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2 response for same request one web service and one MQ in same responder

sidhu Posts: 36

Hi wanted to check can we have one responder giving 2 responses webservice call synch response from webservices and aysch MQ response for same request in Virtualize.


  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭


    To do that you would set up a responder for the sync response, then chain a client tool to that responder to send the async message over MQ. The responder would send the MQ message and then respond sync to the original request.

    Would that work for your use case?

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    how to chain a client to responder by using extension tool

  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭


    I would recommend a Messaging Client, instead of an extension tool. The extension tool is for when you need to script something. To chain a Messaging Client to responder right click on the responder, then choose "Add output" in that menu select "Incoming Request" > "Payload" then pick a Messaging Client.

    Then configure the Messaging Client to use the MQ transport and set the message you want to send.

    Hope this helps!

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    hi how to chain a client tool to that responder to send the async message over MQ.

  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    Right-click on the responder, "Add Output" > "Incoming Request" > "Payload", select Messaging click from the panel on the right, you may have to scroll down.

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    Can the responder would send the MQ message as respose to the original request using messgaing client as chain

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    aysnc response

  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭


    Yes, when the responder receives the request it will first send the MQ message, then send the response to the "sync" caller. The Messaging Client can be configured so that it will just send the MQ message without looking for an MQ response so that it does not block. This should simulate the "async" response.

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    Hi williammccusker i created plain xml responder with xml response and http endpoint . Added output to xml responder as incoming request->payload as messaging client where i configured second response transport as MQ connection . When i am testing using SOAtest xml request i am receiving response as plain xml responder response but i am not gettting second response which is configured in messaging client . where am i going wrong where i am expecting 2 responses for 1 xml soap request.

  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭


    Is the HTTP request is getting the response from the MQ messaging client? Is that correct? Double-check where the messaging client is attached. If it is attached to the Outgoing response then it would replace the parent responders' message and send that back to the HTTP client.

    If that is not the case could you share your pva file? So that I can see where tools are attached?

  • sidhu
    sidhu Posts: 36

    Yes http request should be getting 2 responses 1 from web service xml responder and second from mQ messaging client for same requestr 2 responses