Kerberos Authentication
Hello, I am trying to setup Kerberos Authentication for a client and am running into some issues with the configuration of it. The help file states this: "To begin setting up Kerberos authentication in SOAtest, you must first place a file in the installation directory of SOAtest called kerberos.config. This file can be…
Documentation on Customizing Traffic Template
Do you have any documentation on customizing a traffic template? My goal is to create Fixed Message Responders from a traffic file. Without a traffic template, the "/soavirt/api/v5/files/pvas/traffic" call seems to default to Parameterized Message Responders. I have not found a way to save a traffic template from the…
how to capture and virtualize async response
Hi All, Please let me know if anybody has worked on to virtualize async response in PS virtualize. I need to know how we can capture and create a responder for the same. thanks!
How to differentiate between stub response and real response
Hi All, We are trying to Parasoft Virtualize in our test env, use case is as follows, If request data is found it in Data repository PS will send stub response back, but if data is not found it will forward the request to real endpoint, . My query here is how to identify if the response came back is from PS (stub) or from…
Need timeout == pass
Infinite loop timeoutI want C++Test to report a success if timeout is triggered. I have an infinitely looping task. I expect a timeout. I don't want the timeout reported as an error. Here is the basic setup of the function (which I am not free to change) ... void MyInfiniteTask(void) { while (TRUE) {…
REST API - Create PVA from Traffic File
Looking for examples of creating a PVA from a traffic file using the REST API. Any information or sample code would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, JT
Programmatically create and deploy a virtual asset using the REST API
This script will enable you to create and deploy an asset dynamically. This is useful when you want to create an asset on the fly. This uses the SOAVirt API. #Server SettingsVIRT_USER=adminVIRT_PASS=adminVIRT_HOST=localhostVIRT_PORT=9080#Workspace…
Traffic File Validator
Is there any way to validate a traffic file that was generated by an outside utility? Thanks, JT
Error - An error occurred and the suite could not be created.
Creating a VirtualAsset from a traffic file. Getting the following error when I use a traffic file generated manually: Error - An error occurred and the suite could not be created. At least one group with matching messages must be defined before proceeding Compare shows the files match perfectly. Ii checked encoding and…
SOATEST returning error when trying to update the Xpath with string functions
I was asserting on the below response against my database value which is supposed to be Response from the service for scoreDate: 2017-03-16T12:45:25-04:00 Database value for scoreDate: 2017-03-16 12:45:25 (Expected value) I am passing the List name as a parameter from my Datasource excel sheet('ExpectedIPList' column). So…
FOR LOOP in xpath reg-ex
for $item in (/root/Json[1]/item[*]) return $item/account[1]/text() the above statement return no.of items, whereas applying replacement is not working for $item in (/root/Json[1]/item[*]) return replace($item/account[1]/text(),'abc','xyz') It returns only the top row.
SOATEST - How to assert on blank values
I am using SOATest (9.9) and in my JSON response I am asserting on an element (status) which can have a value or null value. I am trying to assert this against my datasource column 'status'. I added the below assertions in this case and did the below: 1) Added a Value Assertion for the element 'status' and parameterized it…
How to find new violations for particular rule id using rest api?
Summary on what I am trying to do: During the pull request we want to find new violations by comparing target and base builds. We have list of rules IDs checked in code in yaml file. If any new violations are from those rule IDs then we plan to fail the build. that is why we need api to get the information and not in the…
Unable to correlate the responder with all the data rows returned from DB results
With respect to Responders, I'm adding a DB tool as output and querying the results and storing in XML data bank. The query returns multiple rows of data, but the responder is able to pick only 1 row of data. Please help me a solution on how to correlate with multiple rows of data from DB results. Step 1 – Created…
Unable to correlate the responder with all the data rows returned from DB results
With respect to Responders, I'm adding a DB tool as output and querying the results and storing in XML data bank. The query returns multiple rows of data, but the responder is able to pick only 1 row of data. Please help me a solution on how to correlate with multiple rows of data from DB results. Step 1 – Created…
Capture response
Can we capture any part of data from the response and save in an external excelsheet for REST API in Parasoft SOA
Is there a setting to set the number of threads in LT? I did not see any. Is there a default it uses? thx
Oracle SQL Developer using SOATest
I am new to this tool and I want to use oracle sql deverloper using soatest tool. Can anyone please help me how to configure and use.?
