got an error: Error during script execution. View Details for more information. com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver cannot be found by com.parasoft.xtest.libs.base_9.7.7.20180207 I added: * sqljdbc42.jar in Parasoft/ Preferences/ JDBC driver and…
Recording Web Scenario
I am trying to record a web scenario but the only thing that is captured is the start page. As I navigate through my planned test script no pages are being recorded even though the dialog says it is recording.