Error - An error occurred and the suite could not be created.

Creating a VirtualAsset from a traffic file. Getting the following error when I use a traffic file generated manually:
Error - An error occurred and the suite could not be created. At least one group with matching messages must be defined before proceeding
Compare shows the files match perfectly. Ii checked encoding and linefeeds. Match.
When parsing a traffic file, what does Virtualize use to match request/response messages? From the docs it looks like it is simply the order:
HTTP Request1 Headers
HTTP Request1 Body
HTTP Response1 Headers
HTTP Response1 Body
HTTP Request2 Headers
HTTP Request2 Body
HTTP Response2 Headers
HTTP Response2 Body
It doesn't seem to pair up in my case. Is there some utility to validate a traffic file generated outside of Virtualize? Is there a traffic viewer that will allow me to open my traffic file to see if it displays correctly?
Hi, you can review how the messages were processed in the "Message Grouping Review" step of the Traffic Wizard. The view shows groups, processed pairs, invalid pairs, etc.