xml difference ignoring key/value pairs when there is a specific key
Hi all, I am trying to do an xml comparison using the Diff tool, however this xml contains key/value pairs (RefType/RefInfo) where some of those values are dynamic while others are static. Below is an example where I tried to use the Diff tool (xml). However the diff tool doesn't recognize the xpath expression I have…
"Scope Settings" Menu inside Parasoft Project Properties
I looked at your documentation to try to get more information into what these options in this menu do. I found a lot on how to use it, and what each of the options are for, but it did not explain what the impact would be on utilizing these settings? For example, I know that it doesn't run code coverage or static analysis,…
Adding boolean as payload field type - Enhancement
Currently, there are only three options for a payload input field type. This prevent the easy UI option of selecting a true/false value for a field. This can be done, by editing the literal values to remove the quotes around true or false, or setting these manually. It would be nice if another field option could be added…
how to provide test data based on Environment into API Call?
I have rest call which will take country as input parameter. At the same time i have dev and test environments. When dev environment active , my country should take USA as value ,in case test environment is active then country should take Canada as input in parasoft SOA test. Can you help me on this
The ParasoftSOAtest executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library
Hi There, our coop is installing Parasoft SOA Test for the first time in his machine. While installing at the end of the installation he gets a dialog box saying The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library. But SOA completes the installation when he runs the SOA shortcut, it's showing…
Issue in using Write File Tool in SOATest Response.
I am using Write File Tool to write the output in different file formats but when i am using word file the response is not coming in proper format for eg. in case of xml response i am not getting the xml tags. Can anyone help me..?
BDF working directory
Hi, I created my bdf and everything works as it should. However, i notice in the .bdf file the working directory has an absolute directory, eg working directory = /home/chris/workspace1/projname/ Is there are smart way to update the the .bdf file to have a relative path so if I open my project in a new workspace it will…
Virtualize : Map DB Tool Result Sets To XML Response
How to map multiple rows returned from resultSet to the XML response ? We have a SOAP Message responder having below xml response. I need to parameterize the account numbers in the response <findTransactions> <transactions><accountNumber></accountNumber></transactions> </findTransactions> In the above xml response the…
Running Regression Suite in multiple environments at the same time.
I want to run my Regression Test Cases in multiple environments at the same time. Can anyone please tell me asi am seeing only one environment we can set active at a particular moment.?
DB Tool - ORA-12519 error
I'm trying to connect to Oracle DB using DB Tool, when I run the test it gives me the below error. Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found 66000 What could be the reason ? I did try with some other connection string for same Oracle DB and it worked fine.…
Can Loadtest CLI be executed without saving reports?
Loadtest is taking too much time to save the reports. My requirement not to save the report and launch the multiple batches sequentially back to back without saving any reports. Therefore, i do not want to pass an argument not to save the report . Would it work ? Thanks in advance for your support.
Running a specified action/test after a test case
I would like to know if there is a way to do an action after a test case is done. Here's my scenario: I would like to create a lot of tests for HTTP POST, which updates records. After a test case is done, I would like to revert back the values of my record using another API call, and use it for another test, or use it for…
External tool call .net code
Is the external tool able to call a .net dll file directly? Would it work if the dll is compile as an executable? If so what would be the value of the flag? Would I be able to pass in parameters?
Soap Fault: [InvalidSecurity]: An error occurred when verifying security for the message
I'm new to SOAtest and just trying to get a simple WSDL operation to go to an endpoint and return a response. We require a Basic authentication with a Username and Password, which I provide. I keep getting this error no matter how basic the operation request I use. I am an avid SoapUI user and these work without a problem.…
SOAtest: Call Excel application from Extension Tool
Hi, In order to recalculate the formulas in our Excel datasource, we need MS Excel to open en save the workbook before running the test. This can be accomplished by calling an external bat script, but this not preferred, from maintenance perspective. With jython/java I need the 'os' class in order to use e,g,…
Using CRUD tool to automatically update data repositories
Hi, I need to update my data repository with new data that I sent with a request. Its a SOAP request. Right now I am manually performing that task but need to automate it. I got to know that using CRUD tool we can achieve it. Can you give a better insight on how to do this particular task?
