Help with Regular Expression Criteria
I have a MQ responder I am trying to move from one tool to Virtualize. This responder has two main types of criteria, one is in the form of regular expressions, and the other is just plain text. I need help on how to create the criteria to match with the responder / how to handle these responders with these criteria. An…
Parasoft creation of .bdf file using bitbake.
I'm looking to setup c/c++ test to do static analysis, but my build uses bitbake to compile instead of a straight-up make command. Is there any trick to get this to create the .bdf with cpptestscan or cpptesttrace, or is there some way I can perform some level of static analysis without doing the build?
Custom status code is not showing and always shows 200 OK.
Hi, i have a scenario where i need to validate account ID and display error message as "Invalid account ID" if account ID is invalid. I am able to validate and display message but i am not able to display my custom status code as 400. It always shows 200 OK. Can you help me on what changes i need to make this work? Thank…
How can I get values from REST path and return it as a string in the response?
For example, I have somehost.com/restapi/v1/value1 and I want it to return value1. I set up REST URL Data Bank and set "Path - 0" to value1. In one of the attribute in the response, I use this Groovy script... import com.parasoft.api.*; boolean customAssertion(Object input, ScriptingContext context) { String value =…
Using Kafka with SSL
Parasoft SOAtest supports Kafka through the Kafka plugin available on the Parasoft Marketplace. The Kafka transport allows you to configure SSL and other security settings with global Producer and Consumer properties through scripting. You can add an extension tool to your test suite and add the following properties import…
Soap Client Response in Parasoft
i am trying to run a soap api in parasoft response seems to be 200 but the payload in traffic viewer is empty as below But when i run the same api in soap ui i get the complete response with all the Engagement benefits details. where am i going wrong here.
SOA test integration with ALM
I integrated SOA test with ALM. I am currently executing the tests from test lab. But the challenge is the runtime is very long from ALM like almost 4-5mins I am looking for a solution where I want to execute my test cases from SOA test tool and export the complete traffic to ALM
Show error message if date is null or greater then 7 days
Hi, I am new to parasoft and trying to understand my requirement. I have two scenarios where if date is null or greater then 7 days then it should show error message as:invalid dates. I can see my message if date is passed but not without. Can any one help me on this issue please? Below is my requirement flow:- Assets:-…
Dynamically change a request
Hi Team, Can we dynamically change our soap request based on datasource value. Example: We have a column in datasource having value as 3 ,so I want to add a block of elements 3 times. If my column value is 2, then I need to add the elements 2 times dynamically based on the value of the datsource. Can we change the request…
DTP installed in a container
Can I deploy DTP be deployed in container? I have soavirt deployed in a container in the cloud and would like to have DTP deployed as a container also.
Need example for /v6/tools/messageResponders with Multiple Responses
Can you post an example or two for /v6/tools/messageResponders with Multiple Responses? Thanks. JT
Error while doing static analysis with Parasoft C/C++test Professional 10.4.0 (Eclipse) in windows
Hello, Good Evening! This is my scenerio, I am doing static analysis for a make file based Project which uses arm-linux-androideabi-gcc compiler. While doing the static analysis I am getting the below mentioned error in the console window. Preparing options for MM_Version6.0 project... make -i CXX="cpptestscan.exe…
Connection timed out error
Hi, i am new to parasoft tool and have started on this few days back. i am working on a rest api, and getting an error as "Error Message: Connection timed out: connect" even though i have done the proxy changes in the preferences. Could you please assist me as in what i can do to resolve this error.
How can i customize status codes in parasoft
Hi, I want to display custom status code based on my response. i always gets status as 200 OK but i want to change on some conditions. ex: if passing date is greater then current date then display status = 400 and message = Bad Request. * Can i do this in parasoft? (Yes - how) or * Can i do this using groovy? (Yes - how)…
How can I easily get the missing data between two builds in DTP.
Hi I have missing some data between two builds. Using widget "Recent Builds" I have general overview that 2 less test inputs and 6 less coverage inputs. But could I quickly get info - which runs (sessions) are missing and from which machines ? regards Maciek
Can we implement validation rules using Parasoft?
