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About DTP DTP is a Centralized Reporting Dashboard that can display back the results received from the Parasoft tools and provide advance analytics to verify quality in your application. It provides Widgets to be placed on a personalized dashboard that show a piece of the applications quality to help the user see what…
Hello, Is there any video related to how to use a java code to read incoming request and produce a response according to it?
I am trying to figure out the best solution for running static analysis and unit tests on all of our C++ code. There are 3 different pieces of hardware that our code runs on. We have sections of our code that are compiled out depending on name we pass in to the compiler, IE: “-DHW1”. This is the primary way our main…
This is a simple guide to migrate Parasoft Selenic history data to another machine. Currently, Selenic stores analysis history data in /parasoft/recorded_data in user home directory. Simply move the content of recorded_data folder to the new machine under the same directory. For example, if we are migrating to a Linux…
Hey everyone! Often in organizations, users will want to be able to spread the work that they have done with others, allowing progress to be shared. Virtualize is no exception to this rule, as there will be many times across a team where users will want to be able to access the same virtual endpoint as opposed to the real…
My groovy is generating an xml tag and need to inject it in a soap request? what are the probable way in which we can handle this scenario? files store important information regarding Parasoft tool's stored configurations as well as project parameters. A file is required to utilize CLI integration, back up an installation, or transfer configurations from one installation to another. You will first need to to…
Guidelines about posting questionsIf you are using Insure++ and are running into some problem, please make sure you provide the following information at the beginning or end of your post: OS Architecture (x86, x64, etc.) Compiler Insure++ version If the problem is a compile/link time problem, include your compile/link…
Hey everyone! When designing a virtual service, users will often want to make sure that the virtual service will respond in a similar fashion to the live service that it is trying to mock. In order to do this to the fullest extent, we have the ability to create performance profiles. What are performance profiles?…
The post below assumes all the software and hardware requirements for host machine (where C/C++test is installed) on are met, which is a prerequisite for all testing with C/C++test. Please see the "Installation and Licensing" page in the C/C++test Help documentation for the detailed requirements. The information you will…
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