Launch cpptest with a specific workspace and modify PROJECT_LOC variable
I have two queries.
1). I wish to know how to launch the cpptest GUI and specify a workspace to open rather than the default (not sure where this is set either).
2). How to modify the PROJECT_LOC so that projects can be shared with multiple people. Parasoft is able to pick on the PARENT_LOC and WORKSPACE_LOC based on the absolute path but PROJECT_LOC is stale (points to the old location).
Example for #2:
workspace and project are created by user1 with
PARENT_LOC = c:\user1\project\parasoft
WORKSPACE_LOC = c:\user1\parasoft
.parasoft, .cproject and .project files are properly located in the WORKSPACE_LOC. Linked Resources are all relative path setting to allow for workspace/projects to be shared
now user2 retrieves the Parasoft workspace/project and puts it into c:\user2 folder
PARENT_LOC and WORKSPACE_LOC are updated as expected but PROJECT_LOC still points to the old location and isn't updated to c:\user2\project\src as expected and Parasoft won't allow this to be changed within the properties --> linked resource-->Path Variables window.
It would be helpful if any user retrieves the workspace/project and puts into their own filesystem structure and not have to modify or changes the path variables. and since the relative path is set, all files and setting beyond these settings are also valid and no further configuration is necessary.
Thank you,
Satyajit Ketkar
slight correction on the locations...
workspace and project are created by user1 with
PARENT_LOC = c:\user1\project\parasoft
WORKSPACE_LOC = c:\user1\project\parasoft
PROJECT_LOC=c:\user1\project\srcuser2 retrieves the workspace/project into their location and the path variables are as below.
PROJECT_LOC=c:\user1\project\src0 -
Hi @sketkar,
You can specify the workspace of your C++test IDE by using the command cpptest.exe -data /PATH/TO/WORKSPACE below is a screenshot of this in action. A quick to do this is to set up a shortcut to cpptest.exe. This can be done by right-clicking on the file and select create shortcut.
This will open C++test in a new workspace
The only reason that I can think at this moment for scenario 2 to happen is that you're referring your project from an external location rather than the workspace project.
Which of the following was selected when you initially created your C++test project.
I would recommend using "Use workspace location" if you haven't done so already.