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Programmatically create and deploy a virtual asset using the REST API
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This script will enable you to create and deploy an asset dynamically. This is useful when you want to create an asset on the fly. This uses the SOAVirt API.
#Server Settings VIRT_USER=admin VIRT_PASS=admin VIRT_HOST=localhost VIRT_PORT=9080 #Workspace Settings VA_SUBFOLDER=scratchpad ASSET_NAME=parabankRESTapi RESPONDER_NAME="Responder1" #Asset Settings ASSET_PAYLOAD='{\"account\":{\"balance\":5022.93,\"customerId\":12212,\"id\":13344,\"type\":\"CHECKING\"}}' MIME="application/json" REQUEST_TEMPLATE="http://localhost:8080/parabank/services/bank/accounts/13344" #Correlation Settings COR_PATH_ON=true COR_PATH="/services/bank/accounts/13344" COR_METHOD_ON=true COR_METHOD="GET" #Deployment Settings DEPLOYMENT_PATH="/parabank" #=================================================================================== #Ignore This ASSET_ID="/VirtualAssets/$VA_SUBFOLDER/$ASSET_NAME.pva" #Create the PVA file curl -v \ --user $VIRT_USER:$VIRT_PASS \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "ParasoftRefresh: true" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "name" : "'$ASSET_NAME'", "parent" : { "id" : "/VirtualAssets/'$VA_SUBFOLDER'" } }' \ http://$VIRT_HOST:$VIRT_PORT/soavirt/api/v5/files/pvas echo echo "===================================================================" echo "ASSET PAYLOAD IS ----->" $ASSET_PAYLOAD #Create a responder curl -v \ --user $VIRT_USER:$VIRT_PASS \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "type" : "messageResponder", "name" : "'$RESPONDER_NAME'", "parent" : { "id" : "'$ASSET_ID'/Responder Suite" }, "response" : { "inputMode" : "literal", "literal" : { "text" : "'$ASSET_PAYLOAD'", "type" : "text", "mimeType" : "'$MIME'" } }, "transportHeader" : { "httpTransportHeaders" : { "type" : "table", "httpHeadersTable" : { "rows" : [ ] } }, "type" : "table" }, "options" : { "requestTemplate" : { "requestUrlTemplate" : "'$REQUEST_TEMPLATE'", "requestMessageTemplate" : "" }, "requestHandling" : { "convertIncomingRequestToXmlBeforeResponderCorrelations" : true } }, "dataSource" : null, "assetDisabled" : false, "responderCorrelation" : { "transport" : { "enabled" : false, "headers" : [ { "name" : "SOAPAction", "value" : "SOAPAction" } ] }, "xmlMessage" : { "enabled" : false, "xpaths" : [ ] }, "urlParameters" : { "enabled" : false, "parameters" : [ ] }, "urlPath" : { "path" : "'$COR_PATH'", "enabled" : '$COR_PATH_ON' }, "httpMethods" : { "methods" : [ { "value" : "'$COR_METHOD'" } ], "enabled" : '$COR_METHOD_ON' } }, "dataSourceCorrelation" : { "enabled" : false, "failoverOptions" : { "continueSearchingIfCorrelationFails" : true }, "urlParameters" : [ ], "urlPaths" : [ ], "xmlMessage" : [ ] } }' \ http://$VIRT_HOST:$VIRT_PORT/soavirt/api/v5/tools/messageResponders echo echo "===================================================================" #Get the Deployment ID response=$(curl -vs \ --user $VIRT_USER:$VIRT_PASS \ -X GET \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ "http://$VIRT_HOST:$VIRT_PORT/soavirt/api/v6/virtualAssets?fields=id&pvaLocation=%2FVirtualAssets%2F$VA_SUBFOLDER%2F$ASSET_NAME.pva") DEP_ID=${response:25:50} echo $DEP_ID echo "===================================================================" #Set the deployment curl -v \ --user $VIRT_USER:$VIRT_PASS \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request PUT \ --data '{ "name": "'$ASSET_NAME'", "pvaLocation": { "id": "'$ASSET_ID'" }, "enabled": true, "description": "", "transports": { "http": { "path": "'$DEPLOYMENT_PATH'" } } }' \ http://$VIRT_HOST:$VIRT_PORT/soavirt/api/v5/virtualAssets/$DEP_ID echo echo "==================================================================="
If you want to supply a payload without escaping the quotes you can add the following conversion
ASSET_PAYLOAD='{"account":{"balance":5022.93,"customerId":12212,"id":13344,"type":"CHECKING"}}' echo $ASSET_PAYLOAD echo ASSET_PAYLOAD=${ASSET_PAYLOAD//\"/"\\\""} echo $ASSET_PAYLOAD
Im not sure if this will work all the time but for the simple case it saves time escaping
1 -
I get HTTP 404 on this step: http://localhost:9080/soavirt/api/v6/virtualAssets?fields=id&pvaLocation=/SSR/SSR-AT.pva