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Parasoft plugin 10.4.3 for visual studio skips all files

nokoru Posts: 19
edited March 2020 in C/C++test

I was using 10.4.1 previously and had no issue with running static analysis. However, once I updated to 10.4.3, all the tests skips all the files, checking 0/0 files. Is there some incompatibility between the 2 versions or is there some necessary steps to be taken for updating from 10.4.1 to 10.4.3?


  • Bogdan Czwartkowski
    Bogdan Czwartkowski Posts: 164 admin
    edited March 2020

    Hi @nokoru,

    Unless your project type changed in the meantime so that C/C++test does not see it as C/C++ project any more, there should be no differences in how both versions of plugin work in Visual Studio.
    I would recommend:
    1. enabling verbose console output (Parasoft menu> Preferences> Parasoft> Console> set verbosity to High),
    2. Rerunning analysis,
    3. sending us the the complete output windows content produced by C/C++test - you can sent it to our support instead of using forum, if the output contains sensitive information.