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Parasoft Standalone License Server

pprakash Posts: 5

Are we going to support Open JDK and Tomcat 9.x in the upcoming version of Parasoft Standalone License Server i,e 2020.2 ?.

Because I can see in the documentation it's mentioned we do have support for the below

  • Java 8
  • Tomcat 8.5

Link for document:- "https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SVC20201/Installing+Parasoft+License+Server#InstallingParasoftLicenseServer-Prerequisites".

Best Answer


  • pprakash
    pprakash Posts: 5

    Thanks for your answer. I got that the Parasoft standalone license server 2020.1 has shipped with Tomcat 9.x.

    Could you please let me know about Open JDK support?

  • JeehongMin
    JeehongMin Posts: 37 ✭✭

    DTP and LSS 2020.1 work with openJDK. Documentation will be updated for 2020.2