SOATest -After posting message through MQ , body of the content alone displayed as Encryptedvalue

After Posting the XML Message through MQ in one Queue. Message body alone displayed as Encrypted value. Need to know is there any option to update the configuration to get the same message in Destination also.
After Posting the XML Message through MQ in one Queue. Message body alone displayed as Encrypted value.
Can you please provide a little more detail?
You are referring to IBM MQ, right?
What tool are you using? Messaging Client? SOAP Client?
Where are you see message body displayed as encrypted? Traffic viewer or somewhere else?
Are you expecting the outgoing message to be encrypted? If so, how is it being encrypted? Are you using an Extension Tool chained to the Outgoing Request output, or XML Encryption tool, or some other way?
Need to know is there any option to update the configuration to get the same message in Destination also.
Can you please provide a little more detail?
What configuration are you referring to? What are your current configuration settings?
It sounds like you successfully put a message on the destination, right? By "same message" are you saying you want to put a message on a queue then pull the exact same message immediately off the same queue again?
You can configure a Call Back tool or Event Monitor to pull messages from queues. The Messaging/SOAP Client tools can also be configured to retrieve a message after sending one.
If something isn't working as you expect, please be specific about what you did and what behavior you saw, like if you are seeing a particular error message.