Bug in Content Type assignments - form encoded adding charset
I found a potential bug, or room for improvement... When setting up a Request in SoaTest, and setting the payload to URL Encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), the resulting header is: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; **charset=UTF-8 ** If the charset is going to be added to the content type, can it…
Undefined reference errors occurr when linking in Insure++ symbols in Ubuntu
In Ubuntu, linking errors with Insure++ (undefined references of Insure++ symbols, see examples below) are caused by a change in the default behavior of the linker from previous versions of Ubuntu. Error example: ".../Insure++/lib/libinsure.so: undefined reference to `Insure::Thread::startFunction()'" Explanation: This…
Performance Hits per second
Hi team I have got Performance server license assigned. My client requirement is to do Performance testing of 50000(50K) hits per second. Kindly help me with configurations to do the same. Load runner is using by Client
How to pass String ArrayList object to Service in SOATest
Hi All, I have a string Arraylist where i'm iterating cells from excel and saving it in list and passing the list to context like below(doing this using extenson tool object). When i access the list in Service the entire string response is going in the request. Actually, the arraylist contains list of String. Which has to…
how to use just the property of the json object from databank
Hi, would you please let me know how i can use just the property of the JSON object that i save to the databank.
Selenium webdriver
Hi, Can someone help me on setting up the Selenium WebDriver script with IE browser? Actually i want to validate an entry in UI after the API is executed. And my UI application will work only in IE browser. So thought to add an extension tool after the API step. From extension tool i will call the JAVA class file(Selenium…
C++test Cpptestcc Advanced Tutorial: Including Static Libraries Coverage
This is a second part to the following forum post: https://forums.parasoft.com/discussion/4423/c-test-latest-coverage-collecting-features#latest This post assumes that you understand how the basic of instrumenting source code for coverage collection via cpptestcc and how to use/build C++test Coverage Runtime libraries. We…
Close/Stop External Tool after TST is complete without killing all similar processes
While I can run an external tool in a setup test of a TST, I was wondering if there was an internal reference to the service/process id, or other mechanism, in which I could pass a kill or stop command to. ie...I start a batch file to enable an SSH connection before running the tests within a tst. after the tst is…
How to write in Writable Data source in runtime using java
Hi, How to write in Writable Data source in runtime using java. I have string value "utterances" String utterances = utteranceSheet.getRow(i).getCell(6).toString(); which i'm getting from excel sheet. Doing this in Java using Extension tool. Want to set this in writtable Data source. Writable Data source name :…
SOAP/Rest api's record and replay
I am evaluating Parasoft for capturing traffic for SOAP/Rest calls from my application, and replay the captured data in subsequent test environments without using real services. Can someone suggest if Parasoft can help in this linux based setups where there is no UI access? Also please suggest if there is any doc.…
Which scripting language is used to develop Loadtest Cli Script ? can I use the shellscript ?
var scenario = "Steady Load" var base = tests/loadtester/accuracytest/tests var category = Accuracy var test-name = 1-Profile-HPS open ${base}/${test-name}.lt loadtest -minutes ${minutes} -allReports ${report-home}/%d/${category}/${test-name} ${scenario} Does parasoft loadtest works with shell script? Is anyone develop…
How to pass iterated excel columns (String values) into Service request
Hello, I have iterated excel columns (String values) in an object. it has around 8 string values. How to pass it to Service request. I have tried passing as parameterized value, but the problem is, it is taking the last added value from the object and it is passed as input. Kindly suggest solutions. for (String scnr :…
How to download decrypted pdf document in Traffic response for get method call
Hi Team, We are getting a pdf file in response as decrypted format for Get method call. There is no option to download the file in response. Header : Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Temp.pdf" Same service working fine in Postman and able to download the pdf document, please let us know the download option for…
XML Filter
I have a responder which sends response with list of transactions for an account number. Is there a way that I can filter the xml response based on date or any other value before sending response?
Cannot find function
When creating a test case for a function (without processing), the C++ test tool cannot find the target of the corresponding function in the Drop-down menu.
