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Dynamic Data Element

lukeliwanag Posts: 36

Hi Everyone,

We're building a new service and one of the requirement for this is to have a dynamic Data Element

request looks like this:

"ClientDetails": {
"ECIF2314718598": {
"Address": {
"PostalAddress": {
"PostalCode": "R6W 1H7",
"City": "WINKLER",
"Province": "MB"

response should look like this:

"AdjResult": {
"pyCategory": "C",
"pyID": "202006230000012725",
"ClientDetails": {
"ECIF2314718598": {
"RiskLvl": 105,
"RiskCIF": "N",
"AppDebtIncomeRatio": "2",
"TotalMultipleLiability": 16600.00,
"CardRegion": 3

The bolded items per payload are always changing. pretty much that's the primary key being passed from the request. is there a way to do this in Parasoft virtualize 9.10?


  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    Is the desire to extract the dynamic field name from the incoming request and then use that same dynamic name in the response?

    In that case, you could start with a JSON data bank and use an XPath like the following, local-name(/root/ClientDetails[1]/*[1]), to get the name of the field. For the response, you will have to set it into Literal mode and then use ${} to parameterize the field name.

    Let me know if that helped!

  • lukeliwanag
    lukeliwanag Posts: 36

    Hi William,

    This helped a lot! thank you.