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Connecting parasoft soa test to Aerospike
It depends on how you want to use Aerospike in your tests. If you want to use them as data sources, then using the Aerospike JDBC connector (https://github.com/anandintouch/aerospike-jdbc-connector) along with a DB data source (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9107/Adding+a+Data+Source+at+the+Test+Suite,+Project,+or+Global+Level#AddingaDataSourceattheTestSuite,Project,orGlobalLevel-ConfiguringaDatabaseDataSourceConfiguringaDatabaseDataSource) probably makes the most sense . If you simply want to validate values within the Aerospike DB, then you could use the JDBC connector with a DB Tool (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9107/DB). Otherwise you could use the Aerospike Java client within an Extension Tool.