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Rest API to Get All Message Responders in a Given Virtual Asset


I am looking for a REST API to get all the responders associated with a given virtual asset, identified by an 'id' parameter.
When I run the GET API on a virtual asset, it does not list the associated responders.
Thank you!

Best Answer

  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 683 ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    The information about responders would be in the pva file. If you looking for all responders in pva file you then this API endpoint will get that. It includes the Responder Suites and all Responders.

    http://[host and port]/soavirt/api/v6/descendants/assets?id=%2FVirtualAssets%2Fecho.pva

    Hope this helps!


  • alemayehu_bofa
    alemayehu_bofa Posts: 12

    Hi williammccusker, yes, that is exactly what i was looking for. THANK YOU for the very quick reply!!