Cannot instantiate class:

We are trying to use JNDI connections in queue browser by specifying connectionFactory= com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory in parasoft Virtualise queue browser but I am getting error as below for
I am using as well as fscontext-4.2.jar
Cannot instantiate class:
Could not create JMS InitialContext instance:
Cannot instantiate class:
Can someone help in what is wrong here
Did you add IBM MQ client jar(s)?
In recent versions of IBM MQ it is an "".
The JNDI file system provider (RefFSContextFactory) needs to be able to load classes referenced in your .bindings file which in this case are classes from the IBM MQ java client.
See IBM MQ client jar info and Adding Required jar Files.0 -
hi how do i know to download since in Parasoft virtualise i can see ibm webshpehere mq do i need to install ibm mq version 9 jar , also it mentioneds activemq-.jar and spring-1.x.jar from where do i download all the required jars? i got isnt this right one?
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Which jar you needed is going to be base on what version of WebSphere MQ your application is using. I would contact who ever owns your WebSphere MQ server to find out what client jar you need or someone who works on the application that will be connecting to the virtual service since they would also potentially know what version the WebSphere MQ server.
Those other two jars are unrelated to WebSphere MQ so you should not need them.
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Hi william i downloaded parasoft virtualise 9.10.8 version in which i found ibm mq was present for virtualise server in transport is it possible to track which version of MQ i am using through parasoft team
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The version of WebSphere MQ client jar is going to be based on the WebSphere MQ server in your infrastructure that you are connecting to.
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At server side we are using Websphere MQ version 7. I have downloaded all below jars and added in System Properties but still I am getting below error in my Event Monitor.
Error Message:
Could not create JMS InitialContext instance:
dhbcore.jar am not able to find mqcontext.jar (I think this is required for Initial Context Factory). Can someone tell me the location of this jar in product package so that I can
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That jar comes from IBM. You would have to check their documentations, etc. to find where to get the proper jar files.
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RefFSContextFactory and WMQInitialContextFactory are two different InitialContextFactory implementations. Typically you use one or the other. IBM doesn't provide the jar for WMQInitialContextFactory (mqcontext.jar) anymore so it can be difficult to acquire. So, I typically see RefFSContextFactory (fscontext.jar) being used instead. If you are using RefFSContextFactory and using a JNDI provider URL pointing to a folder containing a .bindings file, then I'm not sure offhand why you would see message about something trying to load WMQInitialContextFactory.
IBM docs for creating .bindings file that can be used for RefFSContextFactory which shouldn't require WMQInitialContextFactory: -
Hi Benken,
I tried with with fscontext.jar in system properties but still I am getting below error.
Error Message:
Could not create JMS InitialContext instance: Details:
Cannot instantiate class: walk-through the bindings file article which you have shared. At server side already there is QueueManager created as part of MQ setup but as a client I don't have any JMSAdmin.config at my local machine from where I am executing SOATest.
So I am not sure that how point 3-5 are applicable from a client perspective. DO I need some additional setup on my local for MQ ?
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"" is the wrong class name.
Didn't you mention using "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"?
Didn't you already create a .binding file with JMSAdmin tool?0