Hi, I want to know if we can implement validation rules in Parasoft without writing code. ex: My response should look if my date > current date then i can throw some custom error messages in response? or do we have any Parasoft methods that can be used for this kind of work?
Virtualizer - asking to download JSON file instead of showing contents
Hi, Question : I have virtualize Rest API, working perfect with postman/chrome but ones try URI under IE 11, instead of showing JSON on screen asks me to OPEN or Download file. If i click on OPEN, nothing happens. Thanks,
Test Suite - Execution options
I would like to iterate my datasource once per test. In Test Suite - Execution options Tests are individually runnable radio button gets disabled after adding tests. Could someone please help?
Soavirt Server License Question
I am using the "Server License" version running in a cloud environment. Currently I am using a license token (server, which is correct) but I am also using a regular soatest license also. That does not seem right to me. Could it be on selecting the "Edition" to "custom" and only choose server API enabled?
Return Status based on the response
Is there a way to return the status code based on the response from the Groovy script of Response tab.
How to insert data in data repository using groovy script through pva.
Email content validation with another content
Could you please share the logic to compare the content of email like boy sub date etc to other page .... Is it possible though soa tool?
SOATest using Mulit-Factor Authenication
Can SOATest support this? Has anyone done this with SOATest before?
Programmatic Suppression
I am in need of a rule that detects ALL instances where the source code, regardless it's lines or blocks, has previously been suppressed from violation reporting ! Is any *.rule that fits above requirement already available in the download package?
Write Header element to CSV file
Hi all, There are alot of post on creating CSV and passing element from body to CSV using xml transformer. However i am looking for a way to sent the 2 element in the HEADER session on to CSV file. I have yet to see any information regarding that. Please take note its 2 selected element in the message header, not the whole…
Virtual Service Response Scripting
Hi, I have wrote a Java code to generate a response, when tested in the Java Perspective in Parasoft tool code is executed without any errors got a valid output. When i loaded the same to the "Virtual Service" ---> Response section and tested in local Server getting below error. Could someone correct the code. Attached the…
Encode / Decode base64 with javascript?
Hi, I need to decode base64 encoded output of a rest service and compare the decoded result with a value from a database, but I don't know how. I understood that it is possible to decode with javascript, but how can this be done? This is the scenario: * JSON call to a REST service returns a encoded value. * I saved this…
test name parameterization
I have one payload with different vallues and headers. I created data source and added headers and values and also added column Test name. is there any ways to parameterize each test name so that test picks only headers and other values related to its name?
Property file setting questions
If I use the soatest.license.autoconf.timeout=[seconds] property and set it to 90 seconds, will soatest keep polling until license is free for 90 seconds or will it wait 90 seconds to poll. Same question for this property soatest.wait.for.tokens.time=[time in minutes] If I set this to 20 minutes will soatest only try once…
set or change boolean values in script
I have the following scripts that simply flips the value of a boolean, but when I try to set the value to a testsuite variable, I get a compile error as a string cannot be set to a boolean although the variable is defined as a boolean. Any help on my mistake(s) or work arounds would be greatly appreciated. Variable…
<HOW TO> Test Execution Time in Report
Hi, Can someone please help me know if we can add "Total Test Execution Time" in Report and how to do that ? Thanks in advance.
Error Message: Connection reset
when i run a POST call in SOATest, i get **"Error Message: Connection reset" ** same request will work in postman. so i am using same info i am using in postman.
Qt IDE with Parasoft Plugin
Hi, I use qt IDE. I want to add Parasoft to qt IDE. Is it possible for plug in Parasoft to qt ide?
How to enforce all JSON values of a request payload at once.
Hi guys. I want to create a responder that will fail if any of the fields or values that come in a request is different from what was defined as the Request Template. How can I achieve this? I have been trying using HTTP Simple Mock and JSON Assertors but I couldn`t get this behavior yet.
