Can we convert SOAP UI developed services XML into .tst files and use it in Parasoft SOATest tool
Hi Team, Is there any way that we can convert SOAP UI developed services XML into .tst files and use it in Parasoft SOATest tool. Please give suggestions to convert SOAP UI developed XML files into Parasoft SOATest support format.
Could not find a valid Message Responder to respond to this request.
Hi Team, I have deployed calculator wsdl in PARASOFT Virtualize successfully,But i am getting the below error message while calling the deployed endpoint? Wsdl :http://soaptest.parasoft.com/calculator-02.wsdl http://localhost:9080/glue/calculator/add/2/ error message: Could not find a valid Message Responder to respond to…
Execution stops if a scenario has a dependency on login call and variable is mapped to an input file
I am having issue when adding condition to map the scenario folder name (to method name from input excel file) and add success dependency on login call before executing the scenario. The scenario does not get executed. It stops execution after login and does not move on the scenario. Note: if I have the test outside of the…
Can we define Env variable outside of the .tst file?
is there a way to define environment variables at project level instead of defining it at .tst?
Conditional Assertion not working with Has content
Trying to use condition assertion, where If (tag has content) then (assert this value). But for some reason, Has content doesn't work. The test cases passes even though the assertion value is wrong. Has content as a separate condition works fine. But only if I put it has a if condition, there seems to be some problem. Not…
Email reporting: how to update email body message or file name that gets attached to the email
we are using custom reporting for our scripts but we don't see any option to update email body message or attached html file name when report gets generated. it seems that we can only use the variables that are available in the soatest xml file. ex. the attached file name is coming up as managers_email.html by default as…
Data Source Row not showing in latest version 9.10.7
Test setup: • All rows in data source are selected. Soatest 9.10.6: (Before upgrade) • Note – Data source row is visible for each test run, in a consolidated fashion. Soatest 9.10.7 (After upgrade): • Data source row is now missing. • Test run field only populates the last 5 test runs in a test setup like this. • Dropdown…
Execution issue when using DIFF tool
is anyone facing issue where the script execution continues to wait or hangs when using Diff tool in the web service call? it does not throw any error or warning message.
Is there a way to reference a test from .tst file instead of entire .tst?
Can we reference one of the test instead of entire .tst file? ex. if I have Test.tst which has 5 test suite. Can I reference just test suite 1 in my smoke or regression.tst?
Populating Responder payloads with ALL possible enumerations
When populating a responder payload, is it possible to populate x number of instances, for a particular portion (array) within the dataset, to include all possible enumerations or is this a manual process? Say an address response allows all 50 states, along with other basic address info like street name and city. is it…
Objective - Create a Fixed-Message Virtual Asset from Traffic File via the REST API
Trying again on this topic after spending a few more weeks getting used to the Virtualize product. I am able to create a fixed-message virtual asset using the Parasoft/Eclipse IDE. The virtual asset is generated with no Data Source and each transaction is listed as a separate Responder. I want to be able to accomplish this…
Proxy Listen Ports - Which ones are open by default?
I have a situation wherein I would like to deploy a virtualize proxy at http://{virtualize_host}/, or in other words, at root. If I don't deploy the proxy at route it will require a code change and we are trying to avoid that if possible. My question is: What virtualize ports are available by default? I have found that I…
Launch cpptest with a specific workspace and modify PROJECT_LOC variable
Hello, I have two queries. 1). I wish to know how to launch the cpptest GUI and specify a workspace to open rather than the default (not sure where this is set either). 2). How to modify the PROJECT_LOC so that projects can be shared with multiple people. Parasoft is able to pick on the PARENT_LOC and WORKSPACE_LOC based…
Ways to avoid brittle element locators
Website recorders do their very best to select the right element locator as you navigate through the site but in many cases the locators that get recorded are non-ideal and contain dynamic information that would otherwise be too specific for example a brittle xpath. Common examples * IDs that change every time you visit…
Managing wait conditions in created tests
As a human, when I use a website, I look around for specific elements then I click on those buttons when they are “ready”. I do this because I am able to see when elements are available to be interacted with in the proper way. In an automated framework it’s a little more difficult for the machine to know when to do things…
Challenges with record and playback: Screen Size
Changing screen sizes. This challenge is interesting because there's this modern testing practice that is biting us during automated test creation and that is responsive web. In order to make a website that works for both mobile and desktop, Smart developers create responsive websites that will change the way that they…
Challenges with record and playback: Cookies and Sessions
The application was recorded in a particular state, even if you didn’t know it... Many times, things are set in the browser that customize the users experience on a site. There are identifiers that uniquely recognize the user, and affect things on the site such as: * The current Login state * Notifications shown the first…
Conditional Check for Incoming Request and Custom Response
Is it possible to set up a responder to respond multiple ways based on the incoming request format? Example: A SOAP based request sent yields type "A" response, and a REST based request yields type "B" response. The response is from the same responder If this is possible, can it be detailed as to how to do this?
