Condition data fetch in databank using regular expression

Hi Team,
I have a situation to fetch the data based on another data value.
In this below example, i have to fetch the name which id matches with 555
"customerName" : "Che",
"AccountType" : "Savings",
"Country" : "Argentina",
"id" : "222"
} ,
"customerName" : "Nepolean",
"AccountType" : "Savings",
"Country" : "France",
"id" : "111"
"customerName" : "Hitler",
"AccountType" : "Savings",
"Country" : "Germany",
"id" : "555"
Hi Udaya,
To do this, you will need to use a JSON Databank with a custom XPath value.
The XPath you're looking for is going to be something like this:
/root/customers[1]/item[id="555"]/customerName/text()Keep in mind that to make the above JSON valid, I had to wrap it in a root element, hence the "customers" in the XPath
Additionally if you need to, you also have the ability to parameterize the id that the XPath is looking for with ${dataColumn} notation, but note that if you do, you will no longer be able to use the Evaluate XPath option in the databank editor.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks. We were trying by putting double quotes for id
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Hi, how can I make custom xpath if need to fetch based on a key string present.
For example
if saving is present in AccountType then only fetch. Occurrence of this is not fixed.
"customerName" : "Hitler",
"AccountType" : "XYZ_Savings_XYZ",
"Country" : "Germany",
"id" : "555"
}0 -
What about "/root/AccountType[contains(text(),'Savings')]/text()"?