Build artifact deployment to AWS EC2
Hi, I am working on a .net application.Output of my msbuild is dll. I want to deploy these dll's from Jenkins to AWS EC2 windows machine using scripted pipeline.What is the better way to do it?I am looking for any suggestions/example docs on this. Thanks, Saisirisha
Static Analysis Rule
Hi, I analyse my code with recommended rule set but I noticed the following thing; I can easly detect array out of bound for example; int scores[] {100, 90, 80}; for (int i = 0; i <= scores.size() ; i++) // I take a violation about array out of bound error { ..... } But I have a method which takes transpose of matris. My…
Using Data Source Correlation for dates in Responder
We have a responder, where we have set the data source correlation using account number. However, i also need to correlate the date which is coming in request as said below. Check if startDate which is coming in request is greater than or equal to the data source column value. Here DS has 10 rows where i need to check all…
Performance Tuning your Virtualize Server
For best performance when using a Virtualize server we recommend the following configurations Always run your server in "Headless mode" You can do this utilizing the soavirt.war deployable in a web server like tomcat or launching your Virtualize application with the virtualizecli executable Example:…
C++test latest Coverage Collecting Features
C++test has introduced a new functionality that will allow users to combine all coverage findings from their Static Libraries and/or previous runs into one report. We have introduced a new wrapper executable used to collect coverage, cpptestcc, and introduced a new fully customizable Runtime Coverage Library. I have put…
Read files from Secured remote directory(Linux)
Hi Team, I need the some option in Parasoft. That should function as same as"File Transfer Listener" or "File Event Listener". But one addition is to read file from secured remote directory(Linux). "File Transfer Listener" or "File Event Listener" - Both will work for reading the files from Local directory I am using…
IBM MQ Virtualize - "MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2393 (MQRC_SSL_INITIALIZATION_ERROR) '"
While Testing MQ connection is Parasoft getting the below error. Please help me in resolving this issue MQRC_SSL_INITIALIZATION_ERROR
Execute test only when the data source row value matches
I have a test with data source having multiple rows. In one of the columns I have YES & NO values where I need to execute the test for that particular row only when the row value matches with YES and skip the row where the value is NO Is there a way that I can achieve this ?
Unable to find "stdlib.h" during stub generation
Hi all, I'm currently working on a modification to some Linux kernel code, and while I've been able to generate a BDF for the entire kernel and can perform static analysis on my new/changed files without a problem, I can't seem to either generate stubs or run unit tests on the affected files (in file scope). For instance,…
Multiple Responses "Enable Correlation"
Hi Team, I have a set of address stored in my message tab under Multiple Responses "Enable Correlation", I would like to do a partial search, attached file for your reference. I used this approach but it did not work, Is there a way for me to search with partial Values with different conditions. If so could you please help…
Looking for scheme definition for working with fixed length messages
If one creates a Fixed Length responder, part of the responder configuration is the "Schema for Modeling Request Payload Using Form Input". Where can I find the specification for these schema files or get an example of a scheme file? I am going by the assumption that Fixed Length means not only is the length of the message…
Json schema validation
Do you have any feature to validate the json schema?
Working with Wind River Workbench in command line
Hi, We use. Parasoft with jenkins therefore we work in command line. For working with Wind River Workbench project how should we proceed?
Passing Multiple Documents Through a Java Application
Hello everyone. I've been trying to find an answer on this, but haven't had much luck. So for my project, I have a Java Application (JAR) which allows me to compare two SOAP responses from a data source, a baseline (external regression), and new responses; I used the Write File option to write the new responses, and…
Xpath - Extract element based on other element in the JSON response
I have a JSON response with following structure which is dynamic. I want to extract the account balance to a data bank of specific person eg:John "Details" : [ { "AccountBalance" : "6793", "Person" : "John" }, { "AccountBalance" : "3646", "Person" : "Peter"
Remote connections to C++Test and running multiple instances of it by the same user
Dear Sir/Madam I have installed a C++Test on a Windows server. I have one network license (1 licensed token) for this product. Please consider the following scenario: We have configured the windows server to permit multiple remote-connections to it by the same user name but with different sessions. Now, we connect remotely…
how can we use the POST method in virtual services for dynamic response.
we want to test the post method with dynamic input and also want the same responce from the virtual service 1) We are using service( https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet ) for post method with below request body: { "id": 4, "category": { "id": 0, "name": "string" }, "name": "Avik", "photoUrls": [ "string" ], "tags": [ {…
Comparing Json Responses
Consider I have 3 products with some requirments like colour and price . Initially they are in order P1 : {c1:p1} , P2 : {c2:p2} and P3 : {c3:p3} (Captured response). But from the server they are coming in order P2 , P1 and P3. Is there any way to compare these two responses in diff tool by ignoring order change ?