How to update the CSV present in the Virtual Asset
In the 'Incoming Request -> Extension Tool' Groovy script, with the below statement I am able to update the CSV file which is present in my local machine. File file = new File('C:/Users/filepath/Thirdparty.csv') file.append(value+'\n') But with the below statement CSV file which is present in the Virtual Asset is not…
DB Tool Oracle DB Connection Issue
Hi Team, I have added "DB Tool" Output on Incoming Request and have given the "Driver", URL, and UserName and Password. When deployed the Virtual Service to Parasoft server and tested, getting the following error. Please help me with this issue. I have added class path in Parasoft tool in Parasoft-->Preferences-->JDBC…
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403
Hi All, Can somebody help me on this issue, I can see Title error. when i use update script for version information like update --version, update --help is working and --updatesite also working. FYI., below URL(http://.......artifacts.xml) is accessible using chrome/IE Full error msg E:\Program…
Possible division by zero - fails to detect
Hello. I am running a static analysis checks with Parasoft C/C++ test. And I encountered the following issue: passing a zero parameter to a function which afterwards uses it to divide is not always detected/reported. For example: void some_function() { test_function(0); } void test_function(int parameter) { int var = 5 /…
How can we validate token for customer
Hi, I am new to parasoft virtualize and wanted to know if we can validate token for particular customer? I want to see if token is matching with customer otherwise throws error message.
ANT Soatest default path
Hi, I am still working on a fix for a project .We use ANT scripting to start Soatest. Jenkins is used to start the run. The testcase can be found and is started. After that the first thing it needs to do is look up for a WSDL that is located in the basedir. The WSDL can't be found. After adding de workspace_Loc global, i…
Warning Message : No test resource appears to be selected.
When i try to run test case for DB Connection (Oracle). I get warning message "No test resource appears to be selected. Do you want to use resource from the last test run?" when select "Yes" in warning window, it runs last test run. BUT does not execute DB Connection test case.
ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
after entering all the info (Host/Port/DB SID/ Usr/ PWd) , i am entering query in query field. Then when i click on "Show Columns" button, i see : Parameters of connection are invalid. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor
Problem in downloading egit updates plugins
Trying to download the egit plugins for parasoft using link "http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates". After selecting the options "Git Integration for Eclipse" and "Java implementation of Git", getting following errors in attached snapshots.Please help how to proceed further.
How to read the values/content from FILE datasource
How to read the values/content from FILE datasource and use in Response tab groovy scripting? I was able to successfully read the values from EXCEL datasource using the below step in Response tab Groovy script. variable = context.getValues("data source name", "column name") I tried to use the below steps to read the values…
Need unique object properties of Parasoft SOA Test
Hi, For our project we are trying to automate Parasoft SOA test execution by using an automation tool. Automation tool could not identifiy objects in Parasoft SOA test. To overcome these object identification issues, we need unique object properties of Import .tst button and Treeview area under Navigator. Kindly share the…
JSON Assertion Handling
Hi, I have added an assertion to Virtual Service and when i deployed and ran a test could notice that Assertion is failing but Virtual Service is responding with a proper response instead of an error response saying Assertion failed. Could someone please help me with this issue, i have gone through the user manual and i…
Protocol Support
What kind of protocols it supports. We have queries specific to below protocols. ISO8583 - Service Virtulization. Can we use same for performance testing for 70TPS. Please Suggest if anyone knows this.
VirtualService with Excel Data Source
Hi Team, We are using Parasoft version in our project. I have created a Virtual Service with Excel Data Source and when tested its throwing error as below when tested. We have used same data and created a Virtual Service with "In Project Spread Sheet" and when tested its working perfectly. Please help us…
Header correlation using Reg Expressions
I need to send response based on the incoming request header, response will be different based on the first letter of the header value I tried correlating headers in my responder and used values as: A*, B* and C* but I found that the only Regular expression allowed is for any header "[*]", seems I cannot use my own, is…
Changing the mediator endpoint to local host endpoint is not working.
Hi Team, SOAPUI call --> service visualize --> route to actual endpoint-->sends the response. SOAPUI steps:(This is a direct call to service visualize) 1. imported the service wsdl. 2.added the respective request. 3. created a message proxy with the actual endpoint. 4. copied the proxy endpoint to SOAPUI and executed. 5.…