Running Regression Suite in multiple environments at the same time.

I want to run my Regression Test Cases in multiple environments at the same time. Can anyone please tell me asi am seeing only one environment we can set active at a particular moment.?
In you want such parallelization then you would need to run multiple instances of soatestcli at the same time. This may mean having SOAtest installed on multiple machines, each with its own license.
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Can't we achieve parallelization in single machine?
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Can't we achieve parallelization in single machine?
I expect you can run two instances of soatestcli on the same machine, provided both instances are licensed.
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I normally achieve such automation by having multiple VMs, each with SOAtest installed and licensed. I use a CI system (Jenkins in my case) to orchestrate the deployment of my AUT (application under test) and the triggering of my test jobs on my VMs in parallel.
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Thanks. I will try it using Jenkins.