how to send different response wrt request for same service

I have a situation where i need to send different response for different request body but the service is same.
for example: below service triggered on search page, after clicking add to cart, on product details page.
different request:
and the response also different for each request body. so while creating virtual asset using traffic file i did not get any corelation options, so it's not working properly.
i have attached the traffic file
Nihar Arisal
Hi Nihar1991,
correct me, if I'm wrong, but it looks that request body should be unique.
If this is true then user body content correlation. More information you can find in documentation here Customizing Request Matching and Correlations
Check part regarding Request Body Correlations.
Keep in mind, that you can use more then one element from request to correlate response.--
Ireneusz Szmigiel -
Hi Ireneusz Szmigiel,
yes, the request body for the same services is different. and if we use request body correlation, it's taking one req/res pair. so we are getting same response for any kind of request. and also we did not get any autocorrelation while creating a virtual asset.
can you please help me with this.Thanks
Nihar Ranjan Arisal0