To Use Response of one test case in another test case.
Hi, I have 2 test cases one is CreateTicket and other is UpdateTicket. Now when i will run CreateTicket Test Case i will get one ticketID in response xml which i have to use in request xml of updateTicket test case as i want to update that ticket. Can anyone tell me the process of doing this..?
SOAtest using dynamic Excel Datasources
Hi, I use _dynamic _Excel sheet (XSLX) as a datasource for the DBtool to make sql inserts. The Excel =TODAY -formula is used to put today's date in a field. This works well, also with highly concatenatied queries. OK. However on the long run it seems that SOAtest is treating such a datasource as static, because when I…
SOAtest: Extension Tool parameterize Datasource File Path
Hi, I have got simple jython script, written in Extension tool to refresh the Excel(xls) datasource, just by opening it and saving it to disk again: from com.parasoft.api import * from org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import * from java.io import * DATASOURCENAME = "Vul_Tabel_DS"…
change TST file format from compressed XML to XML
Hi Team, Very Good Morning :) I am using SaoTest tool for more than 2 year. It make easy API testing and performance testing. But there are some loop wholes ,that might need up-gradation to these tool. or it might happen there is solution to below issues but I am not aware. I am facing below issues in soatest. 1. Once you…
Changing a value of an xml field after extracting from request
I am trying to extract the "ns1: month" field from the following request using XML Databank and then increase the value by 3 and populate it in response. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> CallingAppCode VLM0 RZZCA82 26 06 2019 Q . Please suggest a solution for this.
How to stop a Test Suite even if one test fails
Hi, Is there a way to stop the execution of entire test suite if at least one test in that suite fails. Thanks in advance, Lakshmi
Kerberos authentication issue
We are being skuppered by Kerberos auth once we route the traffic through our proxy. We have no control over the downstream connectivity. It must remain HTTPS. And the credentials must be authenticated by SECAF via Kerberos. Error message once behind the proxy : • SPNEGO not supported error page • Message from SPNEGO Web…
I need to perform bulk deployment of stubs in parasoft virtualise
Bulk deployment of stubs need to be done in parasoft virtualise , presently i am deploying each stub individually which is taking too much time. So is there any method in parasoft virtualise so that i can deploy all my stubs at once on my server.
How can I automate PDF form signing SOA test
Thanks in advance
Explanation/index of log files
Could someone point me to the documentation that outlines which log files contain what information on a system running SOAtest and Virtualize with CTP? I am debugging some issues and at this time just randomly or best guessing which logs files I should be looking at. Hoping to find something that says "catalina log files…
Unable to generate the Test Suite
Hi Team, I am trying to generate the TestSuite for a .cpp file present in the project. The projects builds fine without any errors. The .out file gets generated. Trying to create as - Right click on the .cpp-> Parasoft -> Test Using -> User Defined -> Unit Testing -> Generate Test Suites. The error displayed in the console…
How would the user know whether he is using the real asset or virtual asset?
Hi All, can anyone let me know if there is any way for the user to know whether he is using a real asset or virtual asset.
CTP Deployment option for MQ
Hi Team Can you help with the options for deploying MQ based virtual services which created & deployed in local Admin now Detailed: * Created Virtual asset & deployed in Virtualize server - Local Machine(Admin) * Now the plan is to deploy the asset to central server(CTP)
Text Data validation
While Running a request i am getting response in text format for eg. INC000003425644. How to verify it using soatest tool.
Unable to replace a tag value from External excel(Static)
Hi Team I am trying to pass static date from external excel data for response data tag. But the value is not able to pass and attached the steps and different responses I am getting via table data source & external excel data source. --> Table data source the value is passing without an issue --> External data source…
Virtualize : Use Database as datasource and parameterize SQL query
We are using excel as a datasource and parameterized the responder response. Since excel has limitations on rows , I wanted to use Database as a datasource. But, if i use database , the query needs to be parameterized since account number i use is unique every time. Based on the account number i need to get the rows from…