XML Assertion for single element
Hi team, I need to validate a value say itemID (used excel datasource ) from xml response but in the response xml a no. of itemID nodes gets generated ,so I have to check with each itemID present in the response.The required itemID in response doesnot everytime generates at the same node so while selecting the element I…
Write/save SOAtest console log to file
Hi, What is the best way to write the contents of the SOAtest console log to a (txt) file? I heard this is possilble with the CLI, but is this also possible with the desktop version? With standard eClips you can set the Run/Debug configurations, however I do not see this option within SOAtest 9.10.6. Or can I use something…
Change host from responder
Hello everyone, I need to change the host from the responders. For example, I have one Virtual Asset with two responders, I want "method 1" goes to a virtual asset and "method 2" goes to the real endpoint. This is customizable by the user. ¿How can I achieve this? I'm trying to do this through CTP (the user chooses the…
Open File command issue in Quick access Textbox
Through automation, when Open file command is passed to Quick Access Text box, getting following error. "There is no handler to execute for command org.eclipse.ui.edit.text.openLocalFile" This issue occurs only when user enters the command through automation. We could not reproduce the same issue manually. Error screenshot…
Is there technical documentation
I'm using C++test in a custom way (embedded ST ARM MCU) and am fatigued by the lack of productivity and progress. The "owners manual" (Parasoft C/C++test Professional) doesn't begin to describe what's really happening with the code. I see how to turn the headlights on and off, but only one works. Now what? Is there any…
Permission on Virtual Assets under CTP
I am trying to admin our system and give permission to people to add/modify vitual assets under CTP. I have read the document [1] but am confused by the mention of "tests" and "test assets". My mind translates this as SOATest assets as compared to Virtualize assets. Should I be reading each time it says "test" as "test…
how to customize METRICS-39 ?
I am trying to create a version of METRICS-39 with a different threshold. I have duplicated the rule and modified the RULEMAP. However when I open the rule in the wizard there doesn't appear to be a way to modify the threshold like other rules. what am I missing?
best static analysis rule for arithmetic complexity?
Hello, I have found a few metrics that appear to address operator complexity. Halstead is the metric you find online. It looks like C++test supports several different Halstead complexity calculations but; a. they are not all enabled b. the ones that are enabled are not setup for violation detection. I also found VOCF which…
SOAtest : DB Tool passing extracted values using XML Data bank to other queries in specific format
I am using DB tool with Results as XML -> XML Data Bank, it returns many rows as a result and I want all values of say nth field as input to succeeding queries in test scenario workflow. Is there any simplistic way to do this? For example first query select * returns few rows with fields say f1,f2....fn, I want all values…
Is it possible to create parameterized messages using a traffic file without changing namespaces?
Hi, I just wanted to know if it's possible to create responders with parameterized messages without changing the original namespaces as seen in my recorded traffic. I've noticed that if I create responders with fixed messages, then the original namespaces are not changed by Virtualize. My application breaks when it…
How to set Virtualize responder to respond as a file using FTP
Hi Team, I have virtualized using FTP connection to read the file as a request & I want to send the response to another file location using FTP. How can we achieve this please help me * FTP(Request) - Completed the configuration. * FTP(Response) - Pending
Fetching data from Text Databank variable from a different test
This is my use case: Test 1: Extension Tool Add output --> Text Data Bank (Extract 2 data variables StartDate and EndDate) Test 2: Do SOAP calls Add output --> XML DataBank Test 3: Extension Tool Parameterize Call Add output --> Text Data Bank Test 4: QueryDBUsingvalues Add output --> Text Databank My problem: The two…
Parasoft Jtest 10.4.3 (M2) Milestone Build Available
We are happy to announce that the public milestones for Jtest 10.4.3 (M2) is available on the customer portal this week. Official GA of 10.4.3 is planned for Monday November 18th, in the meantime please see below for the highlights of this milestones. The main focus of this milestone is JUnit 5 support, please comment on…
Parasoft Jtest 10.4.3 (M2) Milestone Build Available
We are happy to announce that the public milestones for Jtest 10.4.3 (M2) is available on the customer portal this week. Official GA of 10.4.3 is planned for Monday November 18th, in the meantime please see below for the highlights of this milestones. The main focus of this milestone is JUnit 5 support, please comment on…
Attachment in Parasoft
Hi team, I am seeing a tab in soap client as attachment. What is the use of that?
