Import of DTP database from 2022.1 to 2024.2 database (both MySQL) is very slow
The old MySQL DB (version 8.0) is on VM.
The new MySQL DB (vesion 8.4) is in Kubernetes.
The new configuration of parasoft DTP is also on Kubernetes
The exported file size dtp_backup.sql is 82GB
The command to import is
kubectl exec -it -n -- bash -c "mysql -u root -p < /tmp/dtp_backup.sql"
The import took ~120 hours.
The next step, database update from DTP 2022.1 to 2024.2 is already running ~24 hours and the estimation is more 13 hours.
Is the import and the update runtime expected?
Any idea how can I improve this?
Import of backup.sql depends on several factors:
- hardware - CPU, RAM
- file storage - SSD is much faster than HDD
- MySQL configuration
Regarding the database update, the same factors would apply. There are 2 important database updates:
- 2022.2 - Database Updator 284 - This update rebuilds two tables, FINDING and FINDING_SET_L1_FINDING. For databases with large amounts of static analysis data, this may take hours.
- 2023.1 - Database Updator 294 - This update rebuilds a database table that stores the names of files that have been analyzed by tools sending results to DTP. For DTP databases with large amounts of reported files, this may take an hour or more.
13 hours for the import and ~37 hours for database update seems quite slow. There is not much you can do right now, but you may want to look into upgrading your hardware, especially file storage, in the future.