Need a link to install SoaTest 9.10.2
Need a link to install SoaTest 9.10.2
Static Analysis on isolated module (c-file)
Hello, I have an interest in simply open a module (c-file) into parasoft and executing one of the built-in Static Analysis sets, for example "Example Configurations". Is there any way to do this without creating a full build project and assigning a build system (CDT, microsoft, gcc, etc.) The module is part of a larger…
Jtest Unit Testing Offline Platform
Hi, How can I run unit test with jtestcli in offline platform?
Creating data.json for java project
Hi, I worked your example project demo which was java project. It included "demo.data.json" file. I did static analysis with using this "demo.data.json" file. I am trying to analyse my java project with Jtest static analysis and I need myproject data.json file. I don't know How can create "myproject.data.json" file. Could…
Multiple Datasource
I have 2 datasource table. One of the column has a key that matches the other datasource table. Is it possible to search for the key on the second datasource and pull the data from that specific row.
Signature validation
Hi team , Does anyone has any idea on the following error , on why it is occuring and how to solve that ? 401 SIGNATURE VALIDATION SERVICE PROCESSING EXCEPTION
Execution problem for cppunit format tests
Hi, I try to run cppunit format unit test in cpptest standalone ide with armcc compiler. Then I take the attached error. How can I fix it? Then I run the example which is provided from you. Your cppunit test did not work also. Your example was ATM. I took again the same error. The error attached to discussion. And I…
Ciphersuite Warning solution requested
When I am selecting an option in Ciphersuite(SSL_***) I am getting the below warning: "The selected Cipher suite is not supported by your JRE. you may need to use an IBM JRE" Please help in solving the issue Please let me know the name if any jars to be added
FTP client
Does anyone has any idea , on what to provide in the host for the FTP client. I am trying to connect to some server (kind of a storage location) having some files and I want to validate the files there .
Build id - character limit?
Do we have any character limit for the BUILD ID?
Unit testing via Jtest in command line
Hi, I want to unit test in command line with jtest. First of all I generate unit test in intellij ide using jtest then I try to run test via Jtestcli in command line. But at the end of the process "executed test cases :0" why can't I run these test? Normally these generated tests run in intellij ide successfully. How can I…
JTest Lisence Problem in command Line
Hi, I try to use Jtest in command line. When I run the command which is shown in attched image. The reply of the command is lisence feature not found. Normally in netbeans or intellij parasoft plugin to these ides and there is no problem for lisence. But in command line I took an error about lisence. Why this ase occur?…
Request from File and Response to Queue
Hi All, We have got a requirement that request file has to be read/taken from folder location & based on few fields it should send response to PUT queue. ie Request from file location & response to Queues(IBM MQ) Is that possible to do using Parasoft?
IBM MQ Virtualize - "MQJE001:Completion code 2: Reason '2397'(MQRC_JSSE_ERROR)"
Hi Team While testing my connection I am getting the below error. Please help me to solve this and establish the connection MQJE001:Completion code 2: Reason '2397'(MQRC_JSSE_ERROR)
Ciphersuite details in Virtualize
Is that mandate to add Ciphersuite details while creating Virtual Service. We don't have the option to mention the Ciphersuite details in Virtualize. Please help me on this
SOAtest assert on partial date/timestamp
Hi, I like to assert on a DB value containing a time stamp e.g. 2019-06-13 09:04:23.338024, by only considering the date part 2019-06-13 and neglecting the time. Can this be accomplished with a build in assertion of SOAtest or should this be implemented with a custom assertion? Thanks in advance . Regards , Daniel
RR Pairs - Hardcoding feasibility
Hi All, The below is the scenario we have got 30 set of Request and Response Pairs. We will be receiving any of the one request from application. How can we hard-code all RR pairs where Virtual responder will select & send the response based on request we receive. Note: We are not using Data set/Data repositories Ex: The…