I am seeing a tab in soap client as attachment. What is the use of that?
I am seeing a tab in soap client as attachment. What is the use of that?
Extract tag element from request(XML) & save it to external EXCEL file
Hi Team The requirement is to extract the tag element from incoming request & store it into external excel for further processing. I explored writable data source is not available for Virtualize. I explored both XML data bank and XML Transformer but both are not updating the excel sheet. How can i achieve this
I am seeing a tab in soap client as attachment. What is the use of that?
I am seeing a tab in soap client as attachment. What is the use of that?
Suitability of Parasoft C/C++ for performing Static Code Analysis
Hi All , My necessity is to evaluate options to consider usage of Parasoft C/C++ for conducting Static code analysis ( i) whether Parasoft C/C++ integrates seamlessly into VS 2015(IDE) , GIT and Jenkins ii) does it involve C++/CLI (Managed C++) for static analysis in addition to languages used C, C++, MFC & C#, .NET iii)…
Are you using or planning to use JUnit 5?
Jtest 10.4.3 will include support for JUnit 5 - what are your plans for JUnit 5?
Parasoft dotTEST 10.4.3 (M2) Milestone Build Available
We are happy to announce that the first public milestone for dotTEST 10.4.3 (M2) is now available on the customer portal. The primary focus for this milestone is support for Visual Studio 2019. Official GA of 10.4.3 is currently planned for Monday November 18th but in the meantime, please see below for the highlights of…
Parasoft dotTEST 10.4.3 (M2) Milestone Build Available
We are happy to announce that the first public milestone for dotTEST 10.4.3 (M2) is now available on the customer portal. The primary focus for this milestone is support for Visual Studio 2019. Official GA of 10.4.3 is currently planned for Monday November 18th but in the meantime, please see below for the highlights of…
Test Suite Generated From Traffic File - Missing VirtualAsset Context
I am successfully generating a virtual asset and a test suite from a traffic file using the REST API. When I execute the test suite, the tests fail because all of the tests are pointing directly at the URI's as they are listed in the traffic file e.g. /customer/doSomthing In order for the tests to succeed, I believe they…
Storing xml response
Hi all, I am trying to split an xml response by using a tag but before that I need to store my response xml in a string variable. I am using JavaScript (as per my project requirement) in custom assertion.Please kindly help me how to store the response xml in a string variable first so that i can proceed with further…
Does SOA Test support confluent kafka 5.2.1
Hi I am trying to setup a messaging client test for confluent kafka 5.2.1 version using SOA Test. Does any body know if SOA Test supports this confluent kafka 5.2.1...? Also this is using "KafkaAvroSerializer".
How do I pass current date in my XML Request
XML request has - date from and date to tags, how do I pass current date for both tags using extension tool, or is there any other way to achieve this. I am using Parasoft 9.9
Socket Closed Error Message
Hi, I am making a GET call from SOATest, and my URL is of the format walk.appgw1.westin1.dev.azure.xy.com/sv/details/v1/name?ID=123456 I don't see any traffic in the viewer and in the "quality tasks" tab I get "Socket Closed" I find no issues when I try this from POSTMAN / SOAP UI / Browser so its presumingly a SOATest…
ECMA in Parasoft assertion
Hi Team, What prerequisites(setup) we need to do so that we can use ECMA script in custom assertion. Please help.
Can a Proxy be set to go to priimary Real endpoint and Failover to secondary Virtual Asset?
If so, what are the parameters for the fail-over? Timeout or 50X/40X response?
SAP Hana
Has anyone connected or integrated soatest to sap Hana either by JDBC or Hana xs odata?
Rest API version
Hi, I am working on a virtualization project using Parasoft virtualize. The API version follows the semver 2.0.0 Please let me know if this is compatible with Parasoft virtualize tool 9.8 version
Keil unable to build unit test using library approach
Hello, I am using Keil for our application development. The objective is to create unit tests for our application that will run in the ARMCM4_FP emulator. For unit testing, I created a "UnitTest" build target that creates a library, verses an executable, of the application code and any non-hardware dependent library…